_ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents.... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 1 of 8 Introduction... Welcome to the Phrack Inc. Philes. Basically, we are a group of phile writers who have combined our philes and are distributing them in a group. This newsletter-type project is home-based at Metal Shop. If you or your group are interested in writing philes for Phrack Inc. you, your group, your BBS, or any other credits will be included. These philes may include articles on telcom (phreaking/hacking), anarchy (guns and death & destruction) or kracking. Other topics will be allowed also to an certain extent. If you feel you have some material that's original, please call and we'll include it in the next issue possible. Also, you are welcomed to put up these philes on your BBS/AE/Catfur/ Etc. The philes will be regularly available on Metal Shop. If you wish to say in the philes that your BBS will also be sponsering Phrack Inc., please leave feedback to me, Taran King stating you'd like your BBS in the credits. Later on. TARAN KING 2600 CLUB! METAL SHOP SYSOP This issue is Volume One, Issue One, released on November 17, 2025. Included are: 1 This Introduction to Phrack Inc. by Taran King 2 SAM Security Article by Spitfire Hacker 3 Boot Tracing on Apple by Cheap Shades 4 The Fone Phreak's Revenge by Iron Soldier 5 MCI International Cards by Knight Lightning 6 How to Pick Master Locks by Gin Fizz and Ninja NYC 7 How to Make an Acetylene Bomb by The Clashmaster 8 School/College Computer Dial-Ups by Phantom Phreaker Call Metal Shop and leave feedback saying the phile topic and where you got these philes to get your article in Phrack Inc. _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 2 of 8 ::>Hacking SAM - A Description Of The Dial-Up Security System<:: ::>Written by Spitfire Hacker<:: SAM is a security system that is being used in many colleges today as a security feature against intrusion from the outside. This system utilizes a dial-back routine which is very effective. To access the computer, you must first dial the port to which SAM is hooked up. The port for one such college is located at (818) 885- 2082. After you have called, SAM will answer the phone, but will make no other responses (no carrier signals). At this point, you must punch in a valid Login Identification Number on a push-button phone. The number is in this format -- xxyyyy -- where xx is, for the number mentioned above, 70. 'yyyy' is the last 4 digits of the valid user's telephone number. If a valid LIN is entered, SAM will give one of 3 responses: 1) A 1 second low tone 2) A 1 second alternating high/low tone 3) A tone burst Responses 1 and 2 indicate that SAM has accepted your passcode and is waiting for you to hang up. After you hang up, it will dial the valid users phone number and wait for a second signal. Response 3 indicates that all of the outgoing lines are busy. If SAM accepts your passcode, you will have to tap into the valid users line and intercept SAM when it calls. If you do this, then hit the '*' key on your phone. SAM will respond with a standard carrier, and you are in! That's all that I have hacked out so far, I will write more information on the subject later. -%>Spitfire Hacker<%- 2600 Club! ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 3 of 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / Boot Tracing Made Easy / / Written by / / ________________ / / \Cheap/ \Shades/ / / \___/ \____/ / / 2600 CLUB! / / / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ Be sure to call \ \ \ \ Kleptic Palice......(314)527-5551 \ \ 5 Meg BBS/AE/CF \ \ Metal Shop..........(314)432-0756 \ \ Elite BBS (Home of 2600 CLUB! \ \ and Phrack Inc. ) \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ About 3 or four years ago, a real good friend of mine was teaching a ML Programming course for the Apple 2 series. I, being a good friend and quite bored, asked him about cracking Apple games. He told me that he had spent the last summer cracking programs. He showed me a method that he came up with entirely on his own, boot tracing. Little did he know that this was already quite popular but he developed his own method for doing it which from reading other files about it, is the simplest I've ever seen. (To give you an idea, I had SN0GGLE (I've never played the game but a friend had it on disk.) completely loaded into memory ready to be dumped in about 12 minutes.) Ok, first of all, ALL programs can be boot traced. The only thing is that some may not be easily converted into files. The only programs that you should try if you aren't real good at ML, are ones that load completely into memory. Also to do this you will need a cassette recorder. (don't worry the program we will save won't take too long to save, and if all goes well it will only be saved loaded once.) I hate learning the theory behind anything so I'm not gonna give any theory behind this. If you want the theory, read some other phile that does this the hard way. First make sure your cassette recoder works by BLOADing some program and typing: CALL -151 AA60.AA73 You'll see something that looks like this: AA60-30 02 xx xx xx xx xx xx AA68-xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx AA70-xx xx 00 08 or whatever...The 30 02 is the length ($0230 bytes). The 00 08 is the starting address ($0800). Oh well, now you need to try and save the program. Type: 800.A2FW (A2F=$800+$230-1) 1000<800.A2FM 800:00 N 801<800.A2FM 800.A2FR 1000<800.A2FV Once you are sure that the cassette works, (by the way do be stupid and try that on a //c!) we can get to the good stuff... First move the ROM boot-up code into RAM...(all steps will be from the monitor * prompt.) 8600 The 2600 Club! =============================================================================== _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 6 of 8 How to Pick Master Locks By Gin Fizz & Ninja NYC Have you ever tried to impress your friends by picking one of those Master combination locks and failed? Well then read on. The Master lock company has made this kind of lock with a protection scheme. If you pull the handle of it hard, the knob won't turn. That was their biggest mistake...... Ok, now on to it. 1st number. Get out any of the Master locks so you know what's going on. 1: The handle part (the part that springs open when you get the combination), pull on it, but not enough so that the knob won't move. 2: While pulling on it turn the knob to the left until it won't move any more. Then add 5 to this number. Congradulations, you now have the 1st number. 2nd number. (a lot tougher) Ok, spin the dial around a couple of times, then go to the 1st number you got, then turn it to the right, bypassing the 1st number once. WHEN you have bypassed. Start pulling the handle and turning it. It will eventually fall into the groove and lock. While in the groove pull on it and turn the knob. If it is loose go to the next groove; if it's stiff you got the second number. 3rd number: After getting the 2nd, spin the dial, then enter the 2 numbers, then after the 2nd, go to the right and at all the numbers pull on it. The lock will eventually open if you did it right. If can't do it the first time, be patient, it takes time. Have phun... Gin Fizz/2600 Club!/TPM Ninja NYC/TPM _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 7 of 8 .-------------------------------------------------------------. ! /////// ! ! // ! ! // h e C l a s h m a s t e r ' s ! ! .===============================. ! ! < A C E T Y L E N E > ! ! < ->B A L L O O N<- > ! ! < ---->B O M B<---- > ! ! `===============================' ! ! Written exclusively for... ! ! The Phrack Inc. ! ! 2600 Club ! ! Newsletter 11/01/85! `-------------------------------------------------------------' Imagine this. A great, inflated, green garbage bag slowly wafting down from a tall building. It gains some speed as it nears the ground. People look up and say, "What the....?" The garbage bag hits! *BOOM!!!* It explodes in a thundering fireball of green bits of plastic and flame! "What is this?" you may ask. Well, this is the great "Acetylene Balloon Bomb." And here is how to make it. Ingredients: ============ (1> For a small bomb: a plastic bag. Not too big. For something big(ger): a green, plastic garbage bag. (2> Some "Fun-Snaps". A dozen should be more than enough. (3> Some garbage bag twisties. String would also do. (4> A few rocks. Not too heavy, but depends on size of bomb and desired velocity of balloon/bomb. (5> PRIME INGREDIENT: Acetylene. This is what is used in acetylene torches. More on this substance later. (6> One or more eager Anarchists. NOTES: ====== Acetylene is a fairly dangerous substance. It is unstable upon contact with oxygen (air). For this reason, and for your safety, I recommend you keep all of the acetylene AWAY from any source of oxygen. This means don't let it get in touch with air. Construction: ============= (1> Fill up a bathtub with cold water. Make it VERY full. (2> Now get put you garbage bag in the water and fill it with water. Make sure ALL air/oxygen is out of the bag before proceeding. (3> Now take your acetylene source (I used it straight from the torch, and I recommend this way also.), and fill the bag up with acetylene. (4> Now, being careful with the acetylene, take the bag out of the tub and tie the opening shut with the twisty or string. Let the balloon dry off now. (Put it in a safe place.) (5> Okay. Now that it is dry and filled with acetlene, open it up and drop a few rocks in there. Also add some Fun-Snaps. The rocks will carry the balloon down, and the Fun-Snaps will spark upon impact, thus setting off the highly inflammable acetylene. *BABOOM!* (6> Now put the twisty or string back on VERY tightly. You now have a delicate but powerful balloon bomb. To use: ======= Just drop off of a cliff, airplane, building, or whatever. It will hit the ground a explode in a fireball. Be careful you are not near the explosion site. And be careful you are not directly above the blast or the fireball may rise and give you a few nasty burns. Have fun! But be careful... NOTE: I, The Clashmaster, am in NO WAY responsible for the use ===== of this information in any way. This is for purely informational purposes only! This has been a 2600 Club production. -=*Clash*=- 2600 Club _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents... ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 8 of 8 Schools and University Numbers `````````````````````````````` Harvard University 617-732-1251 Yale 203-436-2111 District 214 312-398-8170 Chicago Board of Education 312-254-1919 Spence Schools 212-369-5114 University of Texas 214-688-1400 University of Missouri 314-341-2776 314-341-2910 (1200) 314-341-2141 Cal-Tech 213-687-4662 University of Nevada 402-472-5065 Princeton University 609-452-6736 Stony Brook University 516-246-9000 Depaul 312-939-8388 University of San Diego 619-452-6792 RPI School 518-220-6603 William State University 313-577-0260 Harvard 617-732-1802 Stockton 209-944-4523 Northwestern 312-492-3094 Circle Campus 312-996-5100 312-996-6320 University of Mexico 505-588-3351 University of Florida 904-644-2261 Queens College 212-520-7719 University of Denver 303-753-2737 303-753-2733 University of Syracuse 315-423-1313 University of Illinois 312-996-5100 University of Virginia 703-328-8086 MIT Research 1-800-545-0085 St.Louis Community College 314-645-1289 SIUE 618-692-2400 618-692-2401 618-692-2402 618-692-2403 618-692-2404 618-692-2405 618-692-2406 618-692-2407 618-692-2408 Universiti------- 215-787-1011 Willaim -------- 313-577-0260 University of Florida 904-392-5533 Col & Union College 301-279-0632 Georgia State 404-568-2131 University of Mass. 413-545-1600 Purdue 317-494-1900 Northwestern 312-492-7110 University of New Mexico 505-227-3351 University of Texas 214-688-1400 Temple University 215-787-1010 Melville High School 516-751-6806 UCSD 619-452-6900 Oakland Schools 313-857-9500 University of Maryland 301-454-6111 California St. Fulerton 714-773-3111 N.Y.U. 212-777-7600 University of San Diego 619-293-4510 University of Colorado 303-447-2540 University of Colorado 303-447-2538 MIT Research 617-258-6001 Dartmouth College 603-643-63q0 Spence School 212-369-5114 University of Washington 206-543-9713 University of Washington 206-543-9714 University of Washington 206-543-9715 University of Washington 206-543-9716 University of Washington 206-543-9717 University of NC 919-549-0881 Harvard-Law,Busi,Med Sch. 617-732-1251 Virginia University 703-328-8086 WVU 304-293-2921 thru 304-293-2939 WVU 304-293-4300 thru 304-293-4309 WVU(1200)304-293-4701 thru 304-293-4708 WVU(1200)304-293-5591 thru 304-293-5594 WVU(134.5 bps) 304-293-3601 WVU(134.5 bps) 304-293-3602 Lake Wash. School 206-828-3499 University of San Diego 619-452-6792 RPL School 518-220-6603 Another School 212-369-5114 Harvard 617-732-1251 Harvard 617-732-1802 William State University 313-577-0260 Florida University 904-644-2261 Wayne State 313-577-0260 U of F 904-644-2261 High School 513-644-3840 ``````````````````````````````````````` File provided by the Alliance 6 1 8 - 6 6 7 - 3 8 2 5 7 p m - 7 a m Uploaded by Phantom Phreaker .