Computer underground Digest Sun Sep 28, 2025 Volume 9 : Issue 71 ISSN 1004-042X Editor: Jim Thomas ( News Editor: Gordon Meyer ( Archivist: Brendan Kehoe Shadow Master: Stanton McCandlish Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala Ian Dickinson Field Agent Extraordinaire: David Smith Cu Digest Homepage: CONTENTS, #9.71 (Sun, Sep 28, 2025) File 1--The Silicon Bomb (fwd) File 2--Freelancers Lose Copyright Claim for Works Put On E-databases File 3--SAFE crypto bill cracked again (fwd) File 4--Markup - HR 695 SECURITY AND FREEDOM THROUGH ENCRYPTION (SAFE) File 5--A few URLS addressing anti-spam legislation File 6--Texas Judge Enjoins "Spamming" File 7--'wanna Fight Big Brother? Politcal Action Kit available File 8--Anti-Terrorist Squad Orders Political Censorship Of The File 9--cDc GDU #22 (cult of the Dead cow fwd) File 10--Cu Digest Header Info (unchanged since 7 May, 1997) CuD ADMINISTRATIVE, EDITORIAL, AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION APPEARS IN THE CONCLUDING FILE AT THE END OF EACH ISSUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2025 14:21:08 -0400 From: "George Smith [CRYPTN]" <> Subject: File 1--The Silicon Bomb (fwd) The Netly News Today's News The Silicon Bomb by George Smith September 25, 2025 Which would you rather have export controls on, technology used for encryption or technology used in the development of nuclear weaponry? The answer is obvious to most people. Everyone, that is, but the U.S. government. Here's the conundrum: The mandarins of law enforcement say that encryption must be controlled, because homegrown terrorists and thugs can use it to make their communications and records invulnerable. But machines employed in the engineering of modern thermonuclear bombs can be sold to Russian scientists in the former Soviet Union's most famous nuclear weapons shop. It's true, and the story goes like this. More than a year ago, Gary Milhollin, the director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control in Washington, D.C., discovered that Silicon Graphics had sold four supercomputers to Russian scientists at the nuclear weapons lab known as Chelyabinsk-70. Nothing happened for a couple of months until Milhollin issued a widely published editorial in late February of this year. In it, Milhollin wrote, "[the Russians] got the computers just in time to continue the arms race. Russia's minister of atomic energy, Viktor Mikhailov, told the press recently that Moscow... will now design its warheads with simulated explosions, using the computers from Silicon Graphics." Around the same time the Department of Commerce, along with the Department of Justice, began a criminal investigation of the case. According to export controls, technology capable of being used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons is not to be sold to nuclear weapons labs in Russia, Pakistan and China. That part of the equation is a no-brainer. However, Milhollin wrote that Silicon Graphic's CEO, Edward McCracken, told him the company didn't know what Chelyabinsk did. John Thompson, head of corporate communications at the Mountain View company, said in interview that officials at Chelyabinsk-70 said they wanted the computers for "environmental research." "That's their story," said Milhollin in an interview. "It's like someone saying they don't know what Los Alamos does." You see, control of the transfer of technology useful in the of nuclear weapons has become infinitely more complicated since the height of the Cold War. In the case of computers, as they've advanced rapidly in processing power, the industry has lobbied aggressively for revision of export controls, saying that such controls do little except hurt American business. The argument is that since processing power is always increasing, sooner or later clients like the Russians will be able to buy it from anyone, so controls do little good. "...The quantum advancement of technology and its widespread foreign availability have made export controls on desk-top and desk-side computer systems obsolete and ineffective," said one industry press release on the matter in 1995. "[Relaxing export controls] frees up sales of a wide variety of computers without shackling... customers with onerous security conditions...." This is similar to the arguments fielded by concerned Netizens against control of encryption, with one small exception: The first U.S hydrogen bomb blew a crater one mile wide in the Pacific atoll of Eniwetok. The four machines, for which Silicon Graphics was paid $200,000, aren't really supercomputers, argued Thompson. At Silicon Graphics, he said, they're thought of as "desktop servers," capable of 2.9 billion operations per second -- 150 times less powerful than supercomputers made by Cray Research. Conversely, a 486 PC -- what this article is being written on -- is capable of approximately 12.5 million operations per second. Compared to it, the SGI machines in question are, relatively speaking, Crays. But this argument falls on deaf ears today. Because, in response to pressure from the computer industry, the Clinton administration abolished the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls in 1994. This informal forum associated with NATO helped coordinate policy and review potential exports to the former Soviet Union and other proscribed destinations. And in 1995 the administration issued a new, more relaxed set of controls on computing power. The new controls divided world nations into four categories, of which only two are interesting: Category D -- which includes Iraq, Iran and North Korea, nations that are completely embargoed; and Category C -- the next lowest tier, which includes Russia. In tier C no government review is required for sale of computers capable of between two and seven billion operations per second to civilians. An export license -- a review -- is required for potential sales to military sites. The SGI computers are rated at 2.9 billion operations per second. Thus, since Silicon Graphics insisted it was unaware of Chelyabinsk-70's true nature, there was no need to review the sale. Note that the processing power threshold for government review prior the Clinton administration's revision was 1.5 billion operations per second, which would have probably nixed the SGI sale. Of course, Thompson claims that although Silicon Graphics is cooperating fully with the criminal investigation, there is still some question about whether or not the company's machines were capable of being used in the testing and design of thermonuclear weapons. Perhaps, but it's an argument that ignores history. Theoretical physicists working on the hydrogen bomb in 1949 yearned for computing power greater than the ENIAC, a machine horribly antiquated by today's standards. The scientists had difficulty making any progress since the main obstacle standing in the way of the hydrogen bomb's development was an elaborate calculation dealing with the thermonuclear reaction. Without the calculation, the scientists thought testing would be extremely difficult because no one would be able to determine if a bomb failed because the thermonuclear reaction wasn't feasible or because a simple mechanical malfunction had occurred. Because of the SGI case, two congressmen -- Rep. Floyd Spence (R-S.C.) and Rep. Ron Dellums (D-Calif.) recently compiled a report asking for yet another revision in supercomputer export controls. George Smith is the author of the book "The Virus Creation Labs." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2025 15:51:59 GMT From: "ACLU Cyber-Liberties Update Owner" Subject: File 2--Freelancers Lose Copyright Claim for Works Put On E-databases Source - ACLU Cyber-Liberties Update, Tuesday, September 2, 2025 Publishers may put their periodicals on electronic databases without the permission of freelance writers who provide work for their print publications, according to a recent decision by the Southern District of New York. The case was brought by six freelance writers who claimed copyright violations because their articles had been sold by newspapers or magazines after publication and uploaded onto CD-ROMs or electronic databases. The writers claimed that there was no written agreement spelling out their rights for articles that they had written for print versions of the publications including the New York Times, Sports Illustrated and Newsday, thereby giving the publishers a windfall when they resold or made the works available to on-line publications. The court stated that there is no real precedent governing electronic technologies and the application of Section 201(c) of the Copyright Act of 1976, which permits reproduction of ''collective works,'' and held that putting the stories on-line was not an inappropriate exploitation of the freelancers' works. While the court recognized that the ruling "deprives plaintiffs of certain benefits associated with their creations,'' it called on Congress to revise copyright laws to provide a more equitable result. Full text of the decision is available at the New York Law Journal Extra site at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2025 07:59:46 -0500 (CDT) From: Charles Stanford Subject: File 3--SAFE crypto bill cracked again (fwd) SAFE crypto bill cracked again By Alex Lash and Dan Goodin September 12, 2025, 8:40 a.m. PT For the second time in a week, a House committee has made significant changes to the Security and Freedom through Encryption (SAFE) Act to mandate that domestic encryption products give law enforcement agencies access to users' messages. The changes by the Intelligence Committee, which were passed as a "substitute" to SAFE, turn the legislation on its head. The amendment follows similar changes two days ago in the House National Security Committee. Initially drafted as a way to loosen U.S. export controls on encryption, legislators have instead "marked up" the bill, or amended it at the committee level, to reflect the wishes of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies that want "wiretap" access to all encrypted email and other digital files. Both the Intelligence and the National Security committees tend to favor export controls, because they view encryption as a threat to information-gathering activities by U.S. military and law enforcement officials. The Intelligence Committee cited those concerns today when announcing the substitute legislation. "Terrorist groups...drug cartels...and those who proliferate in deadly chemical and biological weapons are all formidable opponents of peace and security in the global society," said committee chairman Porter Goss (R-Florida) in a statement. "These bad actors must know that the U.S. law enforcement and national security agencies, working under proper oversight, will have the tools to frustrate illegal and deadly activity and bring international criminals to justice." Opponents of government attempts to regulate encryption, including a leading panel of cryptographers, have argued that built-in access to encrypted files would in fact threaten national and individual security and be prohibitively expensive to implement. The amended legislation calls for all imported or U.S.-made encryption products that are manufactured or distributed after January 31, 2025, to provide "immediate access" to the decrypted text if the law officials present a court order. "Law enforcement will specifically be required to obtain a separate court order to have the data, including communications, decrypted." A markup of the same bill in the House Commerce Committee was postponed today for two weeks. It will be the fifth such committee vote on the bill since its introduction. The Intelligence and National Security amendments this week are by no means a defeat of the bill. Instead, they would have to be reconciled with versions of the bill already approved by the House Judiciary and International Relations committees. That reconciliation most likely would have to happen on the House floor. The rapidly fragmenting bill still has several layers of procedure to wend through before it reaches a potential floor vote, but people on both sides of the encryption debate openly question if the bill--in any form--will make it that far this year. The legislation has 252 cosponsors, more than half of the House membership. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2025 17:05:57 -0500 From: cudigest@SUN.SOCI.NIU.EDU(Computer underground Digest) Subject: File 4--Markup - HR 695 SECURITY AND FREEDOM THROUGH ENCRYPTION (SAFE) Source - Full Committee Markup September 24, 2025 2123 Rayburn House Office Building PDF Versions of Committee Print and Amendments will be available by 11:00 AM EDT [IMAGE] Some of the the documents below have been created using Adobe Acrobat. To view these documents, you will need the Adobe PDF Viewer H.R. 695 SECURITY AND FREEDOM THROUGH ENCRYPTION (SAFE) ACT, was ordered reported, amended, by a roll call vote of 44 yeas to 6 nays (Roll Call Vote #42). A unanimous consent request by Mr. Bliley to discharge the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection from further consideration and proceed to the immediate consideration of H.R. 695, as reported to the House by the Committee on the Judiciary, was agreed to without objection. The following amendments were offered. An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute by Mr. Tauzin, #1, was AGREED TO, amended, by a voice vote. (A unanimous consent request by Mr. Tauzin to have the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute considered as base text for purposes of amendment was agreed to without objection.) An amendment to the Tauzin Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute by Mr. Markey, #1A, was AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 40 yeas to 11 nays (Roll Call Vote #41). An amendment by Mr. Oxley to the Markey Amendment to the Tauzin Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, #1A(1), was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 16 yeas to 35 nays (Roll Call Vote #40). An amendment to the Tauzin Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute by Mr. Tauzin, #1B, was AGREED TO by a voice vote. THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED SUBJECT TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR U.S. House Seal The Committee on Commerce 2125 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20255 (202) 225-2927 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2025 09:13:20 -0700 From: Simeon.Nevel@Schwab.COM Subject: File 5--A few URLS addressing anti-spam legislation I have just finished reading CU-Digest #9.70. I thought I would pass along to you (and the other CUD readers if you think it appropriate) a pointer to a *very* interesting legal research paper (by Michael W. Carroll of the Georgetown University Law Center) regarding the regulation of UCE. Check out http://server.Berkeley.EDU/BTLJ/articles/11-2/carroll.html It describes the legal theories behind the regulation of other sorts of unsolicited commercial communications (junk fax, telephone solicitation, door-to-door sales and junk mail) and examines their applicability to regulation of junk e-mail. I haven't the legal backgroud to attest to the *quality* of that analysis, but it does make for interesting reading. ========================== Another very interesting net.resource on legal issues on the cyber frontier is This is where the link to Carroll's paper originated. There are papers dealing with all sort of issues including free speech issues, intellectual property, privacy and cryptography. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2025 22:07:42 -0500 From: Jon Lebkowsky Subject: File 6--Texas Judge Enjoins "Spamming" Source - ************************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TEXAS JUDGE ENJOINS "SPAMMING" OF INTERNET BY CALIFORNIA STUDENT AND COMPANY Austin, Texas, September 22, 2025: A Texas Court has entered a temporary injunction against a California college student and his company, prohibiting further "spamming" of the Internet without consent. Several Internet leaders in Austin filed the lawsuit earlier this year, claiming that Craig Nowak and his company, C.N. Enterprises, had illegally used the return address of an Austin business when he sent out a mass commercial solicitation by Internet electronic mail. The lawsuit was filed by Tracy LaQuey Parker, a leading Internet author, who owned the rights to the domain named "" which Nowak and his company used without her permission. Mr. Nowak's unsolicited mass mailing, known as a "spam," offered for sale information on "Free Cash Gran= ts" for $19.95. Mr. Nowak's "spam" used Ms. Parker's domain name in the electronic return address, which allowed Mr. Nowak to avoid receiving thousands of return-to-sender messages and the inevitable hate mail from recipients who despise the controversial practice of "spamming." Ms. Parker received thousands of such return messages, preventing her from accessing her Internet account for hours and temporarily shutting down her Internet service provider's mail servers. In essence, the lawsuit claims, Mr. Nowak used Ms. Parker's mailbox as his personal trash bin. Spamming is being criticized at all levels of the industry. Upon hearing of the lawsuit, Vint Cerf, Senior Vice President for MCI Telecommunications, also known as "the father of the Internet," said, "Spamming is the scourge of electronic mail and newsgroups on the Internet. It can seriously interfere with the operation of public services, to say nothing of the effect it may have on any individual=EDs mail system. Spammers are, in effect, taking resources away from users and service suppliers without compensation and without authorization. MCI was the first in the industry to publicly announce its policy against spamming and will be watching the decision in this case with great interest." The court order, entered last Wednesday, September 17, by Travis County District Judge Scott McCown, prohibits Nowak, his company, and those "acting in concert" with him, from using Ms. Parker's domain name in any electronic mailings, or from using any Internet domain name as a return address without the owner's permission. Judge McCown also ordered Mr. Nowak to respond to discovery requests served upon him and set the case for trial on November 10, 2025. Joining Ms. Parker in the lawsuit are her business partners, Peter Rauch, and her husband, Patrick Parker, who also used the domain name. Also suing Nowak is Ms. Parker's Internet service provider at the time, Zilker Internet Park, which had to deal with the consequences of the flood of returned junk mail messages. They are joined by two Internet interest groups, the Texas Internet Service Providers' Association and EFF-Austin. Both groups fear the damage done to the Internet by mass mailings of the sort at issue in this lawsuit. Ms. Parker said she was pleased with the court's ruling. "Judge McCown seemed to quickly understand the harm that this type of irresponsible use of the Internet can cause people like me and small businesses like Zilker," she said. "We hope that this ruling sends a message not only to the defendants, but to everyone who is abusing the Internet in this way." Pete Kennedy, the lawyer who is representing Ms. Parker and the others, commented that, "While Internet service providers are trying to combat "spam" with technical means, there is also a need to set a clear legal precedent that people do not have the right to send Internet junk mail and use other people's e-mail accounts as their personal junkyard." # # # For more information, contact: Plaintiffs: Tracy LaQuey Parker and Patrick Parker (512) 454-7748 Smoot Carl-Mitchell and John Quarterman, Zilker Internet Park (512) 451-76= 20 Gene Crick, Texas Internet Service Providers Association (TISPA) (512) 303-1021 Jon Lebkowsky, EFF-Austin (512) 477-5566 x. 171 (day), (512) 444-5175 (eve) Lawyers: Peter D. Kennedy or Roger Williams George, Donaldson & Ford, LLP (512) 495-1400 Media Contact: Peggy Hubble or Sondra Runnells MEM/Hubble Communications (512) 480-8961 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2025 17:01:27 -0400 From: David HM Spector Subject: File 7--'wanna Fight Big Brother? Politcal Action Kit available ...not having much in the way of sleep since reading Louis Freeh's testimony and his plans to assault the US Constitution I decided to do something about it, and try to develop something that would help others get involved too... I would like to announce the availability of a Personal Political Action Kit (PersPAK). It contains full databases of members of the House and the Senate and may be used for mail merging, faxing, email campaigns, as well as plain old phone calls. The data were culled from the House and Senate directories that are on the Web, and are current as of September 3, 2025. The datasets are provided in two formats, tab-delimited and as an Excel spreadsheet. Two sample letters are included that show how to use the mail-merge features of Office95/97, along with a README file that will step users through the basics of using this kit and offers some hints on what to say -- and sometimes more importantly NOT to say -- in a letter to their congress-folk. The kit can be accessed at: I plan on updating this toolkit with more features soon with some more tools, and the ability to send mail/faxes to entire committees (as opposed to picking congress persons/senators by individually), some Java Applets to auto-generate letters, etc. I'm making it available under the GNU Public License, so feel free to use this kit as a base for other tools. Constructive criticism/ideas may be sent to ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2025 07:23:34 -0400 From: Paul Kneisel Subject: File 8--Anti-Terrorist Squad Orders Political Censorship Of The The following press release was issued this morning by the Campaign for Internet Freedom Press release: immediate 18 September 2025 Anti-Terrorist Squad Orders Political Censorship Of The Internet In the first move of its kind in the UK, Scotland Yard's Anti-Terrorist Squad yesterday shut down Internet Freedom's UK web site. Claiming to be acting against terrorism, the Squad demanded that Easynet PLC, Internet Freedom's UK Internet Service Provider, remove the entire content of the site from the web. Internet Freedom is one of the foremost anti-censorship campaigns in the UK. The web site featured the latest Net censorship news, links to other anti-censorship campaigns, carefully researched articles about censorship and a regular controversy feature. The section of the site that was alleged to contain 'terrorist material' related to a feature on the Euskal Herria Journal - a New York based political publication. The online magazine supports Basque independence and contains maps of the region, cartoons and an online petition to the Spanish government. The Journal had been originally suspended by its US Internet Service Provider following an extended email campaign which brought the host server to a standstill. In opposition to its censorship, Internet Freedom, along with a number of other organisations and individuals, hosted a copy of the suspended site or 'mirror site', together with a bulletin board for Net users to express their views. As a consequence of the Squad's actions, Internet Freedom has been forced to move its news operations to its US site at where anybody with access to the web may examine the site and judge the content for themselves. Chris Ellison, co-founder of CIF said: Those who argue in favour of censorship on the Net claim that it is to prevent the spread of pornography or paedophilia. Yesterday's act of blatant political censorship shows the consequences of accepting the need for regulations and controls. Whatever one might think about the Euskal Herria Journal and its entirely ordinary content, it is important that they be allowed put their views across. We are calling on the whole of the Net community to support us by mirroring Internet Freedom's site. Internet Freedom has always prided itself on exposing acts of censorship that have been dressed in some other garb. Now we have been met with the most blatant act of political censorship imaginable: the shutting down of our site. If there was ever a time for Net users to defend free speech, that time is now. For further comment call Chris Ellison on 0956 129 518 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2025 00:19:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: File 9--cDc GDU #22 (cult of the Dead cow fwd) _ _ ((___)) [ x x ] cDc communications \ / Global Domination Update #22 (' ') September 1st, 1997 (U) Est. 1984 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: DEEP-FRIED ATTITUDE FOR A WORLD STARVED FOR SUPERHEROES CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) regrets the delay in releasing our glorious Global Domination Update. What with George Clooney hopping onto Princess Diana's coffin to settle old scores with the tabloids, it's been hell trying to get a word in edgewise. But we bear our burdens and move on. And so it is -- after much grieving and maudlin songs -- that the CULT OF THE DEAD COW releases two file packs of five files each, anoints one new member and expands on our work with the Hong Kong Blondes. As our young people skip off to school, lunch pails bursting with wholesome treats and whistling their favorite video bits, we at the CULT OF THE DEAD COW DISTANCE LEARNING CENTER have labored long and hard to shine a light in the darkness -- sort of like high-beams along the information superhighway. Our crack team of learning experts have put together a wack packet of mind expanding mayhem in the hope that it will be the one thing that keeps our youth from purchasing firearms, or seeking employment in Redmond. We take special pride in announcing a new member to our ranks who goes by the name, SirDystic. He is rumored to be the child of Seymour Cray and an unknown showgirl. We found him living in a dumpster with a Palm Pilot, a case of Astroglide and his latest text file. Remember the Internet worm? Imagine the same thing, only _bigger_. An automated, systemic infection of the Internet -- all made possible because of the success of Bill Gates' dream of a computer in every home, running Windows. With a little work and SirDystic's file, this is just one possibility. It was a long hot summer for the HERD. The heat off the flashpacks and klieg lights at DefCon and H.O.P.E. were trying, but they come with the territory. Grandmaster Ratte's breakthrough performance at DefCon was the talk of Las Vegas, as was Microsoft's idle promise to give cDc Hacker Laureate Mudge the keys to the kingdom. Kaiser Wilhelm's star braun-nosers, Karan Khanna (head of NT Marketing) and Paul Leech (one of the main developers and author of the CIFS specification) promised Mudge a subscription to DevNet for a year and a link to the L0pht's site from Microsoft's Web page. Waiting - still waiting. And of the many happy memories at H.O.P.E., the CULT OF THE DEAD COW'S official announcement of our strategic alliance with the Hong Kong Blondes was received to deafening applause. The Hong Kong Blondes are a group of computer scientists and human rights activists who have taken the revolution on-line. They are active in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. And you can bet you'll be hearing a lot more about the real meaning of payback if the government of geriatric kleptocrats don't keep their word on social reform. Check the new cDc homepage ( for future announcements. And support human rights in China -- the cDc does. Oh, one last morsel. The CULT OF THE DEAD COW has been requested by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to take over the EFF's ftp archives. The circle is now complete. The group that for so long has contributed to the computer underground will soon become the official custodian of its content. (Look for a full announcement soon.) And you thought we didn't have a plan. Damn, we're good. _ _ the tedium is the message _ _ ((___)) INFORMATION IS JUNK MAIL ((___)) [ x x ] _ [ x x ] \ / _ |_|_ _ _|_ _|_ |_ _ _| _ _. _| _ _ \ / (' ') (_|_|| |_ (_) | |_ | |(/_ (_|(/_(_|(_| (_(_)\_/\_/ (' ') (U) (U) .ooM cDc communications .ooM deal with it NEW RELEASES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1997: deal with it ________________________________/text files\________________________________ 331:"Angry Sun" by Franken Gibe. It's sundown on satori. If you like sand up your ass or you're just plain photophobic, this one's for you. 332:"Don't Talk to Cops" by Robert W. Zeuner. Mom says never to talk to strangers and Bessie says "Don't talk to the Man". Find out why. 333:"BELLK0RE Exposed!" by Oderus Urungus. This d00d smells somethin' bad. And with a name like his, y'all know he's onto da shit. 334:"Making a Mess at 7-11" by Snarfblat. Bored? Stupid? No girlfriend? Practice making a mess so you'll have it all mastered for your first basement apartment. 335:"Milk and Blood" by Lady Carolin. If the pasture's a-rockin, don't come a-knockin'. Notes from a damp commando. *** 336:"I'd Rather be Dead than Live in California" by Oxblood Ruffin. The land of sunshine sucks more than your favorite hustler. Read and learn. 337:"Reid Fleming: Lady Killer" by Reid Fleming. What do you do with a chick whose twat looks like a three ring binder? Find out from the cDc's own man of steel. 338:"Who's Gonna Get Screwed Today? NetBIOS Attacks over TCP" by SirDystic. Our latest member turns Bill Gates into his personal prison bitch. Bend over, big boy. This will only hurt you in the wallet. 339:"Political Rant #1" by The Nightstalker. If he needs your opinion he'll give it to you. But you have to learn the Macarena all by yourself. 340:"Hacking PC/Payroll for Windows" by Tarkin Darklighter. Why buy lotto tickets when you can hack all the cash you need? Remember kidZz - this file's just for educational purposes. Reading is FUNdamental! _______________________________/ - x X x - \________________________________ Thanks to the following items of influence this time around: WAREZ: BeOS - the cDc's official operating system - and Dem0nseed ELITE MUSIC: The Meters, DJ COLDCUT, Kid Koala (remember - you heard about the Kid here first.) FOOD: The Quadropounder PRINT: Chuck Yeager autobiography, anything by Harold Innis BUGS: Any two girlies from Montreal Fools better recognize: CULT OF THE DEAD COW is a publication and trademark of cDc communications. Established in 1984, cDc is the largest and oldest organization of the telecommunications underground worldwide, and inventor of the "e-zine." Every issue is produced on an Apple II for genuine old-school flavor. You thirst for our body of work, you know you do. Find it at these fine locations, among others: World Wide Web: FTP/Gopher: in pub/cDc Usenet: BBS: 806/794-4362 Entry:KILL For further information, contact: Email: Postal: POB 53011, Lubbock, TX, 79453, USA If you have a file to submit, send it to: Sincerely, Grandmaster Ratte' cDc/Editor, Fearless Leader, and Pontiff "We're into text philes for the girlies and the money." #### By Oxblood Ruffin, Reid Fleming, Omega & GRatte'. Copyright (c) 1997 cDc communications. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 May 2025 22:51:01 CST From: CuD Moderators Subject: File 10--Cu Digest Header Info (unchanged since 7 May, 1997) Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost electronically. CuD is available as a Usenet newsgroup: Or, to subscribe, send post with this in the "Subject:: line: SUBSCRIBE CU-DIGEST Send the message to: DO NOT SEND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE MODERATORS. The editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-6436), fax (815-753-6302) or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA. To UNSUB, send a one-line message: UNSUB CU-DIGEST Send it to CU-DIGEST-REQUEST@WEBER.UCSD.EDU (NOTE: The address you unsub must correspond to your From: line) Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT libraries and in the VIRUS/SECURITY library; from America Online in the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;" On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG; on RIPCO BBS (312) 528-5020 (and via Ripco on internet); CuD is also available via Fidonet File Request from 1:11/70; unlisted nodes and points welcome. In ITALY: ZERO! BBS: +39-11-2019540 UNITED STATES: ( in /pub/CuD/CuD Web-accessible from: ( in /pub/Publications/CuD/ ( in /pub/eff/cud/ in /src/wuarchive/doc/EFF/Publications/CuD/ in /doc/EFF/Publications/CuD/ EUROPE: in pub/doc/CuD/CuD/ (Finland) in pub/cud/ (United Kingdom) The most recent issues of CuD can be obtained from the Cu Digest WWW site at: URL: COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ------------------------------ End of Computer Underground Digest #9.71 ************************************